Hey Joe: Where Are All the EV Charging Stations?

The Biden administration has spent tens of billions of dollars on green energy, yet last year the U.S. and the world used record amounts of fossil fuels. That would seem to be prima facie evidence that this "great ...

Afghanistan South

Heeding the advice of Gen. David Petraeus, Barack Obama has committed 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan and will keep 50,000 in Iraq after U.S. combat operations end in August 2010. But are U.S. vital interests more ...

Whittaker Chambers Versus Ayn Rand

Leave it to National Review to post Whittaker Chambers ignorant tirade directed at Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged on the 50th anniversary of the book's publication. The accompanying note reads: "€œ2005 marks the fiftieth ...

The Resurrection of the Socialist Idea

When the Soviet Union's ramshackle empire imploded, and what Louis Bromfield called the "€œworldwide psychopathic cult"€ of Communism fell into an embarrassed quietude, it seemed the socialist dream was over. As it ...

Dhimmis on the Thames

Some columns offer to write themselves. It’s hard to imagine a juicier piece of news than a call by the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury for the British legal system to incorporate Sharia"€”the Islamic legal code. ...

Libertarians in Heaven

Antonio Rosmini (1797-1855), a truly great and greatly neglected philosopher of liberty, was not only a theist, a Catholic, a priest, indeed, the founder of religious orders for men and women"€”and, since November 18, a ...

The Other Michele

I’ve come to admire Michele Bachmann, especially since she nailed Timothy Geithner to the wall while repeatedly asking him what provision in the Constitution gave the Treasury Department the authority to manage ...

Jörg Haider (1950-2008)

On Saturday morning, around 1 am, Jörg Haider, the charismatic Austrian nationalist leader, died in an accident in foggy weather on a dangerous road outside Klagenfurt, the capital of Carinthia, the province of which ...

Little Miss Zionist Gossip Queen

I never meant for this half-arsed attempt at a blog to be a chronicle of my private life; the world really can do without another navel-gazing self-flagellating self-important repetition of a normal life's banalities. But ...

D’Annunzio, Mussolini, and the Fate of Empires

D'Annunzio's sexual gymnastics did not help his reputation with literary critics, who passed moral judgements instead of assessing his work. He was an obvious target for irony, especially by Anglo-Saxons, such was his ...

Friends Whom I Dislike

It's funny to see John McCain realize, so late in the game, that he really does want to be president"€”even more than he wants the editors of Washington monthlies to admire him. For most of this campaign, he has behaved ...

Sergeant Crowley

Sunday, professor Louis Henry Gates retreated from his threat to sue Sgt. James Crowley. Friday, President Obama retreated from his charge that the Cambridge cops “acted stupidly.” As Crowley has not budged an ...

Summer Reading

Although this all too brief commentary cannot do full justice to the three works that recently arrived in my mail, it should provide useful information about each of them. The first that came to my hand Wandlungen des ...

The “€œGood War”€ and the Terrible Peace

In attacking my book Churchill, Hitler and ‘The Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World, Victor Davis Hanson, the court historian of the neoconservatives, charges me with ...

Political Theater

In my younger days, I participated in a bit of political theater.  (The Ted Kennedy Swim Team, which waded through a fountain on the Senate side of the Capitol grounds on the 20th anniversary of Chappaquiddick, was ...

Hating the Middle Class

The liberals hate the middle class. There, I said it, and I am glad. Once again I am a truth teller, in this case speaking truth to stone heads. So certain am I of the truth of my asseveration that I honestly doubt any ...

The Good Ol’ Days

New York. It’s up early every day before 8 a.m. and a brisk walk through the park before breakfast on the way to judo practice. A pale green washes the fields, daffodils pushing through the crusty earth. The joggers are ...

Bush & Cheney: It’s Time to Resign

Logically, Cheney and Bush should resign forthwith. That is the only honest course of action. The conviction of Libby convicts them. Surely, Patrick Fitzgerald and his team realize that. But wisely, Fitzgerald has not gone ...

Britain is the New Greece

As I write, the political situation in Britain has many of her citizens bewildered. Despite the staggering deficits and economic shocks, the good people of Britain voted with their hearts rather than their heads. Not being ...

The Obama Cons

While reading Rod Dreher's recent essay on "€œPutting Faith in Obama,"€ I began to feel like I was watching the final two minutes of many a B-grade vampire flick. It's a bright summer day, the hero has killed off all ...

A Road Not Taken: Distributism

Yesterday I drew on the Niall Ferguson’s latest history of the 20th century to show how two vaunted alternatives to liberal capitalism—socialism (the fetish of class) and tribalism (the fetish of race)—all ...

The Cost of Free Money

Some politicians and activists are eager to give you "free" money. They call it universal basic income (UBI) -- cash for everyone, no strings attached. Comedian Dave Chappelle thinks UBI would "save my community almost ...

The Texas Textbook Debate

On March 12, the Texas State Board of Education voted along party lines to revise the state's social studies curriculum. The new standards for history textbooks, which reflect the board's conservative bent, have elicited ...

Merry Old England No More

The “fin de saison” feeling is like the end of term in boarding school. Bittersweet. At school one was cocooned from the big bad outside world, here in Gstaad, far from the crowds and bustle, one has time to ponder the ...

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