Halloween: The Seven Deadly Courses

Make your front door the gateway to the spooky realm of purgative suffering by hanging the entrance, inside and out, with thick black velvet curtains. Keep the lighting dim, and improvise a fog machine with dry ice and a ...

A Storm in a Tea Cup

The most disgusting aspect of the nationwide “tea party” protests that took place on Tax Day last week was the media coverage. Wrote The News Tribune‘s Dana Booth “Those who scoff at people who ...

Paint Him Black

Dripping with malice, envy and venom, hacks are having the time of their life as Conrad Black goes to trial in Chicago, a city known for its smiling wallet-lifters and corrupt public officials. Not since Fat Bob Maxwell ...

Lukacs, Buchanan, and “€œAnti-anticommunism”€

It's not particularly surprising that in his critique of Pat Buchanan's new book and highly controversial interpretation of Churchill, John Lukacs would reduce the Second World War down to a morality play and claim that ...

A Damn Foolish Thing

I"€™ve been reluctant to write about Israel's bombardment and invasion of Gaza this past two weeks for the simple reason that the ordeal has struck me as, to borrow a phrase from Bismarck, "€œsome damned foolish ...

We”€™re All Socialists Now

In an interview with Philadelphia-based radio host Michael Smerconish, President Obama said the following about critics who called his healthcare proposal “socialist:” “FDR was called a socialist when he ...

A Hypocrisy That Can Win Again

Someone once told to me that at a John Randolph Club meeting back in the "€˜90s, a man in the audience asked Sam Francis whether a recent GOP initiative, a big new social program or backdoor amnesty or some such thing, ...

Swiss Seductions

Nicola Anouilh is the only son of the great French playwright Jean Anouilh—more than 70 plays, including Antigone, Becket and La Sauvage—and a close friend since Paris in the Sixties. He was of a generation just below ...

Revolting Elites and Their Pet Amnesty

Here's one aspect of the amnesty which no one is talking about: The moment each of these illegals receives his walking papers, he will be eligible for affirmative action preferences over every white male in America. ...

The Lie of Assimilation

Steven LaTulippe’s article today, “Let’s Sit Out World War IV,” has much to recommend it, and I doubt that anyone associated with Taki’s Top Drawer is likely to disagree with LaTulippe’s ...

Bring Our Marines Home

A month after Germany surrendered in May 1945, America’s eyes turned to the Far East, where the bloodiest battle of the Pacific war was joined on the island of Okinawa. Twelve thousand U.S. soldiers and Marines would ...

Here and There

Hypocrisy Watch —Okay, so Egypt is brokering a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, and meetings have been held between the three parties in Cairo, so will somebody please remind me why-oh-why negotiating with one of ...


Greece was not green like I had expected from Renaissance poetry about Arcadia. Delphi and Athens were a bust. Stones and tourists in the searing summer heat. So it was off to the islands. I met Count de Stefano on the ...

How I Became a Domestic Terrorist

A secret Missouri State police report, “entitled "€˜The Modern Militia Movement,"€™ and dated February 20, 2009,” is warning about subversives like ... me. Apparently, this scribe has the makings of a ...

Queen of the Court

A modern ritual which annoys me rather a lot is that of having to see Billie Jean King’s bloated face and dyed hair during opening and closing Grand Slam tennis ceremonies. King was a hell of a player, but much too ...

Another God That Failed

“America is Losing the Free World,” was the arresting headline over the Financial Times column by Gideon Rachman. His thesis: The largest democracies of South America, Africa, the Middle East and ...

Was Wilhelm Just Another “€œW”€?

The latest issue of The American Conservative (July 14) includes a provocative symposium on whether World War II should be considered "€œthe good war"€ and, no less significant, whether Winston Churchill deserves the ...

Dodgy Brooklyn

Peggy Noonan was a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan and is a graceful essayist and good Catholic lady who happens to be a political conservative. I haven’t seen her in years but sometimes we exchange emails. She has written ...

American Nation

My original plan for this post was to address the question of what “hubristic patriotism” is, but I will take a detour and address some of Dan’s points from his most recent post.  There is clearly a ...

William F. Buckley Jr.”€”R.I.P.

The death of William F. Buckley, Jr., is, for me at least, the closing of a chapter in my own history, both personal and ideological. Buckley, you see, was my childhood hero. His magazine, the National Review, was ...

The Boys from Brussels

As everyone who has ever visited Belgium knows, the place is crawling with pedophiles, most of them in government and in service to the European Union. Scandal after scandal has been hushed up because it involved ...

Born in the USA?

When it comes to conspiracy theorists, whether it be those who question the official report on the assassination of JFK, those who wonder whether the Apollo moon landing actually happened or even those who believe the U.S. ...

Want Change? Start with Your Underwear.

Professional comics have an old saw that says, “Never go on after a kid or an animal.” But this week I have no choice. America’s hog and pony show dragged on for more than a year, and we’ll be ...

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