Save Your Candles”€”the Dark Ages Are Coming!

Editor Richard Spencer has asked me"€”and indeed all the Takimag gang"€”to record our predictions for the coming year, but I have to say that I take this to mean he wants us to get our fingers moving and write ...

Rendering Unto Caesar

At the request of the White House, Georgetown University covered up all the symbols in Gaston Hall, before the Great Man spoke, including IHS, the millennia-old monogram for the name of Jesus Christ. Ignatius of Loyola, ...

Of Snobs and Slobs

People to the manor born simply do not disapprove of those born in lesser circumstances than themselves. To the contrary, a duke is much more at ease with his dustman than with a hedge fund vulgarian who tries to ape the ...

There is No “€œU”€ in “€œWinner”€

So there I was at the 21 Club, eating raw meat with The Gun Lady….    That was the best journalistic lede I ever wrote—and it never saw print. My editor at a second-tier business paper snipped it ...

Maxed Out

With much fanfare this week, Congress and the Administration began a series of actions designed to protect over-leveraged consumers from the high fees imposed by credit card lenders. As with most other initiatives devised ...

The Architecture of Perpetual War

Much has been written about the military industrial complex: its obscene cost overruns; the corrupt relations between the uniformed military, the contractors, and Congress; the wild threat inflation. Too little studied has ...

The Varieties of Anaesthetic Experience

It was a balmy New England dawn, in that brief slice of the year when our clime is as mild as Malibu's and the pine trees bend in sweet obeisance to the breeze.... On such a day, a man of my years climbs from the coverlets ...

Pius XII: Sourcing the Slanders

The whole horror of National Socialism is not concentrated in its nationalism, but in the combination of these two sterile and anti-human ideologies. Ironically enough, nationalism (unlike patriotism, of which it is the ...

The Origins of the Pod People

I have been slogging through Podhoretz's new manifesto, World War IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism. It's true that each new great eruption by Podhoretz adds nothing new to his canon, but rather marks his ongoing ...

Barack Hussein Obama’s Happy Muslim Rainbow Tour

"€œAs the Holy [sic!] Koran tells us, Be conscious of God and speak always the truth,"€ President Obama told his audience at the beginning of his much heralded speech in Cairo last week. It was a remarkable ...

Stop Baiting the Judts

No politician except for those wishing to retire immediately will risk the wrath of the Israel ...

There Will Be Full-Bloodedness

So ladies and gentlemen, if I say I am an Americanist you will agree. ~There Will Be Blood (modified)   A few days ago, I saw the original story that reported the remark of one Josh Fry of West Virginia, which has ...

Anti-Catholicism and the New York Times

“Anti-Catholicism,” said writer Peter Viereck, “is the anti-Semitism of the intellectual.” It is “the deepest-held bias in the history of the American people,” said Arthur Schlesinger ...

At Last”€”A Real Patriotic Song for England

A brave, moving, entirely positive song about the need to love one's native land and culture--even if you happen, horror of horrors, to be descended from the people who brought the world parliamentary democracy, the Magna ...

Agen DominoQQ Online dgn alat Terlengkap

seluruh penjudi senantiasa menginginkan sarana kumplit dari tiap-tiap web judi dominoQQ online yg mereka ikuti. elemen ini yg pass mendasari bahwa tak seluruhnya agen judi sanggup wujudkan itu seluruhnya demi jadi agen judi ...

Katyn and “€˜The Good War”€™

The decapitation of the Polish government last weekend, including President Lech Kaczynski and the military leadership, on that flight to Smolensk to commemorate the Katyn Massacre, brings to mind the terrible and tragic ...

Obama and the Left

His campaign slogan boasts of "€œChange We Can Believe In."€ He tells voters that "€œAmericans are hungry for a new kind of politics."€ Rolling Stone dubs him "€œA New Hope."€ Barack Obama is the identikit ...

Is Driver’s Ed a Liberal Art?

Some immigrants assimilate more slowly than others. My best friend from childhood had parents from Abruzzi who lived in NYC for 40 years and never learned English"€”the need for it never arose. I guess I"€™m another ...

One More Failure

Benazir Bhutto may have been ruthless, conniving, and a “puppet of Pakistan’s military and security services,” as Leon Hadar argues in the January 2008 issue of Chronicles, but make no mistake: Her ...

Bush Declares Something Accomplished

Wearing the same flight suit he had worn in 2003, though he appeared to have it on backwards, Bush stressed the significance of the new holiday, declaring, "€œWell, anyway, we"€™ve accomplished something. We"€™ve ...

Sobering Thoughts

There's nothing to put a damper on your columns about food and wine like a grumpy old doctor who tells you have to lose 50 pounds. A dour World War II Navy veteran, he was the only Cigna doctor with an open appointment, and ...

Reasoning About Reason

In the ongoing debate over the merits of Reason, I have not really said anything, but I should say a few things.  The tendency that Justin and Thomas Woods critique so well is a habit that has negatively affected ...

Why I Kissed a G-Man

Her vulgarity and crassness aside, Paris Hilton is butt ugly, tout court. With her, it was go from the very minute her white trash parents began to exhibit her in New York nightclubs. She has neither charm nor looks, lives ...

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