Reasoning About Reason

In the ongoing debate over the merits of Reason, I have not really said anything, but I should say a few things.  The tendency that Justin and Thomas Woods critique so well is a habit that has negatively affected ...

Obama and the Left

His campaign slogan boasts of "€œChange We Can Believe In."€ He tells voters that "€œAmericans are hungry for a new kind of politics."€ Rolling Stone dubs him "€œA New Hope."€ Barack Obama is the identikit ...

Sobering Thoughts

There's nothing to put a damper on your columns about food and wine like a grumpy old doctor who tells you have to lose 50 pounds. A dour World War II Navy veteran, he was the only Cigna doctor with an open appointment, and ...

Bush Declares Something Accomplished

Wearing the same flight suit he had worn in 2003, though he appeared to have it on backwards, Bush stressed the significance of the new holiday, declaring, "€œWell, anyway, we"€™ve accomplished something. We"€™ve ...

Lehman Bros. Revisited

As we pass the one year anniversary of the fall of Lehman Brothers, journalists, politicians and market analysts have seized on the occasion to offer seemingly sober assessments of what went wrong and what went right in the ...

Why I Kissed a G-Man

Her vulgarity and crassness aside, Paris Hilton is butt ugly, tout court. With her, it was go from the very minute her white trash parents began to exhibit her in New York nightclubs. She has neither charm nor looks, lives ...

The End of Frum?

David Frum has been purged off into the sunset at NR... He’s leaving his NRO blogging gig at the end of the year and plans to start up a new website called “” We could, of course, indulge ...

Of Wise Turks and Foolish Christians

In the last few months, it was common enough to see people invoking the apocryphal quote attributed to Martin Luther, “It is better to be ruled by a wise Turk than a foolish Christian.” It would take something ...

The Death of God

This classic prayer of the Church, which pictures Jesus addressing the crowd which called for His death, speaks to every sinner. It is the perfect meditation for this, the most solemn day of the year: O my people, what ...

Stalin is Dead; Long Live Don Giovanni!

It was 1890, and the opera was Lucia di Lamermoor. The Donizetti masterpiece was conducted by a Bulgarian maestro and the opera house--recently opened--was filled by Greek society in the good seats, and by poor people, who ...

Mad Max

Sometimes neoconservatives, (or should I say movement conservatives?) say things that are so stupid that one mistakes them for satire. Last week the New York Post republished an opinion piece from the Commentary blog ...

Mapquest to Serfdom

There’s nothing to shake your residual faith in journalists than to see a news report of an event in which you took part, or read a media account of yourself (especially a friendly one that unwittingly links you to ...

The Demarche Hare

Kim Jung-Il’s dictatorial taste in cinema, cuisine, and above all public sculpture remains deeply mysterious, witness the fusion of folk culture and socialist realism in the Lunar Rabbit Zodiac Memorial installed at ...

There Are No Neocons in Foxholes

The only good thing to emerge from that tragic war - one that I covered and one that I backed to the hilt until the very last day - was that it ruined LBJ's prospects of running for a second term. It cost 58,000 American ...


NEW YORK—A funny thing happened to me on my way out from a party on November 17 in London. I was temporarily confused until I ran into Naomi Campbell in the Royal Hospital Gardens. She was carrying some packages into ...

Killing Women and Children First

The anniversaries passed with little fanfare in America. No nation really likes to remember its crimes. Stories appeared about the bombings in the German and Japanese press—though both nations feel honor-bound to ...

Fidel’s Mini-Me Cracks Down

On May 30, the Los Angeles Times and the Kansas City Star ran an op-ed by Bart Jones that was so effusive in its praise of Chavez it would be difficult to distinguish from his official propaganda. The problem with the ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Leary, Dreary, and New Yeary Headlines INMATE, OUTMATE Biden concluded 2024 by commuting the sentences of every federal death row inmate, including child-killers and mass murderers. He left only three ...

Sadomasochist Nation

When the Soviet Union collapsed, it seemed for 20 minutes or so that America might revert from being a crusade back into a country. For 50 years, we’d served as the arsenal of democracy, its moneybags, its poolhall ...

The White House Steroid Scandal

Hubris (TM) had originally been patented by Nemesis, the Greek pharmaceuticals giant, but was withdrawn after questions were raised. The literature on the drug, which dates back to the 5th century B.C., lists serious ...

Revolt of an Elite

Last year, on a radio talk show, New York City’s former Mayor Ed Koch voiced a cliche that’s near and dear to the hearts of many blacks. I was reminded of this cliche while hearing a version of it from a young ...

Hitchens’ Hate

I must take my hat off to Tom Piatak and F.J. Sarto for the Christopher (social climber) Hitchens piece on my web site. Also the numerous readers who wrote in praising Tom for exposing probably the phoniest and most ...

Among the Gibbering Journalists

The other day in The Wall Street Journal, my friend Fred Barnes deposited a few thoughts on journalism provoked by the discovery to a mother lode of left-wing bigotry, screeds and semi-literate gibbering. He hastened to ...

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