Is the GOP Too Conservative?
Does anyone really believe voters are now enamored with Barack Obama because they despise conservatism and love liberalism? Americans aren’t that ideological. After 100 days in office, Obama’s popularity remains ...
Does anyone really believe voters are now enamored with Barack Obama because they despise conservatism and love liberalism? Americans aren’t that ideological. After 100 days in office, Obama’s popularity remains ...
I originally planned to devote this blog to three books that had crossed my desk, none of which will likely receive the publicity it deserves. These worthwhile books are Terrence Zuber's study of the piecemeal, defensive ...
The latest validation of James Burnham’s insight that “liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide” comes from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams. As the Daily Mail reported recently, Dr. ...
It all began when PM Constantine Karamanlis named his old friend Mr. Zachopoulos as the general secretary of the Ministry of Culture. Zachopoulos, a fatty and rather short even for a Greek, was married, but began an affair ...
"Crony capitalism" is a term often applied to foreign nations where government interference circumvents market forces. The practice is widely associated with tin-pot dictators and second-rate economies. In such a ...
Have you heard about the "bee-pocalypse?" My new video explains. Honeybees are dying! It's another environmental crisis we're supposed to worry about. The media call it "bee-pocalypse" and "bee-mageddon!" A YouTube ...
Redistribution of wealth is in full swing in the U.K. under Keir Starmer’s Labour Party, but a lesser-known project is the redistribution of organs. I don’t mean church organs. I mean body parts. A change in the law on ...
10 Picks for the Week Centre Pompidou-Metz Paris’ gorgeous center of modern art, The Pompidou, has opened its first extension—in Metz, a small city 170 miles east of its home-city. Why travel to Metz, you say? ...
Last Tuesday, 60-year-old Robert A. Letcher showed up for a rally outside a congressional office in Columbus, Ohio, and decided he no longer could just stand there as an angry crowd screamed obscenities at him and fellow ...
It is a quiet, country road going uphill. I had a beer for breakfast in the train station at the foot of the hill. I’m on the road to Vierzehnheiligen. The professor of European literature from England wanted me to ...
10 Picks for the Week Birth of Rome, April 21 Not every city celebrates its birth, but of course proud Rome does—and why not? It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Romulus, who was suckled by a ...
10 Picks for the Week Expo 2010 Shanghai China, May 1 - Oct 31 Better grab your Purell if you want to make the trip to what looks like the busiest place on earth; 70 million visitors are expected. The theme is ...
A few years ago, the French Chamber of Deputies was debating a bill to prohibit the wearing of “ostentatious” religious symbols in state institutions. The proposed law, drafted as the affirmation of a universal ...
Joe Biden and Donald Trump fight about everything. But they agree about one thing: tariffs, the subject of my new video. Trump imposed tariffs on steel, aluminum, washing machines, solar panels and other products from ...
Dick Cheney is giving the Republican Party a demonstration of how to fight a popular president. Stake out defensible high ground, do not surrender an inch, then go onto the attack. The ground on which Cheney has chosen to ...
Two weeks ago Murray Sabrin announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate in New Jersey. Sabrin is a business professor at Ramapo College and a high profile fixture among right-wing super-libertarians, having moonlighted at ...
For those who can yet recall the backyard blast furnaces of Mao’s China in the 1950s and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution to re-instill peasant values in the 1970s, the news was jarring. In 2011, said the ...
It has to be said that punching Perez Hilton is something that has crossed my mind more than once. I find this blogger about celebrities who has become a celebrity (although Z list as yet) in his own right insufferably ...
Tom raises an important point in this brief post. As I have said countless times before, all democratic politics is identity politics, and identity politics should not be a phrase reserved for minority ...
If actions speak louder than words, President Obama is cutting America free of George Bush’s wars and coming home. For his bottom line Tuesday night was that all U.S. forces will be out of Iraq by mid-2011 and the ...
To say two men who live together and engage in sex can be married renders the idea and ideal of marriage meaningless. The court may declare it, but it cannot redefine an institution that nature and nature’s God have ...
Stay busy, and keep your eyes on the ...
As another G20 meeting rolls around, this time on home soil, the time comes once again for the economically curious but politically unconnected to wonder what is really happening behind closed doors. But while admiring the ...
To declare an interest, I should say that I have had some ancestors in this country, or more technically on this continent, for 370 years, one of whom helped found the town of Newburyport, Massachusetts, and most of the ...