German Weasels
Last week it was annual Holocaust Memorial Day—ironically, I personally failed to remember this fact, otherwise I would have written this present column to fit in with it. However, I was soon reminded of the occasion ...
Last week it was annual Holocaust Memorial Day—ironically, I personally failed to remember this fact, otherwise I would have written this present column to fit in with it. However, I was soon reminded of the occasion ...
How do you handle a romance between a Europhile Yankee (from New York CITY, no less) who pines for the Habsburgs and a patriotic sorority girl from Texas? Gingerly, with generous quantities of wit and Belgian beer (though ...
Dear Wordworm, I received your recent note, which was rife with glee as you reflected on the ongoing string of statements made by American Catholic bishops and lay politicians in support of unregulated immigration into that ...
That a man whose entire career had been defined by his staunch fidelity to the American taxpayer would throw it all away by committing infidelity seemed like a fate fit for some other politician. In his political life, ...
Boy, I sure am glad I was never the 25-year-old repository for the hopes and dreams of an entire region of the country. What’s it like to be LeBron James? I have no idea. I’m just grateful that I was allowed my ...
Plus, the city of Metz takes on Paris, war film Lebanon puts The Hurt Locker to shame, and the Dia Art Institute opens an unconventional space Sympathy for the Devil In this collection of short stories the reader gets to ...
Cheney and Bush will not be impeached and they cannot be stopped from attacking Iran. There is no way a Democratic-controlled Capitol Hill in 2007-2008 is going to impeach Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy. Why? Simply ...
At Easter 1215, a young Tuscan married woman innocently flirted in public with a man not her husband. He flirted back just as innocently, and then things got out of hand. A vendetta was declared between Guelf and Gibel, two ...
As president, Barack Obama "would reject the Bush Doctrine of preemption and regime change and replace it with a doctrine of prevention and cooperation and, ladies and gentlemen, this is the biggest ticket item that we ...
Today is the 65th anniversary of D-Day, but I find it strange that it is being commemorated without the Germans. It takes two to tango and two to fight, except back then, when it took the Americans, British, Canadians, and ...
There are two types of “conservative” Republicans. The type who believes that government is broken, but only needs Republicans to better manage it, and those who believe we need to actually reduce government. ...
In the struggle between ideology and reality, ideology often emerges victorious—for a time only, however, reality being that which cannot be indefinitely denied. As Horace said, albeit in Latin, “Though you drive out ...
Back when Treasury Secretary "Hank" Paulson was informing us all that the U.S. economy was "fundamentally healthy," and the global economy A-okay, Peter Schiff was saying something quite different, ...
I guess I"m supposed to be shocked and dismayed by the clips, released this weekend, of Prince Harry using some rather mild racial language and generally acting like a buffoon while his First Mechanized Brigade's tours ...
Does the “Scooter” Libby commutation story have legs? Will it make any real difference in terms of bringing back a modicum of integrity and honesty to the capital of the world’s last standing ...
On Saturday, March 8, 2008, President George W. Bush vetoed a congressional bill that would have explicitly banned interrogation techniques like waterboarding. In doing so, Bush cemented his worthiness of impeachment. The ...
With “controlling costs” a primary goal of Obamacare, and half of all medical costs coming in the last six months of life, “rationed care” takes on a new meaning for us all. London’s Telegraph ...
My friend Andrew Roberts has inherited the title of “historian of the English-speaking people” from Winston Churchill. Churchill wrote his four-volume history up to 1900. Roberts took up the story from there and ...
The opposition in Iran, as elsewhere, uses the language of human rights to assert its moral superiority over its enemies in their seats of power. Opposition spokesmen point to government kangaroo courts, rapes, beatings, ...
In the latest issue of National Review, one finds a laudatory review of a new doorstop biography of Franklin Roosevelt. Among other things, the author of this review credits Roosevelt with reducing the unemployment rate ...
Last week I spent some days in Washington, D.C. for a conference organized by Fran Griffin at the National Press Club. The subject was Sam Francis, and his terrific book, Shots Fired, about America’s culture wars. Alas, ...
We’ve had so much grim news since Christmas past, The flourishing of Takimag is one of the few bits of tangible good news to which I can cling as winter sets in. In my capacity as the site’s designated ...
In the comments on my previous post on the Connecticut bishops’ decision to allow Catholic hospitals to administer the Plan B “morning after pill” to rape victims who do not pass a pregnancy test, Adriana ...
One thing about paleocons—they’re not predictable. When I mentioned in a previous article the fact that Pius XII helped save Jews and Serbs from genocide through (among many tactics) ordering priests to issue ...