The Year of the Pinata

After a year as bad as 2008, trying to imagine what God’s permissive will—or incipient wrath—has in store for us this year seems almost churlish, or masochistic. Should I lay out a series of catastrophic ...

The Second Battle of Copenhagen

Before President Obama even landed at Andrews Air Force Base, returning from his mission to Copenhagen to win the 2016 Olympic Games, Chicago had been voted off the island. Many shared the lamentation of Indiana Gov. ...

DEI Hires Unite!

Last week, Donald Trump unaccountably blamed DEI for the catastrophic plane crash in Washington, D.C. -- a claim that was "baseless" and "without evidence," as noted a very reasonable 1 million times by the media. ...

How the Homintern Won in Massachusetts

Homosexuals picture themselves as on the defensive. They claim they are discriminated against. In fact, they are on the offensive. Their lobby has evolved into one of the more powerful lobbies in the country. They are ...

Did Somebody Say Secession?

For many, the question of American secession was settled once-and-for-all by Abraham Lincoln’s military victory against the South in 1865. Not so, writes author Kirkpatrick Sale: “Of course it is true that the ...

Mating Habits Among Humans

In one of his best TAC columns, Fred Reed took issue with the kind of contrived story telling engaged in by many of the practitioners of so-called "€œevolutionary psychology,"€ including one fellow, whom Reed came ...

Can Beagles Cause Blindness?

I know this is supposed to be a lifestyle column, but each week I seem to find out that one or more of the habits which makes my life liveable could also possibly kill me. Last week it was eating and drinking. I responded ...

Trusted Most: Men With Guns

Public confidence in Congress has plummeted to the lowest level of any institution since Gallup began asking the question in 1973. One-half of all Americans have little or no confidence in the Congress. Only 11 percent ...

Years of Service

There is a mordant Eskimo proverb that says a good butler is worth at least three wives. The only trouble being I’ve never heard of an Eskimo with a butler. Gianni Agnelli had two he couldn’t do without: Pasquale, until ...

The Big Business Myth

Would it surprise you to hear that the New York Times has managed an economics fail? Again? No, I suppose it probably wouldn’t but you will at least be interested in finding out which part of the dismal science ...

In the Age of Obama

Metaphor of the month: Jack Shafer, in Slate, writes: "€œNobody in TV news stir-fries his ideas and serves them to the audience faster than MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. Drawing from a larder filled with old ...

The Stab in the Back

In the frantic post-election scramble for a plausible narrative of How Things Went So Wrong, we see the outlines of the future battle for what’s left of the conservative movement, and the party it fitfully influences. ...

War & Peace

“And this shall be a sign unto you: You shall find the infant wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger. “And suddenly there was with the Angel a multitude of the heavenly army, praising God, and ...

George McGovern Conservatives

In the The American Conservative, Dan McCarthy presents as a hero of the antiwar Right former South Dakota senator and onetime Democratic candidate for the presidency, George McGovern (1922- ). From Dan's account, it seems ...

After Paleoconservatism (II)

Almost two weeks, Dr. Gottfried wrote a helpful clarification of his earlier article about paleoconservatism, elaborating on some of the points I and others had challenged.  After reading the more recent item, I agree ...

The Unconscious of a Liberal

Almost begrudgingly, I remain a conservative despite the rampant hypocrisy, ineptness and illogic of many who subscribe to the label. I also remain a conservative because no matter how stupid it gets, liberalism is ...

Cultural Caviar

10 Picks for the Week RHS Chelsea Flower Show, London, May 25 - May 29 Gardeners and flower lovers of this world unite every spring at the world's most famous flower show on London's Royal Hospital Road. Prince Charles ...

Mr. Rat Goes to Washington

A recent profile in a New York glossy described him as a member of Wall Street aristocracy, a man to whose parties the rich and powerful trip over themselves to attend, a networker nonpareil, in short, the greatest big ...

McChrystal’s Firing Not Worth a Footnote

Patrick Buchanan commented on Friday about the cashiering of General Stanley McChrystal. Buchanan focused upon the dissimilarities between Obama’s firing of McChrystal and President Harry Truman’s firing of ...

Swilling from the America’s Cup

Larry Ellison, the chief executive of the software giant Oracle and the world's 11th richest man, according to Forbes magazine, is not imbued by an ounce of grace or elementary good manners. He has constructed a basketball ...

Easter, Beer, and Yeast

Easter was once something more than an uptick on the sales charts of the milk-chocolate industry. Instead, it was like the last day of a very bad school"€”a feast of liberation, an end to dreary rules, celibacy, and ...

I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus: Queer Santa

You know the tiny little sparkly-winged angel you have sitting anally impaled on the top of your Christmas tree? She’s dressed all in white, isn’t she? So have you ever considered the sheer embarrassment if she happens ...

Deadly Alliance

In Israel, a country stolen from the Palestinians, fanatics control the government. One of the fanatics is the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Last week, Netanyahu called for “crippling sanctions” against ...

Neocons for Ahmadinejad

Conservatives seemed to have finally learned their lesson on supporting big government Republicanism at home. But few seem willing to reject the other half of that “toxic mixture” of big government abroad, or ...

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