Housing: The Bubble That Hasn”€™t Burst (Yet)

While economists and real estate investors “celebrate” the slight deceleration in the pace of home price declines in the recent data, a quick look at home price trajectories over the past 100 and 50 years ...

On Name-Stealing and Misplaced Catholic Anger

New York. In the forty-five years I spent going to Annabel’s I never once heard anyone say “let’s go to Birley’s.” It was Annabel’s or Harry’s, or Mark’s, but never Birley’s. Now I read that Richard ...

An Excerpt From “€˜The Wrong Stuff”€™

            I was impressed. In less than five minutes, Magda here had managed to check us in, book us our wake-up calls, add our Ibis points onto our Ibis Elite Members Club Cards, ...

Fool Me Twice?

Does anyone remember all the lies that they were told by President Bush and the “mainstream media” about the grave threat to America from weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? These lies were repeated endlessly ...

Falstaff in a Fedora

If Taki were a singer, he would be George Melly. Alas, if Taki were George Melly, he would be dead. George Melly was a "€œfat and fairly famous"€ (his second wife's words) British entertainer. He died in London on July ...

Non-Catholics Are Grieving, Too

As a columnist who isn’t Catholic, I used to feel that whatever happened in the Church was a whole lot of none of my business. It was as if I lacked standing and my status as a Protestant would call my motives into ...

Racialism As Pseudo-“€˜Science”€™

What prompted this whole discussion about race and alleged racial differences—Christopher Roach’s post here, and my response—was the presidential campaign of Barack Obama, his rise as the putative ...

The Snare Of Progress

Grant Havers’ post on a number of prominent learned Tories included a brief mention of one of my favorite modern philosophers, the Canadian George Grant, whose criticisms of the American right and American empire ...

Spies Like Us

Well, well, well, now it appears that even the Soviet—strike that!—Russian prime minister, Vladimir Putin, is afflicted by the general mediocrity of the moment. There was never any reason to doubt that the ...

Hitchens’s Trotskyite Morality

Did Hitler’s crimes justify the Allies’ terror-bombing of Germany? Indeed they did, answers Christopher Hitchens in his Newsweek response to my new book, Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War: “The ...

Abandonment Issues

When America is about to throw an ally to the wolves, we follow an established ritual. We discover that the man we supported was never really morally fit to be a friend or partner of the United States. When Chiang ...

“€œThe Troubles”€ Continue

Under discussion: Watching the Door: Cheating Death in 1970s Belfast, Atlantic Books (2009), 288 pages.  The recent killings in Northern Ireland have everybody over there wondering whether this is a dying sputter of ...

Joe Biden’s Constitution

As Tom Woods and I demonstrate in our new book, Who Killed the Constitution?  The Fate of American Liberty from World War I to George W. Bush, there is a bipartisan consensus in all three branches of the federal ...

The Apologist

For 50 minutes, Obama sat mute, as a Marxist thug from Nicaragua delivered his diatribe, charging America with a century of terrorist aggression in Central America. After Daniel Ortega finished spitting in our face, ...

A Greek in the Temple of Venus

The extravaganza was made possible by the city which turned over some of its most historic sights to Valentino and the Oscar winning film designer Dante Ferretti, who proceeded to put up 40 classical columns illuminated ...

What al Sweilem party it Is

In what may count as the first wine commercial starring a Wahabi mullah, Omar Al-Sweilem waxes lyrical on what awaits the suicide bombing classes on the first 72 of their 1001 Arabian nights in Paradise: the text hardly ...

Beware the Penitent Gadarene

Last week’s column I managed to offend a fair swathe of my audience by using an acronym I didn’t make up in reference to the GOP’s vice-presidential candidate. Lesson learned: From now on, I’ll refer ...

Beggars at the Feast

When A Moveable Feast was published in 1964, I had been living in Paris for six years. I was 27 and in love with Papa Hemingway’s favorite city, one that he described as “a mistress who always has new lovers.” One ...

Boats Before Bullets

Owning a boat, especially a sailing yacht, is like having a beautiful mistress with your wife's approval. This is the good news. The bad is that a boat is even more expensive than a high class ...

Where Have All the Dragons Gone?

“Goblins and devils have long vanished from the Alps, and so many years have passed without any well-authenticated account of a discovery of a dragon that dragons too may be considered to have migrated.” So the ...

Obama and Black Pride

As a conservative I have little use for Obama's politics, but as an American and more specifically a Southerner, I think I can understand the excitement, particularly in the black community. Listening to urban radio this ...

Gilbert & George go to The Netherlands, Mad Men Returns

Plus, Olivia Munn makes you laugh (until you cry), Pitchfork launches a new music blog, and Australia celebrates winter Serpentine Gallery Pavilion, London, through October 17 This year, Hyde Park's Serpentine Gallery ...

Our Worthless Elites

A lot of cyber-ink has been spilled over a post by Ross Douthat arguing that grassroots populists need elites.   At one level, of course, Douthat is perfectly correct:  every political movement needs a ...

The Gospel of Hope

Considering certain recent discussions on this website, readers might find the release today of Pope Benedict XVI’s second encyclical, Spe salvi, of some interest. In particular, the Holy Father stresses that ...

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