Shakedown in Copenhagen

If you would know what Copenhagen is all about, hearken to this nugget in The Washington Post’s report from the Danish capital. “Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenari—who is representing all of Africa ...

The Southern Poverty Smearbund

The posturing of the Southern Poverty Law Center is symptomatic of the "€œanti-fascist"€ hysteria that has already swept over Western and Central Europe. By now the current anti-fascist fury has resulted in the ...

Prescription for Disaster

The health care bill unveiled this week by the House of Representatives (with the full support of the Obama administration) is one of the worst pieces of legislation ever drafted. If passed, it will reduce the quality and ...

Taki Gets Spiked

Libel laws are supposedly not as strict as they used to be, but don’t you believe it. For example, and I will not mention politically incorrect things one was permitted to write in jest back then. When Liberace died of ...

Cheney Made Us Less Safe

On the subject of torture, former CIA terrorism expert Michael Scheuer obviously disagrees with President Obama. He also disagrees with me. But he also disagrees with both Obama and Dick Cheney, when it comes to the bigger ...

To Johnny Mercer, A True Romantic

Which evokes a romantic memory better, a fragrance or a melody? The latter, I am sure, despite the times I’ve felt a tug at my heart when some sweet young thing breezed by me followed by the aroma of Chanel no 5, the ...

Secession In The Air

No, it is not 1860 again. But with all the talk of the 10th Amendment, nullification and interposition, states rights and secession—following Gov. Rick Perry’s misstatement that Texas, on entering the Union in ...

Happy Days

Strike up the band, boys, happy days are here again! Recently released short-term economic data, including unemployment claims, non-farm payrolls, home sales, and business spending, which had been so unambiguously horrific ...

Threat Deflation

In Leaderless Jihad, former Foreign Service Officer Marc Sageman, now a University of Pennsylvania professor,distills what he learned from years of reading the daily feed of intelligence, both classified and open ...

Just Don’t Fly Delta

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Let me take you away from politics for a bit, and bring you down here to Myrtle Beach, a down market Miami Beach but with much nicer and friendlier locals. There is even a Hemingway ...

An Excerpt From “€˜The Wrong Stuff”€™: Part II

My instinctive reaction to what had just happened and indeed to the events of the day itself, was, of course, to head straight for the minibar. I found it lurking underneath the T.V on the right hand side of the room, a ...

On Lincoln-Bashing

As the Lincoln-basher in residence, I suppose I should say a few things about Grant Havers’ article on the subject.  Mr. Havers states at the beginning of his article: In the conservative house divided, almost ...

Immigration Restriction”€”Ruined by its Success?

At first read, Scott McConnell's review of Mark Krikorian's The New Case Against Immigration"€”Both Legal and Illegal seems like a rather courteous, and not particularly surprising, examination of the volume. McConnell ...

Remembering the Great Fitzgerald

Having sat on a boat for the last five weeks, I’ve had plenty of time to reflect, and reflect I did. Getting old tends to make one look back, nostaligize for that green light of the dock, and, of course,  the ...

Only the Feminists Can Save Europe!

One probably shouldn"€™t look to the New York Times for analysis of the ongoing Death of the West; however, Russell Shorto's latest article in the Magazine, "€œNo Babies?"€ is worth considering, if only because ...

The Race for 3rd Place

This election cycle was an even bigger missed opportunity than 2000. The issues Pat Buchanan ran on"€”foreign policy, trade, and immigration"€”are all more salient now than they were eight years ago. Not only are ...

Race, Nationalism, and Patriotism, Part I: Race

The furor raised over John Zmirak’s eminently sensible posts “The VDare Monologues” (84 comments, as I write this) and “Rejecting Racialism” (57 comments) has convinced me that the time has ...

“€œExperts”€ Never Learn

There is an inexplicable, but somehow widely held, belief that stock market movements are predictive of economic conditions. As such, the current rally in U.S. stock prices has caused many people to conclude that the ...

Regime Change Redux

For all practical purposes, we are at war with Iran. One wonders what the White House is waiting for. The EU is in the bag. Capitol Hill, taking its cue from AIPAC, plus all the front-running presidential contenders of both ...

What War With Iran Means

“Diplomacy has failed,” Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., told AIPAC, “Iran is on the verge of becoming nuclear and we cannot afford that.” “We have to contemplate the final option,” said ...

Big Brother in Brussels

On September 11, a number of Flemish politicians from the Vlaams Belang [Flemish Interest] party were arrested for attending a banned rally protesting "€œThe Islamization of Europe."€ As pictures and videos that ...

The Economy is a Lie, too

Americans cannot get any truth out of their government about anything, the economy included. Americans are being driven into the ground economically, with 1 million schoolchildren now homeless, while Federal Reserve ...

Monkey Show

I want to make something very, very clear. This column’s review of the autobiography of Cheeta, Tarzan’s chimpanzee, has absolutely nothing to do with the man who just got elected to the White House last month. ...

DEI Hires Unite!

Last week, Donald Trump unaccountably blamed DEI for the catastrophic plane crash in Washington, D.C. -- a claim that was "baseless" and "without evidence," as noted a very reasonable 1 million times by the media. ...

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