The Quota Queen

If the U.S. Senate rejects race-based justice, Sonia Sotomayor will never sit on the Supreme Court. Because that is what Sonia is all about. As the New York Times reported Saturday, the salient cause of her career has ...

Iran’s Tiananmen moment

On Dec. 14, 1825, following the death of Alexander I—who had seen off Napoleon—his brother, the grand duke, who had just taken the oath as Czar Nicholas I, was confronted by mutinous troops and rebels in Senate ...

Let’s Not Re-Fight the Last War in Iran

The Iraq Campaign has more or less discredited the idea of preemptive war to stop the acquisition of nuclear weapons by unfriendly nations.  But does our unlucky situation in Iraq mean we should never use force to ...

Meditations on Hatred

The U.S. Congress just passed the latest example of hate crime legislation, the Matthew Shepard Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. These laws have become very popular over the last decade, and their purpose ...

Nicholas II for Tsar

On February 25, 1917, Russian soldiers serving Tsar Nicholas II in St. Petersburg faced a choice. On November 4, 2008, Americans voters will stand in the same position. They must choose between a crooked, bumbling oligarchy ...

Rewriting History

Rewriting History Every now and then I am forced to retch with disgust as I read some choice slander in the neoconservative press. Such a reaction occurred recently while I was looking at a picture of Tom Cruise in the New ...

Ignorance Is Bliss

While all the talk at present is about economic corners turned and markets charging ahead, no one is paying much notice to an American economy deteriorating before our eyes. These myopic commentators seem to be simply ...

California’s Coup D”€™Etat

The primary system is a good one provided that it is stretched over several months. From the Iowa Caucuses in January to the California Primary in June potential nominees could be vetted by the electorate. It was a time for ...

In my last piece at Taki’s Magazine, I discussed the unprecedented phenomenon of a few Republican Party pollsters and strategists admitting, most times begrudgingly, that winning more White votes might be more ...

Israel and Us

If I had to live in the Middle East, I would want to live in Israel, a modern, democratic country with a productive economy, including a burgeoning high-tech sector, and a rich cultural and intellectual life.  There is ...

Play Time/Jail Time

What does it take for a parent to get arrested? Surprisingly little. Scott and Heather Wallace of Hewitt, Texas, encourage their three boys to play outside on their own to build independence. One day, driving home from ...

The More Things Change…

The war waged by the U.S.-led North Atlantic Alliance against Serbia started ten years ago and it is substantively unfinished to this day. That Clinton's war was illegal, illegitimate, aggressively premeditated, justified ...


Though it's been said that a "€œliberal"€ is someone willing to argue against his own position in a dispute, a characteristic quality of the contemporary American variety is that he thinks anyone who disagrees with him ...

Two Funerals and a Quagmire

Another friend's farewell, this time at West Point, where Commander Tim Vogel was buried with full military honours. Some of you oldies may have seen the film The Bridges of Toko-Ri, starring William Holden, Grace Kelly, ...

In Praise of the Writer’s Strike

As all the world knows, the Writers"€™ Guild of America is on strike against the studios and the networks. This television season is a wreck; next year's is apparently over before it has begun.The Golden Globes were ...

The War on Your Racism

Just one day after the tragic shooting at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial, London’s Daily Mail confirmed a ominous connection: “White supremacist who opened fire ‘has links to the BNP.’” With the ...

Up For Debate

The fourth and last time I debated at the Oxford Union was three or four years ago, and it was a total disaster. The motion was that Katrina’s aftermath was Bush’s fault, and I was against it. A quarter of a century ...

Truly Conservative?

Yglesias says: The crux of the matter is that while truly conservative foreign policy thought has a long history of wrongness in the United States it’s rarely genuinely held sway on the big issues. Presidents ...

Diana Deserves Better

The night Diana died I was dining with Jeremy Menuhin, son of the great violinist, and my close friend Oliver Gilmour, a symphony orchestra conductor.  This was in Gstaad, and we got into an argument over ...

Hire Americans First!

September’s unemployment figures were not only disappointing—they were grim. For the 21st straight month, Americans lost jobs. Fifteen million are out of work—5 million for more than six months. But as ...

The New Hope (Same as the Old Hope)

In the candidacy of Barack Obama, one sees the history of the American Left writ small. Obama is an heir to the paternalist dynasty of the populists, progressives, New Deal, and Great Society; the Hull House-style passivism ...

Obama’s Problems”€”And Ours

We inherited the worst situation since the Great Depression. That is the reflexive response of President Obama to the troubles from which he has been unable to extract his country. Even before the inauguration, he says, ...

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