Incapable of Yodeling
Courchevel, the French Riviera, even St Moritz have been Dresdened by the Russians, their obnoxious spending and lack of basic manners amounting to a grotesque deformity. Here in Gstaad we live in fear of the coming ...
Courchevel, the French Riviera, even St Moritz have been Dresdened by the Russians, their obnoxious spending and lack of basic manners amounting to a grotesque deformity. Here in Gstaad we live in fear of the coming ...
Four decades ago, Lamar Alexander worked in Richard Nixon’s White House. Sen. Alexander today says Barack Obama’s White House reminds him of that place, that time, that mindset and those people. Intending no ...
At last week’s Job Summit, there was talk of a second stimulus package, of tax credits for small businesses that hire new workers, of an Infrastructure Bank to select national priority pubic works projects like the ...
It's easy, in the wake of the Iraq invasion, to forget what else was going on at the time"for instance, the bloodiest period of the Palestinian Intifada, in the spring of 2002. For a time, it should be recalled, Bush ...
NEW YORK—Back in the summer of 1960, a married Hollywood actress and her friend, a Hollywood wife, came to the south of France and met a randy 23-year-old who showed them around the place. The actress was the sexy ...
Readers ask if the financial crisis is over, if the recovery is for real and, if not, what are Americans" prospects. The short answer is that the financial crisis is not over, the recovery is not real, and the U.S. ...
The Feast of Pentecost is one of the most important to Christians, for a number of reasons. First, it marks the birthday of the Church, the day when the Holy Spirit came down on the Apostles and Mary, and gave everyone the ...
Watching events unfold in England, as a dangerously polarized country edges ever closer to conflict, brings me no joy despite the fact I consider myself a victim of British political perfidy. Nothing that is happening there ...
It is odd, to say the least, to read a colleague of mine at this site complaining of someone else’s idiosyncratic positions, as if we prized conformity and predictability here, or attacking his skepticism of mass ...
Neocon. Crank. Appeaser. Such are the terms that my colleagues have lately been heaping on John Lukacs in response to his review of Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War. There is something ...
Journalists covering the primaries in January characterized Bill Clinton’s “fairy tale” remark as “injecting” race in to the campaign, as if this was an illicit or improper development. This ...
As the Obama administration tries to replicate the surge in Afghanistan and expands actions in Pakistan, U.S. strategic planners would do well to read Andrew Bacevich's excellent review of yet another work on ...
Liberalism views much of history as a morality play. The past was very bad. We are making progress. The future will be better. But every new achievement serves also as an indictment. The past ...
If the Paul movement can persevere and cohere"neither of which is certain"it can go beyond a cult of personality and be a beginning rather than an ending. The challenge that awaits the thousands of activists who ...
As promised, I will try to explain the relevance of nationalism as part of the present American predicament. A good starting place is Dr. Fleming’s fine article that serves as an introduction to the ...
Deterrence was profferred as a legitimate, noninterventionist solution to the problem of Iranian and other Third World nations’ nuclear weapons in the earlier discussion. Nuclear proliferation to the Third World in ...
For fans of multiculturalism and unrestricted immigration, Gypsies are a hard test case. They are exceptionally antisocial, and cultivate high levels of skill in the small-criminal arts " pickpocketing, burglary, fast ...
Karen De Coster's article on “The Standard of Living Bubble” leaves open, inevitably, the question of foreign equivalents to the hoggish economic meltdown that Miss De Coster describes. Still unsolved, for ...
Leaders of both parties agree: We must reduce globalization. "China is ripping us on trade," says Donald Trump. Our trade deficit is "an immorality," says Nancy Pelosi. But it's not. In my new video, Scott Lincicome of ...
I hate to start the year with a horror story, but Takimag readers must be told of the hellhole where it took place: New York City, once upon a time the best place to live and have fun in, now accurately described as a ...
Of all the candidates for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, only one took the time to address the 35th-annual March for Life on Jan. 22, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. On the day of the march, this candidate, ...
The Underwear Bomber case indicates that whoever is behind these bomb scares is laughing at our gullibility. How realistic is it that al-Qaida, an organization that allegedly pulled off the most fantastic terror attack in ...
The Obama policy of extending an open hand to Iran is working and ought not be abandoned because of the grim events in Tehran. For the Iranian theocracy has just administered a body blow to its legitimacy in the eyes of ...
Notre Dame taught a clear lesson today, in its decision to have President Obama as a commencement speaker and to award him an honorary degree. That lesson is this: American politicians can freely embrace abortion and ...