When Mark Levin Attacks
Mark Levin is one of the most popular conservative voices in America. His radio program reaches 6 million listeners weekly and his latest book “Liberty and Tyranny” has been on the New York Times ...
Mark Levin is one of the most popular conservative voices in America. His radio program reaches 6 million listeners weekly and his latest book “Liberty and Tyranny” has been on the New York Times ...
John McCain is headed back to the U.S. Senate, perhaps a changed and chastened man, and perhaps not. But the manner in which he secured his Senate seat for another six years is instructive, and not only for moderate ...
I have never liked New Year's Eve. Americans might have voted for "change" recently, but I"ve rarely desired it, always finding the same-old, same-old to be as bright or brighter than any new horizons. As a ...
The Biden administration has announced in recent weeks new stringent emissions requirements for virtually the entire American transportation system. The Environmental Protection Agency will mandate by the year 2035 that ...
There comes a point where you have to show some generosity, some largeness of spirit; where you have to give ...
I hate to start the year with a horror story, but Takimag readers must be told of the hellhole where it took place: New York City, once upon a time the best place to live and have fun in, now accurately described as a ...
While Gaza is being bombarded by American-made F-16’s, here’s some food for thought: During the German occupation of Greece, the occupiers posted the following rules: If any German soldier was found murdered, 10 ...
An uncontrolled influx of immigrants, as now exists at the Mexican Border, and legal immigration through presently accepted chain-immigration policies, with no language requirements or assimilation into the culture, will ...
You may have heard the Biden Justice Department is suing Google in federal court for being a "monopoly." That's a bizarre charge given that few, if any companies in all American history have lowered prices more than Google ...
Recently at Takimag, there have been a number of critiques by the articulate, provocative, and acerbic Austin Bramwell. Bramwell questions the idea of the “conservative canon” as something of a put up job by the ...
The recent slaying of the "abortion provider" George Tiller at Sunday services in his Lutheran congregation in Wichita, Kansas, has led to a heated discussion on this website and elsewhere about Tiller's ...
“If you have nothing else, you have your principles,” Lady Thatcher told me when things were pretty tough at The American Spectator in the late 1990s. Sharks were circling the ship, and there was blood in the ...
“Sometimes party loyalty asks too much,” said JFK. For Sarah Palin, party loyalty in New York’s 23rd congressional district asks too much. Going rogue, Palin endorsed Conservative Party candidate Doug ...
While the dissident Left has curiously become mute under Obama, the dissident Right has turned up the volume in questioning a Democratic president whose agenda includes some of the most ambitious big government experiments ...
Like Count Dracula, I used to love the night, hence nightclubs and late-night parties were the staple of my life. Back in the good old days when Eisenhower was president, I used to sneak out from my boarding school near ...
It is pointless to be obsessed with foreign policy or domestic politics when it is the whole culture that is sick, sick unto death, our own death and the death of the world, and when our sickness is a sickness of the spirit ...
Last week John Derbyshire posted on NRO a justification for his atheism, a comment that brought forth a thunderous response on this website from a devout Catholic John Zmirak. Having read both these commentaries, it seems ...
On Tuesday June 10, 2008, something interesting happened here in South Carolina. For the first time in a long itme, an authentically populist conservative won a close race in a very important political primary. Bob Conley ...
A few weeks ago Jim Antle and I went a few rounds on our personal blogs over Antle’s criticisms of Sen. James Webb here at Taki’s Magazine. Antle showed that Webb is no conservative; if anything, Antle argued, ...
There's no sugarcoating the disappointing results of the midterm elections . Even with one of the worst-performing presidents in modern times, Joe Biden, and even with 2 out of 3 voters saying the country is headed in the ...
Nothing I have read in National Review during my over 30 years as a subscriber shocked and angered me more than Ron Radosh's nasty review of M. Stanton Evans's Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe ...
A recent Wall Street Journal lead story reported that "Republicans and big business broke up." The amount of corporate donations to Republicans was cut sharply in the last election cycle to a lower amount than in nearly a ...
In praising the tea parties one week, and then defending the Bush administration’s policies on torture and criticizing Obama’s diplomacy efforts the next week, talk radio has shifted conservatives’ focus ...
Plus, L’Insctint de Mort puts Pacino to shame, the US Open returns to Queens, Jonathan Franzen finally gives us a second novel, and more cultural gems to love this week Close Examination: Fakes, Mistakes and ...