Christine Blower: The Nutjob Ruining British Education

On 3 April, the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) announced that it was joining the National Union of Teachers (NUT) to recommend boycotting KS2 SATs. I"€™d better explain all these acronyms—or ...

High Drama in Argentina’s Halls of Power

It is an age-old question: what happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object? The force in question is the farming community of Argentina, once among the agricultural powerhouses of the world, and the object ...

Intersectional Israelite Insanity!

If you saw a large group of men running toward you, dressed in tight Lycra bearing the words “QUEER RUNNING CLUB,” what would you do? Personally, I’d start running too—right in the opposite direction. And, if I ...

General War

The Pentagon’s pre-emptive strike came with the leak of Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s confidential review of the Afghan war to Bob Woodward of the Washington Post. McChrystal’s painting of the military ...

Homeland (In)Security

Recently in a Moscow court, a Russian oligarch ignored the cage surrounding him and spoke with a canary's glee. Mikhail Khodorkovsky—imprisoned in a Siberian gulag since 2005—dazzled the courtroom with his ...

The Speccie & Me

The very first time I walked into the Spectator office was in 1975, taken there for the summer party by Simon Courtauld, the then managing editor, i.e., he dealt with the business side of the oldest English speaking ...

The VDare Monologues

So there we were, at the storied Elaine’s restaurant, Taki, R. Emmet Tyrell, Lewis Lapham, and several other luminaries… but I couldn’t help feeling (sorry, Taki) that the most important man at the table ...

Swear by It

These days, people of supposedly high caliber, or at least of high position, have difficulty in distinguishing vehemence of expression from depth of feeling, or even of thought. I may on occasion have made that mistake ...

Audit the Fed!

While Bush and McCain were “abandoning free-market principles to save the free-market system” by signing off on an $800 billion Wall Street Bailout, the Republican establishment still treated the truly ...

The Neocon Lyre

What a Rich Pyre!, by Russell Setiz Being a poem in the style of “Under Which Lyre?” WH Auden’s adieu to WWII, which Norman Podhoretz ought to have read before taking the poet’s name in vain in his ...

William F. Buckley Jr. as I Knew Him

When I wrote Pat Buckley’s obituary last spring, I had a pretty good idea that Bill would follow her sooner rather than later. I happened to be with him the day she died, along with his brother James and sister ...

The Good War: A Cautionary Tale

Opinions vary with respect to the ongoing conflict in Iraq, but we can all agree that the struggle for Europe, 1939-45, was "€œthe Good War."€  Or can we?  Not if Pat Buchanan is right, and he presents a ...

Addicted to Guilt

A Fourth of July Washington Post-syndicated column by W's former speechwriter and the author of his Second Inaugural, Michael Gerson, struck so many Republican, neoconservative, and not least of all Evangelical themes that ...

No, McCain Won”€™t End Abortion

Over at The Atlantic, Ross Douthat objects to Andrew Bacevich's conservative case for Obama. Douthat believes Bacevich has not given enough consideration to the possibility that McCain will appoint judges who will overturn ...

Christenheit oder Europa?

Speaking of Romantics, Richard’s rejection of the definitions of “the West” offered by Robert Spencer and Jim Pinkerton reminds me of one of the great original Romantics, Friedrich von Hardenberg ...

Why I Want McCain to Win

I can’t believe I am writing this, but right now, I want John McCain to be our president.  Or more specifically, I am more opposed to Obama becoming our president than him.  Yes it’s true, Marcus ...

The ICC should leave Georgia alone

Early yesterday morning, International Criminal Court Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo announced his decision to begin looking into war crimes allegedly committed by Russian and Georgian troops in South Ossetia.  The ...

Turn Off the Lights To Save the Birds

As a culture, we’re wistful about our tallest buildings. Cities love to show off grand buildings as testaments to human endeavor. Illuminated skyscrapers are a region’s trophies, towering evidence of its ...

Was the Holocaust Inevitable?

“What Would Winston Do?” So asks Newsweek‘s cover, which features a full-length photo of the prime minister his people voted the greatest Briton of them all. Quite a tribute, when one realizes ...

Nicotine and Me

Tomorrow I take my first driving lesson: New Hampshire be warned! I did once drive, in Baton Rouge between 1994 and 1996, having almost achieved my lifelong goal of getting a Ph.D. before I got a license"€”which has long ...

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