Olympic Glory

Just after the Berlin wall came down, I flew to Berlin with my German-Austrian wife and traveled around the city and its eastern parts. On visiting the Olympic stadium I told the taxi driver that my uncle, a hurdler, was ...

My Short Happy Life As a Knowledge Management Drone

This story (the title of which alludes to Jessica Mitford’s October 1974 Atlantic Monthly report, "€œMy Short And Happy Life as a Distinguished Professor"€) really begins with two processes that became obvious to ...

A New Humanism in Europe

Europe's nature seems to be destined to change deeply within a few decades. First of all, it is highly likely that nationalist parties will grow, becoming increasingly relevant in the single Europe's political systems. ...

Ricci: Episode II”€”The Phantom Menace

Every so often, an action hit comes out of nowhere"€”Mad Max, Terminator, Ricci v. DeStefano. Inevitably, we start hoping that the big budget follow-up can keep the same excitement going, just with huger explosions. A few ...

War Unwinnable

“Taliban Are Winning: U.S. Commander in Afghanistan Warns of Rising Casualties.” Thus ran the startling headline on the front-page of the Wall Street Journal. The lead paragraph ran thus: The Taliban have ...

President Donald Trump

Trump Inaugurates a New Era

Breathtaking: There's no other word for the sheer ambition and scope of Donald Trump's second inaugural address. President Trump is back with all the confidence of a man delivered from death for a purpose. Voters save ...

A Letter to President Obama

From National Disgrace Online April 1, 2009 Dear President Obama, Be assured that no one surpasses us here at NDO in appreciating what you"€™ve done an overcoming of our country's stinking racist past. And even before ...

Samantha Power and Paul Wolfowitz”€”Separated at Birth?

Justin's defense of Samantha Power demands a reply, and I"€™d like to demur from lamenting the departure of the Harvard prof and anti-genocide crusader fom the political scene. Yes, she was a critic of Israel, but then ...

No Love Lost

Some people keep reading matter in their lavatories, though whether for their own benefit or that of their visitors I have never been able to determine—nor have I ever asked. I suppose that it comes in handy if you’re ...

Sake and the Latin Mass

In the 1970s, as Pope Paul VI faced wholesale rebellion by progressives in the Church, he wielded his papal authority instead to persecute the small numbers of Catholics who resisted the most expansive readings of Vatican ...

Global Hybrids Go Home

During the height of the globalization age in the late 1990s, many leading Zeitgeist watchers were celebrating the rise of the "€œNew Cosmopolitans,"€ a term coined by business reporter G. Pascal Zachary. A new ...

Parents, Quit Eyerolling, Teach Your Kids About Sex

When it comes to memories you can’t pound out of your head with a mallet, few rival the staying power of that moment when we discover how babies are made. For me, it was really a series of excruciating epiphanies in ...

Roast the Easter Bunny

Color raw eggs instead of boiled. Awaken the little ones at sunrise for the Easter Egg Hunt. But as you collect them, instead of peeling and eating hard-boiled eggs"€”let's face it, who really wants to eat them?"€”have ...

Swear by It

These days, people of supposedly high caliber, or at least of high position, have difficulty in distinguishing vehemence of expression from depth of feeling, or even of thought. I may on occasion have made that mistake ...

History Lesson

OK, 2007 is upon us, and the end of history, as in Francis Fukuyama’s fearless forecast of 1990, has turned out to be full of you-know-what. In fact, never in seven centuries, give or take a few, has this planet of ours ...

Stay Out of Iran!

Endless disaster has long been the result of endless U.S. interventionism. Texas Congressman Ron Paul was laughed at by Rudy Giuliani and others in the last election for daring to suggest that the U.S. helping to overthrow ...

Cut the Pentagon “€˜Till It’s a Triangle (Part I)

I don’t envy Barak Obama. Nor do I pity him. The man should have been more careful what he wished for. As a recent report makes clear, the incoming president’s vision of a warmier, fuzzier country where all ...

How Gatsby Skinned His Head

A mere seven years after Boris Yeltsin's Pink Elephants were dispossessed of Russia's nuclear football and something approximating political and economic stability began to reign in Russia, now Vladimir Putin the most ...

Stupid Human Tricks

It has to be said that it’s getting a little difficult to keep up with just how many girlfriends David Letterman has had from the show. As I write, the count is up to four. Holly Hester has just appeared out of the ...

The Fake Iranian Crisis

Let’s see. We have an oil gusher out of control in the Gulf of Mexico with no end in sight, threatening the coastline all the way down to Miami, a New York stock exchange which can be launched into a thousand-point ...

Riyadh on the Potomac

Americans do not have to fear the imposition of Islamic law in the United States"€”not because Muslims here have no interest in establishing sharia but because, when sharia comes to the United States, it will come ...

Evil Speaks”€”Are We Listening?

The latest message from Osama bin Laden"€”an audio recording posted on jihadist Websites"€”is truly scary. Not because he threatens us with death and destruction, though he does. Not because he vows that the 9/11 ...

The Revolution and the Right

Ron Paul missed many opportunities to attract Republican votes. The Congressman did not really articulate a foreign policy, as opposed to telling Americans that the war in Iraq and almost all other wars the U.S. has engaged ...

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