‘Bidenomics’ Is a Marketing Term

Politics is sometimes little more than marketing. As evidence, behold the sudden use of the term "Bidenomics" by Democrats to describe administration policies of the past few years. Indeed, what's being branded as "new" is ...

lindsey’s Party

It’s hard to imagine a Republican more useless than South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham. Whether spearheading legislation that would grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, stumping for the $787 billion taxpayer ...

Time to End the Second Prohibition

Salvation was in the air. Repeal, also, was in the air. Two weeks before, the lame-duck Congress had turned a somersault and voted the amendment to the Constitution ending Prohibition. The wets were making merry with ...

Anyone But Clinton!

I never thought I'd see the day where I would agree with anything Ted Kennedy had to say, but he hit the nail on the head when he finally admitted that the Clintons—because we will have a dual presidency if that woman ...

BeCruel to #BeKind

Sometimes it really is cruel to be kind, as the old adage almost goes. If so, then our current Western #BeKind culture must be amongst the very cruelest societies ever to have existed. Kindness is now even henceforth to be ...

A Will Out

A year ago this week, I wrote the following concerning liberal Democrat Joe Lieberman being invited to speak at the 2008 Republican National Convention and conservative Republican Ron Paul being shut out: “If you are ...

No Mosque at Ground Zero

There is an awful lot of blowzy thought swirling around the proposed mosque to be raised two blocks from ground zero in lower Manhattan. Frankly, I doubt that at any other time in our history such a debate would be taking ...

Tenderness Leads to the Gas Chamber

Why are liberals so desperately attached to egalitarianism, of an extreme and entirely this-worldly variety? Why has it become an article of faith to which they cling against all evidence—to the point where they ...

World World III? (Really)

Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton, who is wired into the cabinet of “Bibi” Netanyahu, warns that if Iran’s nuclear program is not aborted by December, Israel will strike to obliterate it. Defense ...

In Your Heart, You Know He’s Right

"€œDemocracy,"€ says Mencken, "€œis the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."€ There's probably no better summation of the 2008 election. After an interminable ...

The Anatomy of Cruelty

No man can create an animal, but history shows men terribly capable of making animals of themselves. To be fair to the lower orders of creation, however, they don't deserve to be grouped together with self-debased humans. ...

Even Billionaires Get the Blues

NEW YORK—“Oligarchs brace for a downturn,” screams a New York business headline, a fact that sends me rushing to buy hankies, now selling at a premium at every corner store. Bloomberg News calculates that the ...

Cultural Caviar

10 Picks for the Week Sonar International Music Conference and Multimedia Art, Barcelona, Spain, June 17 - 19 It is that time of year again… This is three nights and days of cutting edge electronic music mayhem. DJ ...

Who Guards the Guardians?

The Supreme Court has provided another nail in the coffin of executive war powers in its recent opinion on the rights of Guantanamo Bay detainees.  Earlier decisions by the court in Hamdan and Rasul ignored statutory ...

Why Small Businesses Hate Bidenomics

If the economy is so good, why do small business leaders feel so bad? The latest Small Business Optimism Index from the National Federation of Independent Business could hardly be more depressing. It finds that the men and ...


Don’t Forget Maugham

How do we recognize artistic merit today? What relation does it have with popularity? How important is fame in measuring the artist? Why is merit often unmatched by success, whereas the latter and mediocrity are almost one ...

Nandor Fodor’s Freudian Phantoms Rise Again

17 May saw the 60th anniversary of the death in 1964 of one of my all-time favorite weirdos, the Hungarian-born Jewish ghost-hunter, journalist, and Freudian psychoanalyst Nandor Fodor. Later a resident of both Britain and ...

Lie? I Can”€™t Even Be Tactful

Someday I’d like to meet Monsieur Tourette, and ask him about his syndrome. Because over the years I’ve had close friends, colleagues, mentors, siblings and girlfriends suggest—sometimes quite ...

Who You Callin”€™ a Conservative?

A recent syndicated column by Thomas Sowell "€œRepublicans in the Wilderness"€ includes useful advice but also misleading conclusions. According to Sowell, while "€œRepublican moderates"€ Bob Dole and John McCain ...

Kill More Canadians

Finally, someone has worked up the courage to say it. We’ve all been thinking it. It’s the soothing mantra we repeat while sitting in drive-time traffic, a petition we send up to the God of Battles with each ...

Sticking It Out

Conservatives historically have taken pride in their hard-headedness.  It is supposed to be a manly persuasion with a long view, rooted in concepts like deferred gratification, the proper appreciation of applied ...

Two Cheers for Putin

The late, great President Nixon once told me that the West was acting unfairly towards the Russian Bear. Instead of helping a prostrate Russia, we cheered while the Russkies suffered defeat and humiliation. Now the chickens ...

Zimbabwe Hits Bottom

Robert Mugabe hates black people more than the most technical architects of apartheid ever could and he's never been shy about demonstrating it. From 1982-1985, he waged a full scale slaughter against the minority Ndebele ...

Intersectional Israelite Insanity!

If you saw a large group of men running toward you, dressed in tight Lycra bearing the words “QUEER RUNNING CLUB,” what would you do? Personally, I’d start running too—right in the opposite direction. And, if I ...

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