The Case for Draining the Swamp Is Stronger Than Ever

The latest official employment report finds once again that the federal government and state-local hiring spree is still in full gear. Over the past year, health care and government hiring has outpaced every private sector ...

Inventing Islam

if Muslims really did make innovations in aerodynamics, astronomy, and other fields long before Europeans did, what happened then? Why were the Europeans the ones who made use of these discoveries for technological ...

Mark Sanford, the Alternative Right, & Me

In my local role here in Charleston, South Carolina, as a personality for 1250 AM WTMA talk radio and a columnist for the Charleston City Paper, my listeners and readers tend to fall into one of three camps: Dedicated, ...

Question the Timing

My paleo friends must have laughed themselves silly at the sight of Mark Levin and David Frum going at each other like Tybalt and Benvolio in the streets of Verona. Ah, but what of Rod Dreher, who now sides with Frum ...

Chomsky vs. Israel, and the Incident at Allenby Bridge

Word reached these shores last week that Professor Noam Chomsky—the celebrated public intellectual, activist, linguist, philosopher and all-round “left-wing” critic of U.S. foreign policy—had been ...

Anti-Fascist Airplane!

The Two Minutes of Hate began in Ballston before the movie even began, when the previews of Oliver Stone's W. hit the screen.  My brief speculation as to the political leanings of the crowd dissipated, as the ...

Romney and the Rockefellers

When Tim Russert asked Mitt Romney about the Mormon Church's politically incorrect record on race, a teary eyed Romney urged that we should look at the actions of his father, former governor George Romney, rather than that ...

Cultural Caviar

10 Picks for the Week A Patch on My Evil Eye, May 6 - May 26, The Arab-British Centre, London A showcase of paintings, photographs, prints, and sculpture by young artists from the Middle East and Britain. A Patch on My ...

Obama is Right

Obama has taken a beating from gleeful conservatives over his comments about bitter working class Pennsylvanians clinging to God and guns.  Today David Brooks says people resent the comments because it shows Obama does ...

The War on Arizona

Not since President Eisenhower sent troops to Little Rock and JFK sent U.S. marshals to the University of Alabama has the federal government seemed so at war with a state of the union. Arkansas and Alabama were defying ...


and Sanford-phobia Am I hallucinating; or has Neocon Central, that is, FOXNews and its NY Post-affiliate, been working overtime to secure the presidential nomination of Sarah Palin? From the very moment Sarah announced her ...

Biden’s War Against the Internet

It's a miracle of private sector innovation and the magic of the free enterprise system that technologies that were only the playthings of the super-rich a generation ago are now available and affordable to almost all ...

Every Day of LiLo’s Life is Freaky Friday

Lindsay Lohan is taking public embarrassment to absurdly new heights. At a party celebrating young Hollywood, she was lambasted  by Perez Hilton, but barely seemed coherent enough to realize the insult. She then got ...

It’s All Greek to Me

Athens. As everyone knows, Sigmund Freud was a fraud, and like many frauds he thought the Parthenon might also be one. But he summoned his nerve and visited the sacred sight and was delighted as well as shocked at what he ...

War Socialism

The key thought that underlies Obama's recovery plan is simple. The cure for severe recession lies in trying to "€œgrow the economy."€ Spending and investment have fallen off; the government, accordingly, must take up ...

Trial and Terror

Republican members of Congress and what masquerades as a “conservative” media are outraged that the Obama administration intends to try in federal court Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of Sept. ...

Democrats Abroad

My all-time favorite example of electoral interference came in 1997, when Zimbabwe’s former president the Reverend Canaan Banana was scurrilously accused of several acts of homosexual abuse, leading to the truly ...

Whose Country Is This, Anyway?

With the support of 70 percent of its citizens, Arizona has ordered sheriffs and police to secure the border and remove illegal aliens, half a million of whom now reside there. Arizona acted because the U.S. government has ...

The Wonder App

We have had an outbreak of golden orioles at my house in France. There are, of course, far worse outbreaks to have, but it is a little frustrating that these beautiful birds (the male especially, the female is less ...

Those Dangerous Racists at Vogue

The latest media chatter concerns whether a certain cover of Vogue is “racist” because it portrays model Giselle Bundchen alongside basketball player LeBron James in a pose that reminds some people of Fay Wray ...

Gangsta Gifts

"€œHip"€ is how rapt reporters referred to the iPod the president and first lady gave the Queen of England. Thanks to his fawning friends in the British and American media, Barack Obama got away with giving another ...

Prosecute “€˜em!

In light of the Obama administration’s recent torture memo release, there is one simple moral question we all should be asking. If U.S. soldiers were sent to jail for committing torture, might not the same fate be ...

Soaking the Great Unwashed?

Austin Bramwell tells us the tax code favors the rich at the expense of everyone else. As an argument he gives some examples that very likely loom large in his estate planning practice. Anecdote and instance are ...

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