The Fable of the Drones

In Mandeville's infamous "€œFable of the Bees,"€ that witty writer makes the case that private vices generate public virtues. Specifically, he argues that the craving for gain, advancement, and luxury drives men to ...

It’s All About Her

The question of whether or not to see "€œSex and the City"€ is easy to answer: if you are a man, no. There is nothing here for you. If you are a woman, still no. The sugary cocktail of glamour and sentimentality may ...

High-Life Aquatic

ON BOARD S/Y BUSHIDO, OFF CORFU—In a state of pre-orgasmic tension and anticipation, I sail into Nat Rothschild waters off the north-east tip of the island. Just across the narrow channel lies Albania, the land that ...

Sometimes a Racist, Always a Slut

Should pro-lifers keep citing Margaret Sanger's scathingly racist statements, and her program of eugenics"€”which directly influenced Hitler, and led to laws in a dozen or so American states forcibly sterilizing or even ...

Evil Empire

The U.S. government is now so totally under the thumbs of organized interest groups that “our” government can no longer respond to the concerns of the American people who elect the president and the members of ...

The Cakewalk War

Six months before the invasion of Iraq, Taki Theodoracopulos, Scott McConnell and this writer launched a new magazine, The American Conservative. Goal: Convince our countrymen that invading Iraq would be imperial folly. ...

Hats Off to Arlen!

Hats off to Larry, he broke your heart Just like you broke mine when you said we must part He told you lies now it’s your turn to cry cry cry Now that Larry said goodbye to you ~Del Shannon Arlen Specter is a ...

Further Notes on Nationalism

In the comments thread of my nationalism and patriotism piece, Aaron Wolf raises an important question: what is the American nation? Does a conservative nationalism have to be "€œwhite nationalism"€? I"€™ll answer ...

Britain’s Lynch Mob Mentality—for Whites

Highly surprisingly for a far-left regime, the current U.K. Labour Party Government has just achieved the key stereotypical right-wing aim of bringing back hanging. But only for the right kind of offender, ...

A Fantasy Presidential Debate That Will Never Happen

Good evening, Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney. I"€™ll be your sole interrogator tonight. I hope the audience welcomes you with as much warmth as they can manage. Before I proceed with my questions, you should know a few things ...

Remembering Kent State: The President as Street Thug

The Ohio war protesters are shot and killed on Monday; Friday is set aside as a day of mourning. On Wall Street organized gangs of men dressed as construction workers converge on peaceful demonstrators, beating them with ...

Marvels and Missed Opportunities

The recent death of Bill Buckley brought forth the usual lies from the liberal-neocon establishment; and having devoted part of my latest book and a slew of irate commentaries to exposing these gross untruths, I see no ...

Unnatural Arts and Sports

I’m not a ballet fan, although I admire like hell the pain these poor guys and gals have to go though to reach the top. Pop stars have it easy. All they have to do is write some very bad lyrics or make some horrible noise ...

The Victory that Wrecked Israel

On June, 5 Israeli fighter jets launched a strike which caught the Egyptian air force on the ground, effectively destroying it. Exploiting its dominance of the skies, Israel won its greatest victory. One thing is for sure: ...

Will The Unnecessary War Damage the Antiwar Right?

Scott McConnell has now responded to the many criticisms of his decision to run John Lukacs's outrageous review of The Unnecessary War. It is interesting that he does not even mention that Pat Buchanan helped found the ...

Control Versus Choice

COVID cases are up. Hospitalizations climbed 24% last week. But the media make everything seem scarier than it is. The headline "Up 24%!" comes after dramatic lows. Hospitalizations are still less than half what they were ...

Is Our Children Learning?

Apparently not in the twin capitals of liberalism, D.C. and New York. In a ranking of 50 states and D.C. by how much each spent per pupil in public schools in 2005, New York ranked first; D.C. third. The state spent ...

Death to Terrorists

"€˜He is plainly some crazed moral retard"€™. That stuck it to him. Or not. Yet on the night of 9/11, as I sat in a BBC Radio studio helping to dissect the bleak events of that day, it was the only response I could ...

Alcoholics Erroneous

“Does anyone else look like me in Alcoholics Anonymous?” says the headline on AA’s latest promotional leaflet, above a picture of four smiling cartoon faces, two of them Muslim. This leaflet has so many possibilities ...

Media: Let’s Blame the Border Crisis on Trump!

The biggest problem Democrats have this year is the mess they've made of the border. No matter how many cartwheels the media do for Kamala Harris, immigration remains a top issue for voters -- and they blame the Democrats. ...

Newt’s Foreign Policy Fantasies

When Kim Jong-Il finally test launched a missile this week, I knew it was only a matter of time before some neocon would cry out for the resurrection of the Bush doctrine of pre-emptive war. Sure enough, reported The Raw ...

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