Lighthizer and America’s Backward Trade Policy

What’s wrong with American trade? In short, the people America has negotiating its trade agreements. One Robert E. Lighthizer, a deputy trade rep under Reagan, took to the New York Times this week to tells us all what ...

Did I Kill Robert Lowell?

I knew nothing of Lowell. I knew nothing of poetry, other than the sub rosa collection of obscene limericks then doing the classroom rounds, thanks largely to myself. I knew nothing of Jonathan Edwards, the poem's putative ...

Obama’s War

Just two months after the twin towers fell, the armies of the Northern Alliance marched into Kabul. The Taliban fled. The triumph was total in the “splendid little war” that had cost one U.S. casualty. Or so ...

The Afghanistan Fallacy

America’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan both involve fractious societies, weak governments installed by force from without, rampant criminality, persistent insurgencies, and the spectre of unknown costs from a U.S. ...

The Great Education Bubble

The recent meltdown of the mortgage bubble illustrates a basic insight of Austrian Economics:  cheap money leads to distortion and malinvestment, which can only be resolved through mass liquidation.  Liquidation ...

Web Sight

Is it not curious how we infuse the natural world with meaning and purpose? We think of the cuckoo and the rattlesnake as bad, but the giant panda as good. Even the sternest evolutionists often resort to language that ...

Four Radical Reforms to Shrink the Federal Budget

It was nearly 50 years ago that a liberal Congress completely dominated by Democrat big spenders passed a new set of budget rules -- the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974. It has been a complete and ...

Fraumunster Church, Zurich

Spewing Bullets at Jesus

"I didn’t realize repeatedly shooting Jesus in the face could be considered religiously offensive," Says Swiss Muslim Politician. How’s that for clickbait? Well, as this piece is about a truly abysmal clickbait ...

Rush’s Style Over Substance

Conservatism is people! That conservatives have already soured on Obama and his big spending agenda is understandable, but in flocking to cheer a very charismatic, yet non-specific and vague political figure in Rush ...

Rethinking 1948

Back in the late 1980s and 90s, Benny Morris was identified, some would say targeted, as the stormy petrel among Israeli historians. In tomes such as The Birth of the Palestinian Problem (1988), Israel's Border Wars (1993), ...

A Visit to Walhalla

REGENSBURG—The mighty Danube begins in the park of the Furstenberg Palace and flows eastward for a distance of 2,000 miles across ten countries on to the Black Sea. Last weekend, Prince and Princess Heinrich von ...

Europes ‘National’ Identity

My last week in London and it is just as well. One more would most likely kill me. The least frantic night was the one that Simon Phillips and Roger Moore threw in Harry’s Bar for Unicef, as worthy a charity as there is, ...

Flooded With Good Intentions

Sen. John Kennedy is upset because Sen. Rand Paul wants to limit federal flood insurance. But Paul is right. In my new video, Paul says, "(It) shouldn't be for rich people." That should be obvious. Actually, federal flood ...

The Faileocons

We are all entitled our memories, but Charles Coulombe's reminiscences about the American conservative movement are very different from mine. Although his recollections are not incorrect, they are excessively selective. ...

A Martyr for Peace

A week before George W. Bush arrived in Rome for their first meeting, Benedict XVI put his signature to a document proclaiming the Austrian farmer Franz Jägerstätter a Christian martyr for refusing to serve in an ...

Stat Belgium, stat Europa

Victor Davis Hanson has suggested in his “Letter to the Europeans” (National Review Online, January 6, 2006) that we Americans believe the European Union is a “flawed concept”. But is it possible to ...

Saddam’s Most Dangerous Legacy

While Saddam Hussein was still ruling Iraq, he went to a village to award a new Kalashnikov rifle to a young boy. The boy had come to the tyrant's attention after reporting the private conversations of his mother and father ...

Leave It to the Markets

If the Dow plunges a thousand points in 10 minutes, what should we do about it? Other than scrape that brown stuff off the insides of our underpants as we contemplate the wreckage of our retirement plans? How about this as ...

The Limits of Certitude

Interacting with people in the sciences over my life one of the major issues I have noticed is an extreme hubris when it comes to their opinions in regards to non-scientific issues. Many individuals in the sciences consider ...

The Write Stuff

GSTAAD—There is nothing much I can add to what Daniel Johnson and Charles Moore wrote about the great Paul Johnson, except that I shall miss his annual summer visits to Gstaad, where we walked for hours on mountain trails ...

The Birth of a Notion”€”National “€œPurpose”€

Plutarch hoped that his readers could learn something of how to behave in seeing the wages of eminent men's (mis)behavior. American readers, however, seem to have adopted an attitude of "€œI just like to know what they ...

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