Good and Evil in Lviv, part I

With memories still slick from the worst blood-letting in history, followed by the less dramatic horrors of the Soviet "€œpeace,"€ the modern-day evil I witnessed wasn"€™t the worst thing ever to have happened in the ...

A Revolution Betrayed?

The reality is that for Ron Paul to rule out a third-party run is a tragic error. Paul's presidential campaign galvanized so much energy and enthusiasm that, at times, it mimiced the dimensions and depth of a real mass ...

Houses of Parliament

Bent Politicians

What’s your definition of bravery? Rushing into a burning building to save a sizzling baby? Holding off an entire platoon of soldiers from capturing your lonely position single-handed? Or sending out “intimate” images ...

John F. Kennedy

Goodbye, JFK Democrats

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s exit from the Democratic Party (or was he booted out?) is only the latest sign that there are no more JFK Democrats left in positions of power in the Democratic Party. President John F. Kennedy was ...

Where Have You Gone, Sister Aloysius?

When my wife suggested that we go see Doubt, John Patrick Shanley’s film adaptation of his Tony-award winning play, I was skeptical. I never saw the play, but I knew that it was about a priest suspected by a nun of ...

John Derbyshire the Evangelist

I’d like to say “Thank God” for John Derbyshire, except that the crotchety old Brit has convinced me not to believe that he exists. God, I mean—not Derbyshire, whom I have met in person. Although, ...

‘Bridgerton’ and Civicide

Alain Delon says that modern culture is “hideous.” Yet there is constant talk of “progress.” Progress is often defined in modern terms as the absence of authority. Yet this is a very recent idea of “freedom.” ...

Screw Arizona, Let’s Talk Legal Immigration

This Tuesday evening I attended a function arranged by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). Dr. Stephen Steinlight gave us a lucid and witty address on “Exploring Jewish Attitudes towards Immigration.” The ...

The Ron Paul Revolution

In the last century, right-wing types had a simple way of describing patriotic congressional representatives like Ron Paul, who championed limited federal government, believed in natural rights, respected the oath they ...

Remembering the Smoothies

As Charles Stuart is reported to have said when he returned to England after decades of exile, to restore the British monarchy and reign as Charles II after the Cromwell interregnum, "€œHey, y"€™all! It's good to be ...

Independent Columnists Perhaps, But Not Independent Minds

The Independent is a newspaper with intellectual pretensions, and unlike most British papers often uses words with more than two syllables. But so far as most of it is concerned it is fair to say what Truman Capote declared ...

The Broken Compass

Somehow, one doubts that either the USCCB or Hollywood studios would have taken such a benign view of a film whose villainous organization were named "€œThe Synagogue,"€ whose villains wore rabbinical rather than ...

Is Global ‘Democracy’ America’s Mission?

"In the battle between democracy and autocracy, democracies are rising to the moment, and the world is clearly choosing the side of peace and security," said President Joe Biden in his State of the Union address. "This is ...

Nigel Farage

Farage Against the Machine: Is Nigel a Nazi?

Did you know that, in the run-up to the nation’s looming General Election on 4 July, there has been a sudden mass outbreak of neo-Nazism right across the United Kingdom? No? That’s because there hasn’t. But this has ...

The Bronze Age

Nice guys finish last. Real conservatives don’t even finish third. That’s the sad takeaway from the longest yet least eventful presidential campaign in American history. While the mainstream right continues its ...

Primed to Hate

Speech is silvern, said the old proverb, but silence is golden; and notwithstanding the recent disgraceful attacks on free speech, I more often find myself longing for freedom from speech, for example on trains, than ...

The Real Tea Parties

Today I interview James Ostrowski, libertarian extraordinaire, lawyer, writer, and tea party organizer. Mr. Ostrowski is the founder of Free Buffalo (2005), and author of the tea party manifesto, “How We Can Win the ...

Washington Murdered Privacy At Home And Abroad

In the Swiss newspaper Zeit-Fragen, Professor Dr. Eberhard Hamer from Germany asks, “How Sovereign is Europe?” He examines the issue and concludes that Europe has little, if any, sovereignty. Professor Hamer ...

The Practical and the Watered-down

Before the site is glutted with debate commentary, a word on Rod Dreher’s latest C11 column. Its title, and much of its substance, is taken from the last page of After Virtue, but a couple of Dreher’s comments ...

Joe Biden Is the King of Debt and Deficits

Imagine someone close to you has a drinking problem. Night after night, he goes out to the bars on wild binges, chugging down 10 to 12 beers a night. But then, in a supreme effort to reform himself, the drunkard cuts his ...

Fighting Evil with Evil

There is a fascinating little British film from the middle of the century named “It Happened Here” which depicts life in Great Britain after the Nazis cross the channel and subjugate the island. Using not a ...

The World’s Longest Con

Is there anything worse than listening to those hucksters in South Africa going bananas over the ugly game called football? Modern society is dominated by emotion and propaganda, not to mention profit, and when all three ...

Will the PIGS Blow Up Europe?

Among the mega-forces moving the tectonic plates and imperiling the nation-states of the world from above and below are these: First, ethno-nationalism, which threatens nations with secession and break-up. We see it in ...

Maestro Mitropoulos

A recent profile on Leonard Bernstein in a New York magazine brought back memories. The Bernstein piece was obviously a hagiography, written by someone who certainly knows his music but who allowed “Lenny’s” ...

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