Tame That Tiger!
"Tiger Woods in sex rehab clinic" seemed to be all that the newspapers of my native land could talk about one day last week. If you managed to miss the more staid US dailies’ coverage of the momentous event it ...
"Tiger Woods in sex rehab clinic" seemed to be all that the newspapers of my native land could talk about one day last week. If you managed to miss the more staid US dailies’ coverage of the momentous event it ...
With James Cameron's Avatar shouldering aside George Lucas's original Star Wars and Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight for second place on the all time movie box office rankings (behind only Cameron's own Titanic), it's a ...
My friend Dave Weigel has a revealing post at Reason's "Hit & Run" blog about Ron Paul's long-overdue endorsement of Chuck Baldwin. Weigel refers the scornful commentators at "Hit & Run" to some ...
Speaking to the South Carolina Republican state convention over the weekend, Senator Lindsey Graham felt compelled to repeat something he had already said once earlier this month “Ron Paul is not the leader of the ...
After spending $6 trillion on social welfare and a Green New Deal spending spree and running our national debt up to $33 trillion, President Joe Biden is asking to whip out the federal credit card yet again for $100 billion ...
In ancient Greece, women weren’t allowed to vote. This wasn’t mere bigoted, reasonless, irrational male sexism: It was based on actual biology. Participation in the public polis of Athens was forbidden for females, as ...
Douglas A. Jeffrey and Claremont Review both deserve to be congratulated for violating the imperial ban that the neoconservative mafia has imposed on my book Conservatism in America: Making Sense of the American Right. ...
Sport is well-known for bringing people together. Over in France, for example, ahead of this summer’s Paris Olympics, after President Macron promised to go for a dip in the Seine to prove how clean he had now made the ...
What follows is the text of former President Barack Obama’s farewell address, which he delivered before departing in the interstellar battlecruiser that had landed near the Washington Monument on Friday morning: I am ...
Do women need to start speaking out about what they are witnessing their girlfriends doing to men? Is it time for some honesty and realism in the sex misconduct debate so that we can separate one thing from another, in ...
With the House debate on health care at its hottest, the U.S. Catholic bishops issued a stunning ultimatum: Impose an absolute ban on tax funds for abortions, or we call for defeat of the Pelosi bill. Message received. ...
Suggesting that movie director Woody Allen, who has abandoned the Big Apple and is residing in Europe now, has been transformed from a New York Liberal into a Continental Conservative would certainly sound like a stretch. ...
I simply can’t understand why so many Greek women resemble Scandinavians. Everywhere I look there are blondes, fat blondes, short blondes, hairy blondes, but nevertheless blondes. Could it be the carbon dioxide ...
Consider two children, white, boys, growing up in contented middle-class families in the same suburb of Washington, DC, equally bright, popular, successful with girls, and so on. One becomes a growling conservative, the ...
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” That was the slogan of the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s 1984, where Winston Smith worked ceaselessly ...
I don"t know if it's my reckless, Napoleonic march into middle age, or the decline of our infrastructure, but with each trip I feel more and more like travel is hell. This week, a "simple" overnight trip from ...
Halfway through my sophomore year of high school I was overwhelmed by an impulse to become more traditionally feminine, which I satisfied by getting a job in the children’s section of the public library. I ...
One of the stranger aspects of contemporary American "mainstream conservatism" is the obsession with "fascism," a political philosophy one might have supposed was safely buried under the rubble of 1945 ...
Robert E. Lee once said that duty is “the sublimest word in the English language.” Yes it is, but dodging duty has now become the operative word in the neocon language. They talk about supporting our troops and all that ...
So we've been through an entire debate, and Kamala Harris still hasn't explained any of her extraordinary policy flip-flops. I'm sorry, a person can't just wake up one morning and abandon their entire worldview without an ...
The reality is that for Ron Paul to rule out a third-party run is a tragic error. Paul's presidential campaign galvanized so much energy and enthusiasm that, at times, it mimiced the dimensions and depth of a real mass ...
Yes, we are members of communities of faith. But there is common humanity, and, in various places and at various times, common civilizations have flourished, each articulating that common humanity in its own unique way. ...
Had he not proven incompetent to detonate his lap bomb, Umar Farouk Abdulmullatab would have carried off an air massacre to rival Lockerbie. We would all have ended Christmas day watching TV footage of 300 mangled bodies ...
The Damn Boomers Are Ruining All the Fun! In the midst of all the bad news"political, economic, and military"clustering around the memory of 2008 and the first few weeks of 2009, this writer received several ...