Ozymandias Airlines
Does one American in a thousand know that the Federal government is buying 23 VIP helicopters, each one of which will cost more than the extravagantly expensive F-22 fighter aircraft? A half-billion dollar ...
Does one American in a thousand know that the Federal government is buying 23 VIP helicopters, each one of which will cost more than the extravagantly expensive F-22 fighter aircraft? A half-billion dollar ...
Oldies have a powerful lobby in America, even in sport. Take judo, for example. Last week I went down to Miami for the U.S. national judo championships, a competition which decides who will represent Uncle Sam in next ...
Poor President Bush. Hippias tried to betray Athens to Darius, but we Athenians took care of his plans in time. Bush failed to see the cancer on his presidency -- a severe case of hubris whose worst symptom is Iraq, a ...
Much as it pains me to do so I fear that I must praise a left leaning economist. Dean Baker, please stand up and take your bow. He’s told the truth, always a bad career move in the political arena, about the current ...
Though most famous for coining the phrase “axis-of-evil” in President Bush’s 2002 State of the Union address, Frum’s second most famous act was to try to read antiwar conservatives out of the ...
While a large segment of the Alternative Right believes it is time to abandon the term “conservative” altogether, I’m not so sure. From where I stand, turning over an intellectual tradition that ...
Until the Underpants Bomber tried to blow up Flight 253 over Detroit, the frontrunner for the Best Picture Oscar was widely assumed to be Up in the Air. Indeed, before the Christmas Day incident reminded everybody of how ...
Those who do not regularly read the conservative review Modern Age may be unaware of the revolt against neo-conservatism that has lately broken out in that journal. But the revolt is a fact, and a significant one at that. ...
In No Man of her Own, a 1932 black-and-white beauty, Clark Gable, playing a big-city shark tries to pick up a small-town librarian, the divine Carole Lombard, who was to become his wife later on. “Do your eyes bother ...
There are some people who can carry off this having a girlfriend in every town thing: sailors for one. There’s also a number who can’t, as Tiger Woods recently found out. Being of that age when the mid-life ...
10 Picks for the Week MLB Baseball 2010 April 4 was the official opening day. We wonder how A-Rod will perform this year without his lucky charm, Kate Hudson. Go Yankees! Not a fan? Well, get out there and support your ...
It is no coincidence that some of the most interesting and promising developments on the Right today are not only coming from the grassroots, but are far removed from the Republican Party establishment. Just a few short ...
While 44 per cent of Americans attend a place of worship once a week"and this is mostly a Christian place of worship"only 15 per cent of Europeans do so"and many of them go to a mosque instead of a church. The ...
When a respected eighty-one year old scholar who has known Afghanistan since 1962 returns there in search of a way forward, he deserves a hearing. William Polk made his first Afghan mission as part of the State Department's ...
I’m a fan of economics and of history, as well as politics, a combination that forms some very interesting cycles to research, discuss and argue on. None is so interesting than the death of great nations, for here ...
The Macpherson Report on the police investigation of the 1993 murder of black teenager Stephen Lawrence was published in London in January 1999. Ten years on, it is continuing to have major repercussions for British ...
I had just finished reading the uncensored edition of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's book, In the First Circle (Harper Perennial, 2009), when I came across Chris Hedges article, ‘‘One ...
So here at last is Taki's way to save the planet without pain. But before we begin, a warning: don't try doing it all at once. Melting glaciers, violent hurricanes, flash floods, terrible droughts, the threat to polar bears ...
It has never ceased to amaze me that, as our stalwart editor commented to me, "it reveals much about our age that the term "adult fun" evokes pornos and strapons and not black-tie outings and champagne." ...
That is not the question. I can"t get worked up about the current torture tempest. The two parties are exchanging fusillades over ten interrogation techniques deployed with fourteen "high value al-Qaida ...
Anne Applebaum's bosom buddy, Nikita, is getting kicked out of his Moscow digs: the state-subsidized housing he lives in is being sold to private developers. You"d think that this would please the Americans, who have ...
As we saw last week, a long-dormant sinister art-world trans-terror group, the Barbie Liberation Organization (BLO), has recently risen from their pink plastic coffins to terrorize the previously innocent world of childhood ...
The announcement that Barack Obama had been awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace took many people by surprise. Note that Obama was given this award on February 1, 2009, eleven days after he had acceded to the office of ...
I rang my friend Elizabeth Stauffenberg Roberti -- her father was Claus’s brother and was also put to death after the July 20 plot -- and she did not seem too perturbed that Tom Cruise would play her uncle. “He is a ...