The Gadfly and the Pervert

My distant ancestor Aesop (just kidding, folks) was fond of fables, so let me follow in his footsteps. This is the story of the Gadfly and the Pervert. Norman Finklestein was a Maoist revolutionary when young, which he ...

Awkward Truths About the Awkward Squad

As the cooling winds of austerity move in across superheated Britain, one gallant group is arming for war. The large trade unions, headed up by the so-called "€œAwkward Squad"€ of leftist leaders, are on the move. It ...

Climate Change Was the Big Election Loser

A few days before last week's election, Bernie Sanders issued a dire warning to voters: "If Donald Trump is elected, the struggle against climate change is over." He had that right. Climate change fanaticism was ...

The Real American Right: Part III

Within the conservative movement of the time, such as it was, the main appeal was a visceral anti-Communism, which generally appeared in two varieties. The McCarthyite "€œenemy within"€ version, practiced with alacrity ...

Adolescence: A Heresy

For about the last 150 years, American parents have infantilized teenagers by refusing to let them make decisions. As is usual when society turns in the wrong direction, it wasn"€™t average Americans who created the ...

All You Need Is… A Slap

"€œMake a child smile"€”kill a counselor."€ A passable joke and an admirable sentiment. Face it, a kid cannot even fart these days without being offered counseling or Ritalin. We are enfeebled by prevailing victim ...

Christ at the heart of Quebec

Quebec, la belle province, was once a land as Christ-haunted as Flannery O’Connor’s American South, with classical parish churches at the heart of towns and cities, and crucifixes in classrooms, courtrooms, and ...

Warming up the Alphabet Soup

You are old when the world has moved on beyond anything that you can understand or sympathize with. I am not referring here to technical advances that only an infinitesimal proportion of the population can ever understand, ...

Indiana Jones and the Legend of the Cold War

Indiana Jones was born in 1899 which would make him 102-year old on September 11, 2001 and which explains why he couldn"€™t be taking part in the war against Islamo-Fascism in 2008 in the new "€œIndiana Jones and the ...

The Worst Enemy

People in Washington love to debate threats. Which country or organization is the greatest danger to the United States? Is it Russia, with its massive nuclear arsenal and expansionist tendencies? Is it China, which seems ...

Crazy in Love: The New Fad for Dating the Mad

When I was a small child, there were two little twin retard girls who used to entertain all the other kids on the housing estate by getting down on all fours and lapping up dog shit from the road in front of everybody ...

A Chosen People without God”€”The Rise of the Neocons

The fact that neoconservatives have thought and acted in terms of secularized Judaism places them in the larger company of many other atheistic ideologues who were more than willing to bring heaven down to earth through ...

Greta Thunberg

Little Green Greta: Is GT an ET?

Back in September 2019, as Greta Thunberg gave yet another 100 percent recycled speech about climate change to the U.N. to predictable applause from the great and the good, ever eager to outdo one another in the game of ...

Obamania in Canuckistan

Despite sharing much in the way of popular culture and language, Canadians like to establish their identity as explicitly distinct from their powerful neighbor to the south. And they often do so according to a collection of ...

Who’s Un-American?

In one sense, I halfway agree with Nancy Pelosi. Screaming or shouting down politicians or fellow citizens in a public forum isn’t exactly productive. Yet I also agree with Thomas Jefferson, who wrote that “When ...

Abortion and Abolition

In a recent column for, the generally admirable Catholic politician Lew Lehrman makes the case for invoking the Abolitionist movement as the historic precedent for the pro-life attempt to protect the ...

The Pentagon is a Money Toilet

Back in January I threatened to inflict on Takimag readers a series of articles on how to convince patriotic conservatives that it's time for America to scale back significantly on the military spending that wastes so vast ...

Brooks and the Fallacy of the Misplaced Concrete

Yesterday, in an already much remarked upon column, David Brooks reviewed the state of the kulturkampf  between "€œassertive atheists"€ and "€œdefenders of faith"€ by way of a discussion of developments in ...

Ray LaHood: Obama’s Power-Mad Cell Phone Czar

America is in debt past its eyeballs. Unemployment remains stuck near double digits. Small and large businesses, unions and insurers are clamoring for Obamacare waivers in droves. Jihadists are making a mockery of homeland ...

Here She Comes…

I do have to wonder why these young women do this to themselves"€”make sex tapes and then try to put themselves forward into the public eye. They must know by now that in this digital age such tapes are obviously going to ...

Mumbai 2008/Sarajevo 1914

A bold terrorist attack on a peaceful city strikes fear, then horror among bystanders, then an entire nation. Gunmen barely out of their teens, sent on a clandestine one-way mission against a hated foe, create a bloody ...

Dying Hyenas in Regent’s Park

A pair of Siamese twins in formaldehyde, provided the liquid was a shocking pink and the infants were joined together in some particularly disturbing manner, would have made for a suitable exhibit in one of the tents, as ...

Neocon Whitewash/Conservative Spin

For decades conservative warhorse Reed Irvine churned out his newsletter, Accuracy in Media, giving a reality check to the American prestige press like the New York and LA Times and the Washington Post. He later expanded ...

Where Bad Ideas Go to Die

What did I learn from 8.5 years of graduate school in Creative Writing and English? Apart from useful stuff like how to structure a commercial screenplay, I realized that literature departments are where bad ideas go to ...

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