King Dollar Abdicates
For the most part, the value of the dollar is given cursory attention by the financial media. Typically, its movements are assigned an importance on par with much less determinative metrics such as natural gas futures and ...
For the most part, the value of the dollar is given cursory attention by the financial media. Typically, its movements are assigned an importance on par with much less determinative metrics such as natural gas futures and ...
Tough times bring out the best in us, as people like to say. People say a lot of things. From my personal experience, mankind responds to catastrophe very unevenly. That can-do, community spirit that ...
NEW YORK—When I heard about it, my own inchoate feelings were confused. A party for Seif al-Islam Gaddafi, son of Muammar Gaddafi, and the caller was Nat Rothschild, son of Lord Rothschild, a major donor to Jewish ...
NEW YORK"Stop saying dystopian. The next person who uses this word gets a Billy Jack leg whop to the right side of his face. Donald Trump is not dystopian. There's nothing dystopian happening. Who started ...
Banking is just about the most regulated industry in America. Yet, as we saw with the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and others in recent months, lenders are not invulnerable to failure due to bad management or unexpected ...
A few days before last week's election, Bernie Sanders issued a dire warning to voters: "If Donald Trump is elected, the struggle against climate change is over." He had that right. Climate change fanaticism was ...
Paul Gottfried has written an epitaph for paleoconservatism, and it is sure to generate a fair amount of controversy among paleos and even among those who might identify more with what he calls the “post-paleo ...
In my recent piece on the return of the conservative Democrat, I observed, “It remains to be seen whether the Dixiecrat revival will last.” If Glenn Greenwald has his way, the answer will be no: If simply ...
America is a strange place. Liberals get emotionally distraught that the Founding Fathers stuck Second Amendment rights in the Constitution. For American citizens to possess firearms is considered to be dangerous. Yet, it ...
What is lacking in Peter Gay's account of modern art is a serious effort (or any effort) to explain that maniacal anti-bourgeoisie hatred which Baudelaire and, especially, Flaubert injected into modernism's bloodstream. It ...
In those heady days of 2003, when the War Party was really feeling its oats and the neocons, the "warbloggers," and the television talking heads were triumphantly hailing the invasion of Iraq as an unqualified ...
Fear and longing for the 1970s. Most of us, I suspect, are rather nervous these days. One cannot help but wonder, if we are, indeed, experiencing the 21st century equivalent of 1929 or 1930"and if 1939 isn"t too ...
Politicians have big plans for us. President Joe Biden repeatedly says, "I have a plan for that." "I alone can fix it," shouted President Donald Trump. But most of life, and the best of life, happens when politicians ...
My Feb. 16 column, “A Country of Serfs Ruled By Oligarchs,” received confirmation from high places on the very day it appeared. Popular Indiana Democratic U.S. Senator Evan Bayh announced that he was quitting ...
When I was a small child, there were two little twin retard girls who used to entertain all the other kids on the housing estate by getting down on all fours and lapping up dog shit from the road in front of everybody ...
—-Forgive me for interrupting, the little man said, but I thought I had read his oeuvre complete and suddenly I see a title unknown to me. Ah, I said with contrived good grace (only a few pages to go), that may be ...
According to news reports, the U.S. military is shipping “bunker-buster” bombs to the U.S. Air Force base at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. The Herald Scotland reports that experts say the bombs are being ...
When Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina shouted “you lie!” at President Obama during his speech on national healthcare, the congressman made headlines, was denounced by his fellow lawmakers and he apologized for ...
A few days ago, I began receiving multiple Google alerts about something called "Banned in DC," an anonymous blog with a fixation on Takimag. The site was established only two week ago, apparently for the express ...
“There are only two men in America who can fill Yankee Stadium on three weeks’ notice,” a friend instructed me years ago. “Billy Graham and Louis Farrakhan.” Indeed, a decade ago, Black ...
For those who haven’t been keeping up with Caledonian affairs, Scottish independence has been brought onto the agenda by the victory of the anti-unionist, pro-independence Scottish National Party in the general ...
Inundated by the constant tidal wave of horrible news hitting us here at home, as well as abroad as the world finds itself in the express lane toward a massive regional Middle East War that could easily blossom into a ...
counter-factual scenarios are very intriguing, history doesn"t flow in some linear fashion that leads from X to Y, and that assumes that if only we had taken this road as opposed to that road, we would have reached our ...
The only hope of resisting the partisans of secular intolerance is to clean up the Christian Right (Catholic and Protestant), to purge it of jingoism, anti-intellectualism, millenarian nihilism, and to break up its shotgun ...