Israel Jumps the Shark

Have Israel and its supporters gone over the edge? As Israel defies the US on settlement policies and its continuing mistreatment of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, a recent poll shows the American public is ...

Fighting Tyranny Should Start at Home

What a relief. The demonstrations in the Islamic Republic, pursuant to the disputed election, have failed to cue the staple presidential speech we"€™d become accustomed to from George Bush. Barack Obama spared the ...

Letter from Mykonos

Mykonos. Lying northward of the sacred island of Delos, Mykonos is as profane as it gets. Largely barren, it used to be a brothel during ancient times, or so Herodotus tells us, and it continues its erotic, carnal ways as ...

Lords of War

In a little time [there will be] no middling sort. We shall have a few, and but a very few Lords, and all the rest beggars. —R.L. Bushman Rapidly you are dividing into two classes—extreme rich and extreme ...

The REAL Story of the Two Americas

For the past 30 years or so, the Left has invented a narrative that there are two Americas: a group of very super-rich people (the one-percenters) who have prospered over the past several decades, and everyone else who has ...

Welcome Back, Lenin

Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor it sucks. —Karl Marx If Karl Marx and V.I. Lenin were alive today, they would be leading contenders ...

Babes in GOP-land

Last week, while CPAC was winding down its annual conference, one of its stellar speakers, Jonathan Krohn, was honored with an interview on FOX news. This much-touted interviewee, who is now being compared to Joe the ...

Having Trouble Maintaining an Election?

Ooh, that smell! Can"€™t you smell that smell? Pew! It's the latest report from the Pew Center on the States, and it concludes that America's voter-registration system stinks. Released on Tuesday, Pew's report, titled ...

The Right’s Science Problem

As neoconservatism ascended, its regard for science slipped to the brink of open contempt, for it owed much of its political traction to social conservatives apt to dismiss science as corrupt as literary theory, only more ...

It’s Good To Be Qaddafi

He is the clown prince in a continent whose rulers boast of more clowns among them than all the circuses of the world combined. He uses more black shoe polish on his hair than a company of Rumanian hussars use on their ...

New Year’s Resolutions for Indian Immigrants

1. I will try to be a more humble -- or even a little bit humble -- and will encourage my fellow Indians to cease producing reams of articles with headlines like these: -- "Indians flying high in Silicon Valley"; -- ...

NYC Subway: Where Safety is Job No. 319 or So

I'm excited to announce a new acquisition for my New York Times museum! It's an article from the March 24 edition titled, "What Would Make the Subway Feel Safer? Experts Have 5 Suggestions." Appropriating from ...

Attack of the Reasonoids

Ron Paul’s recently published book, The Revolution, is number one on Amazon and will debut on the New York Times bestseller list at number seven—good news, eh? Not to the fake “libertarians” over at ...

Name Dropping

“One can name-drop with impunity when writing about the past,” said Nicky Haslam. “What is hard is to avoid it when writing of the present,” according to the sage. I remember when this column began ...

Green Groups Are No Longer Promoting a Cleaner Environment

The late, great humorist P.J. O'Rourke used to quip that everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to wash the dishes. Well, now that can be said for traditional environmental groups that seem to have lost their ...

Truth Has Fallen and Has Taken Liberty With It

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. —George Orwell There was a time when the pen was mightier than the sword. That was a time when people believed in truth and regarded ...

Choose Pushkin

Thomas Lejus, a Moscow university graduate, was the first Soviet to be accepted to the Wimbledon draw after the war. An American friend of mine, "D," (whom I cannot name because he is now a very big shot in D.C.) was also ...


An American president is launching the most ambitious, the most expensive, and certainly the most dangerous military campaign since the Vietnam War"€”and the antiwar movement, such as it is, is missing in action. After a ...

The Affirmative-Action Nobel

All my life, said Voltaire, I have had but one prayer: “O Lord, make my enemies look ridiculous. And God granted it.” In awarding the Nobel Prize for Peace to Barack Obama, the Nobel committee has just made ...

Elder Rape is a Strength!

As part of the Biden administration's push to make everything worse and more expensive, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) -- not to be confused with Congress, which writes the laws because we live in a ...

National Holiday

The Declaration of Independence"€”whose proclamation, on July 4, 1776, we celebrate today"€”has been mocked out of meaning. To be fair to the liberal establishment, ordinary Americans are not entirely blameless. For ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Reptilian, Vaudevillian, and Crocodilian Headlines WEST HOLLYWOOD VOTES TO REMOVE TRUMP’S “WALK OF FAME” STAR The City of West Hollywood is a world-famous Homosexual Mecca where gay men who are ...

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