Donald Trump

Accolades for Acolytes

Welcome to Taki's Mag, all you do-gooders who"€™ve discovered us this past week! It's a big world, and there are people to save and hands to hold everywhere! Let us help all of you help everyone else! It"€™ll be like ...

The Hoax Down Under

Say what you like against us Australians, there is one activity where we excel, and that is, in producing artistic hoaxers. The nonexistent modernist poetic genius "€œErn Malley"€ in the 1940s; a subsequent platoon of ...

Biden vs. Biden on ‘Is America a Racist Country?’

"Hear me clearly: America is not a racist country." So declared Sen. Tim Scott, a Black Republican, in his televised rebuttal to Joe Biden's address to Congress. Asked the next day what he thought of Scott's statement, ...

Three Warnings About Election Season

As elections approach, sweeping generalizations have a certain allure that often energizes the frustrated and captivates the hopeful. However, it's essential that we as voters remember that things that seem too good to be ...

Poe and the Publicity Hounds of Hell

There is some evidence that Poe sporadically had more than just two drinks. What is less well known is that he had very low tolerance for alcohol and usually drank less in a year than the likes of Taki or I do in a week. ...

America Was Built on Coal. Now Biden Wants to Abolish It

The one promise that President Joe Biden has faithfully kept is his pledge to "close down" fossil fuels. We get two-thirds of our energy in America from fossil fuels, and almost one-third of our power comes from coal. ...

Dinner Bell for the Right’s Last Supper

In February 2007, 24-year-old paranoid schizophrenic Holocaust denier Eric Hunt had an idea: He’d kidnap Holocaust survivor/author Elie Wiesel and make him admit that the Holocaust never happened. Hunt tracked Wiesel to ...

Sam Francis & Me

You have no idea what joy lies in discovering that there is another human being in one's homeland who actually has heard of, and reads with pleasure, Samuel Francis. But so there is. Australia, where moral cowardice and ...

Norman’s War

Browsing through Norman Podhoretz's latest book, Why Are Jews Liberals? (read non-neocon leftists), I was struck by a series of misleading facts starting around page 224. According to Pod's authorized version of THE TRUTH, ...

The Offshored Economy

In the 20th century, Detroit, Mich., symbolized American industrial might. Today it symbolizes the offshored economy. Detroit's population has declined by half. A quarter of the city—35 square miles—is desolate ...

Periodic Bloodshed

You may have noticed there’s a little bit of a war on in Gaza at the moment, and in order to stop the very worst of the bloodshed, the people of the region need YOUR help—in the shape of your spare tampons. What ...

Obama’s Court of Red Czars

Although Obama has appointed more czars in six months than Russia's Romanov Dynasty had occasion to anoint over three centuries, he is still missing a Vegetable Czar. If he acts quickly, Barack might be able to recruit a ...

Victorian memorial statue of Florence Nightingale in Westminster, London

The Old Woman Who Swallowed a Lie—That Immigration Works

Imagine being stabbed by a man with a big knife, who then offered to sell you some handy bandages at half price, before expecting you to be grateful for it. Here in the U.K., that lovely generous binding-peddler is David ...

Bowe Bergdahl

Deserting the Beast

It is so easy to gull the pack, the herd. It just takes a bit of theater. A brass band on the Fourth of July, flags whipping in the wind, young soldiers marching down Main Street, rhythmic thump-thump-thump of boots. There ...


Obama is a heavy-duty planner; a command and control kind of guy. He aims to replace cumbersome, heavily regulated medicine"€”the kind Americans have now"€”with Kafkaesque, centrally controlled care. He"€™ll start ...

The Debate About the Debate

Debate winner: CNN's Candy Crowley. In 2012, she -- the moderator -- interjected herself into a Romney-Obama debate to fact-check Mitt Romney with a lie. But unlike ABC's crack moderators on Tuesday night, at least she only ...

The SPLC Feels Your Hate

Recently, the Associated Press breathlessly proclaimed, "€œNumber Of Hate Groups Rising, Report Says,"€ parroting claims from the Montgomery, AL based Southern Poverty Law Center.  Despite the group's assertion, ...

Little Miss PC Southern Belle

Neocon Kathleen Parker has written an amazing piece of tediously conventional anti-Southern trash in the Washington Post. Parker blames the dereliction of the GOP"€”which has become a party with barely noticeable ...

Who Are We?

The human conceit that we are the masters of our own destinies may be one of those hard-wired illusions which served an adaptive function in the distant past. Whatever the evolutionary truth of it, despite the fact that ...

Me Vote Pretty This Time

Okay, of late I’ve been a really lousy political commentator. Not much of a citizen, either. I would have cheered on our guys and gals in the Olympics, had I known they were going on. (I’m a big fan, in theory, ...

Tea Party Tory

Before the Tea Party philosophy is ever even tested in America, it will have succeeded, or it will have failed, in Great Britain. For in David Cameron the Brits have a prime minister who can fairly be described as a Tea ...

Pick Up Lines for the Over 70 Set

We were about ten of us-- Nick Scott, Chantal Hanover, Tim Hoare, Richard Northcott, Bolle and Debbie Bismarck, Sir Bob Geldof and a couple of pretty young things. All sorts of loose and chesty broads were table-hopping ...

Right Face!

Facebook hosts fan clubs for such traditional thinkers as Ludwig von Mises, Robert A. Taft, Russell Kirk, Michael Oakeshott, Murray Rothbard, Walker Percy, Wendell Berry, Joe Sobran, and Sam Francis. (None for Richard ...

How Does Your Garden Grow? Upon the Corpses of Millions

I have recently been scribbling elsewhere about the complete non-topics of “racist gardening” and (sigh) “multihorticulturalism,” subjects that suddenly sprouted back into my mind a few days later whilst I was out ...

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