Is She Good for the Latinos? (Really)

The debate over Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court has generated millions of words but nearly all of it comes down to two opposing positions. On one side are defenders of legal neutrality"€”it's the law, ...

Why I publish this magazine

I want to shake up the stodgy world of so-called ‘conservative’ opinion. For the past ten years at least, the conservative movement has been dominated by a bunch of pudgy, pasty-faced kids in bow-ties and blue blazers ...

Advertising is Rape

Just in case you hadn"€™t noticed, ladies, you are being oppressed, exploited, abused, beaten, enslaved, murdered and raped. This evil is being perpetrated by the patriarchy, and Barack Obama is part of it. Oh, also ...

Martian Orders

A long-lived creature from Mars, who had paid the earth visits over several centuries, would be very much struck by modern man’s thirst for, or indifference to, ugliness. He, she, or it would have noticed that, precisely ...

The Vampire Sector

Be it the "€œpublic option"€ (that"€™ll eliminate all other options), the co-opting "€œco-op,"€ or the make-believe market that is the "€œinsurance exchange"€: if implemented, these euphemisms for centrally ...

Their Intelligence and Ours

Ron Rosenbaum, journalist (the New York Observer,, author, and one of the few liberals to sign on to the ill-fated Pajamas Media fiasco, is damned mad: Will all the pundits who relied on the discredited 2007 NIE ...

A Dubious Victory

With its decision in Nordyke v. King last week, in which the recent Supreme Court Heller decision was applied to state law, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals took another step down the long road of ...

Conan’s Last Laugh

By now, we all know the CW-like drama of Coco, The Chin, and The Peacock. It's hard to think of a time when late night comedy has attracted more attention, and Conan O"€™Brien, in particular, was funnier then ...

We”€™ve Never Seen a War We Didn”€™t Like

No, we've never seen a war we didn't like, the torture and the raping and the dead. But don't ask us to be in it, 'cause we'll be gone in just a minute, and no one will know exactly where we've ...

The Lies of Jamie Kirchick (Part MCLVIII)

Poor little Jamie Kirchick: it can’t be easy being a known lickspittle and liar. This Norman Podhoretz-wannabe is stamping his foot and having a real hissy fit over The American Conservative‘s endorsement of Ron ...

Chicago on the Potomac

No matter how you rearrange President Obama’s inner circle, it still looks, smells and tastes like a rotten Chicago deep-dish pizza. Ready for the latest topping on this moldy old pie? It’s a possible chief of ...

Apocalypse Not

MISSING: global recession, 6 billion careless owners. No, really, why do I see thousands of people milling around in the shops as though the credit crunch was nothing more than an abdominal exercise machine with a built-in ...

Own It

I like FOX-News broadcaster Glenn Beck. The man exudes goodness and has a visceral feel for freedom.  From this scrupulous soul I"€™d like to hear less about "€œlife, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,"€ ...

Britain in the Ashtray: Notes on a Scandal

There is no reason to suppose that this film's near-perfect depiction of nihilism exaggerates, in any way, the quotidian horror of Britain under Blair. There is every reason to suppose that, if anything, it understates such ...

The Sack of Annapolis

Rightly or wrongly, we will be held responsible for the outcome in Palestine and for the ultimate fate of the Palestinians. In a real sense, we will be paying for it. Actually, we have been paying for it for a long time, ...

Giuliani’s Closet

I don"€™t care one whit about Rudy Giuliani's private life, although I have a hard time believing the evangelicals are quite ready for the rutting Rudy. He is, after all, an Italian male, with certain impulses wired into ...

Big Man Obama and His Diversity Princess

First there was "€œThe Decider."€ Then came Big Man Obama. "€œThe Decider"€ is the nickname George Bush gave his all-powerful self. To go by the dictionary, and "€œwithin the context of political science, big ...

Afghan Mine Field

When you"€™re losing bad on Afghanistan's plains And the critics dare to question your gains Just roll to your geology and use your brains And go to your gold like I told yer —With apologies to Rudyard Kipling Now ...


The left has a new goal: degrowth! We should "buy less stuff," forgive debts, grow our own food, etc. They say this will "build a more just and sustainable society" and "save the planet" from "climate chaos." This idea ...

Cultural Jihad and the Subversion of Freedom

Like most butchers, Muhammad Bouyeri of the Hofstad Group is not a man of many doubts. When asked why he slaughtered the Dutch film-maker Theo Van Gogh, he was succinct: “I was motivated by the law that commands me to ...

Still Kicking Palin Around

The media has successfully chased Palin out of politics, but that doesn"€™t mean she won"€™t become the next president. After the press clobbered Nixon out of a presidential campaign and then out of a California ...

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