For Christ or Kin
Restoring Christendom is not a panacea for the ills of the modern world, though paleoconservatives" labors to preserve respect for the sacred, for faith in God, and for the Christian influence on American identity ...
Restoring Christendom is not a panacea for the ills of the modern world, though paleoconservatives" labors to preserve respect for the sacred, for faith in God, and for the Christian influence on American identity ...
I"ve argued in The American Conservative that, because most states are not in contention, the only rational use of the ballot is to send a message by casting single-issue vote for the Third Party presidential candidate ...
Even the editors of Time magazine can occasionally display some some wisdom, and to begin the new year, they got two things right: first, they canned Bill Kristol and Charles Krauthammer; second, they named President ...
For years Norman Podhoretz has been looking frenetically over his right shoulder, e.g., denouncing Taftites and representatives of the pre-neocon Right, a practice going back to Commentary's spats with the Buchananites at ...
I am not saying that we must all turn to Eastern mysticism, or try walking on water after a heavy lunch, or even be portrayed by Francis Bacon in attitudes expressive of inner torment. But come on, live a little! Let the ...
NEW YORK—A Brooklyn-born rapper by the name of John Forte had a business idea of sorts about eight years ago. It was one of those get-rich quickly schemes that, alas, work most of the time, hence the reason so many ...
I’ve written elsewhere about the gut-wrenching smugness of Stanley Fish, who after having spent a career destroying the study of the humanities at major American universities (especially Duke), has now established ...
One of the most delightfully anachronistic institutions in the world is an order of military monks called the Knights of Malta. The Knights got named for Malta because that small, Mediterranean island was ruled for ...
After Jesus Christ, Natan Sharansky is George Bush's favorite philosopher. In early 2005, around the time of his second inaugural, the president praised Sharansky"ex-prisoner of the Soviet Gulag, former Israeli cabinet ...
On board S/Y Bushido. Sailing down the eastern coast of the Peloponnese I thought I spotted some anti-Semites adrift, but they turned out to be Norwegians, flying a British flag. Although becalmed they needed nothing but a ...
My Southern suspicion that New England is full of crazy people gained another exhibit for the prosecution last week. The “Parade of Horribles” in Beverly, Mass., a Fourth of July tradition of grotesquerie ...
Can Americans today really sleep safely in their own beds at night? Not with so many militant homosexuals wandering around. In late August, the media revealed that a highly qualified lady (she’s brown, left-wing, female, ...
The two most terrifying days on the calendar are finally here: Halloween on 31 October, and World Vegan Day on 1 November. Paradoxically, extreme non-meat-eating, taken to its logical limit, may counterintuitively conclude ...
Walking through my local park one sunny evening recently, I was confronted by the surprisingly amusing sight of an apparent attempted child-grooming incident. A tall, twentysomething-looking, brown, and fuzzy-haired ...
In the wake of commentator Juan Williams’ feckless firing by National Public Radio, supporters on the Internet sounded a cheeky rallying cry: “Free Juan!” But Williams has now been liberated from the ...
Chalk up another Code Red Elmo moment for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. While Islamic terrorists groom suicide bombers starting in kindergarten, the grownups in charge of protecting America can’t seem to ...
This week, however, rather than cast a pall of gloom over your festivities, I shall take you on a trip down Memory ...
We grow to resemble what we worship. Beware the man or woman who does not honor a Creator or Redeemer, but bows down before the Accuser, whose Hebrew name is Satan. Satan in the White House is not just a late night horror ...
Even in some of my saner moments, however, I can detect within myself a tendency of character that transforms me into a kind of Taki of the Gutter. Thus I may be the only writer you will ever read who has met both Paris ...
“I had a wonderful time—but this was not it,” is what I contemplated, then discarded, saying to the lady who had hosted the "hat-party". The lady in question was Kristina Szekely, the equivalent ...
The Obama administration’s decision to treat FOX News as a political opponent rather than a viable news outlet has angered many conservatives. Not me. FOX News is not and never has been “objective ...
With its decision in Nordyke v. King last week, in which the recent Supreme Court Heller decision was applied to state law, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals took another step down the long road of ...
On August 29, the London think-tank Demos released a report called The Power of Unreason, which is "the first ever analysis of conspiracy theories in the ideology and propaganda of fifty extremist groups." These ...
Be it the "public option" (that"ll eliminate all other options), the co-opting "co-op," or the make-believe market that is the "insurance exchange": if implemented, these euphemisms for centrally ...