Embrace Prejudice

I do not much care for the obese. Worse, they make me feel nauseous. I dislike their shuffling and snuffling ways and believe them to be slothful, gluttonous, self-indulgent, undisciplined, manifestly unattractive and ...

Crunchy Calumny

Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan. This explains why so many of those who leapt on the bandwagon, or led the parade, that marched American soldiers off to war in Iraq are now disclaiming paternity, or ...

My “€œMugger-Loving”€ Mom

The racial reference that forced Geraldine Ferraro to leave the Clinton campaign and fly off on her broom brings back for me bittersweet memories of teenage years and Queens. I’d grown up in the congressional ...

Can Poland Be Poland — and Stay in the EU?

"Let Poland be Poland!" That was the call of American conservatives, four decades ago, when the Solidarity movement of labor leader Lech Walesa arose in the port city of Gdansk to demand their freedom of the Communist ...

In My House!

What if you come home and find strangers living in your house? I assumed you order the squatters out, and if they resist, call the police, and they will kick them out. Wrong. Pro-tenant laws passed by anti-capitalist ...

To My Old Friend and Screen Idol, Louis Jourdan

Turner Classic Movies, (TCM), the Ted Turner golden oldies network, saluted Louis Jourdan last week with a night of his movies, an evening that sure brought back memories. The highlight of the evening was the 1948 Letter ...

Consensus For Failure

A Kabul"€“based United Nations's guesthouse is the latest target to be hit by Afghani insurgents. Eight people, including an American, were killed. Three days prior, capital-city Kabul was the scene of a helicopter crash ...

Who’s the Real Peace Candidate?

Ron Paul's opposition to the Iraq conflict stems from his general libertarianism, since he agrees with Randolph Bourne that war is the health of the state. He has always opposed big government and continued to vote against ...

Growing Up Sex Tape

So now we’ve had Jamie Foxx recommending, nay, insisting, that Miley Cyrus should make a sex tape. This might sound like a strange career move (and the career advice coming from a strange source) but such is the pomp ...

Federal Palace, Bern

Swiss Precision

GSTAAD—As everyone knows, snobbery is nothing but bad manners passing itself off as good taste. Past American society dames were terrible snobs, until they met their French and British counterparts who put them in their ...

White Riot: Anarchy in the U.K.

“White riot—I wanna riot—white riot—a riot of my own!” So sang U.K. punk rockers the Clash in their 1977 debut single, “White Riot.” Well, now Britain has numerous white riots of its own, all across the ...

German Charm

Poor Michael Jackson. His last words were: ‘Take me to the children’s ward.’ But it was nice of the jockeys in Santa Anita to wear a black mourning band in honour of a man who rode more three-year-old winners than ...

Martian Orders

A long-lived creature from Mars, who had paid the earth visits over several centuries, would be very much struck by modern man’s thirst for, or indifference to, ugliness. He, she, or it would have noticed that, precisely ...

Highballs and High Society

I would especially like to believe the theories of David Icke, a former British soccer player who "€œdiscovered"€ the fact that the world has been dominated, for the past 10,000 years, by a race of alien lizard-men who ...

Dispatch from Knob Creek

Dave Weigel has a typically vivid piece about what the Knob Creek machine gun shoot was like this year, capturing the mix of gunnies, gawkers, conspiracy nuts, and folks looking for cheap ammo.  Arguably, the profile ...

Un-Killing Whitey: The Achievement of Sam Francis

To those of us who knew and respected for years the journalism of Samuel Francis (1947-2005), it remains hard to believe that he is gone. The outlets that regularly published him "€“ Chronicles, VDARE, The American ...

Angry White Men

To hear the Obamaites, those raucous crowds pouring into town hall meetings are “mobs” of “thugs” whose rage has been “manufactured” by K Street lobbyists and right-wing Republican ...

Trivial TV

Twenty-seven years ago, a British newspaper discovered—I don’t know how—that I hadn’t watched television for twenty-five years. At the time, this seemed almost incredible, or at any rate very odd, as if I had just ...

Postmodern, Not Hypermodern: Russell Kirk

Russell Kirk (1918-1994) is one of the most prominent, post-World War II, American conservative thinkers. Indeed, most histories of the American conservative movement begin in 1945. It may be remembered that, in 1945, the ...

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