White Nationalism: Interesting Idea, Not Too Practical

The congenitally alarmed express horror and perturbation over White Nationalists, of whom they know little. They seem to think–or perhaps hope, life being boring in Washington, that in conjunction with the election of ...

Islam for Dummies: Does Being Muslim Make You Thick?

One of the lesser-reported consequences of the recent anti-immigrant race riots here in England has been the shock news that the nation’s many superintelligent Muslims are now seriously considering emigrating immediately. ...

Still Rebels, Still Tories

On June 23 2005, in deciding Kelo v. City of New London, the majority ruled that governments may seize property from private citizens if they have found a new owner who will pay them more in taxes on the land than the ...

Just War, Jeremiah, and Jeremiah Weed

The prophets whom God sent to His people carried a two-fold message, which can be boiled down to this: "€œGo to Temple"€”and don"€™t provoke the goyim!"€ Again and again, the prophets of Israel countered the claims ...

James Earl Carter

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Aching, Staking, and Resolution-Breaking Headlines MALAISE AT REST Jimmy Carter has passed, and whatever your political affiliation, everyone can agree that it’s tragic when one dies so young. No ...

9/11 Truths and Lies

On September 11, 2001, nineteen hijackers, wielding nothing more lethal than box-cutters, commandeered four airliners, and turned them into lethal missiles, three of which managed to hit their targets"€”the World Trade ...

America’s First Suicide Bomber

Joseph Stack, frustrated American, flew his airplane into an Austin, Texas, office building. He was one of the 79 percent of Americans who have given up on “their” government. The latest Rasmussen Poll ...

New Tools for Fools

What is Euvabeco? Chances are you don’t know because it is one of those acronyms used by the powers that rule us in draconian style since Covid and who are hardly at all subjected to scrutiny or asked what they mean by ...

Paging Dr. House

Once, in the years B. D. (Before Deinstitutionalization), Australia's mental hospital care took two forms. There was the public-asylum form. Then there was the private-clinic form. In the public-asylum form—Sydney's ...

All Quiet on the K Street Front

Erich Maria Remarque was a hell of a man. Good looking, a terrific womanizer and a heavy drinker, he bedded most Hollywood stars he came into contact with, and he came into contact with many of them. He was Marlene ...


A Pox on Both Houses

Okay, enough nostalgia and European tales of love and war. Let’s get back to the awful present, and the god-awful Gaza mess. One side argues that Palestinians have lived under Israeli occupation since 1967 and are ...

Police Officer Stuck in BLM Nightmare

It must be a shock to police officers busting up campus protests to be cheered, rather than jeered, as they have been since the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, a decade ago -- a completely justified ...

Edukation, Edducation, Educcation

"€œIs Stoppard's play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead simply glib and superficial?"€ Some thirty years ago now, it was one of the English essay questions put to me in my final year at high school.  My ...

The Myth of the Conservative Legal Movement

Steven Teles set out to write a book explaining how conservatives in the law achieved stature and success and transformed a profession that had become monolithically liberal. What The Rise of the Conservative Legal Movement ...

The Limits of Race

Although it might be disturbing to some readers that in my following remarks about white nationalists I treat my subjects with respect, this should cause no surprise to anyone who is familiar with my work. I am accustomed ...

Did Hitler Want War?

On Sept. 1, 1939, 70 years ago, the German Army crossed the Polish frontier. On Sept. 3, Britain declared war. Six years later, 50 million Christians and Jews had perished. Britain was broken and bankrupt, Germany a ...

The Girls Guide to (Buying and Selling) Diamonds

Beyond Benalmadena on Spain's famous Costa del Sol lies the town of Fuengirola. It is a sprawling commercial nightmare of a place, a tentacle of the once beautiful Torremolinos, whose sole claim to fame was Lord Kagan of ...

Poisonous Politics

On Feb. 15, 1933, Giuseppe Zangara, delusional and a loner, fired his .32-caliber pistol at FDR in the Bayfront Park area of Miami. Five feet tall, Zangara could not aim over the crowd. So, he stood on a folding chair and ...

Cold War Nostalgia

The hysteria from U.S. "€œconservatives"€ over the White House's decision not to base missile defense systems in the Czech Republic and Poland has been as shrill as it was predictable. The editors of National Review, ...

Lord Byron by Richard Westall

A Love Letter to Love Letters

Of all the lovely things and habits that Big Tech has deprived humans of by turning us into electronic robots, the one I miss the most is the love letter. Those sleepy types who go by the name of millennials have declared ...

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