The Crown Knows Best
The Greco-Roman egghead view was that events do not occur at random according to the whims of the Gods, but according to a repetitive cycle. Just as life followed birth and death followed decline, monarchy decayed into ...
The Greco-Roman egghead view was that events do not occur at random according to the whims of the Gods, but according to a repetitive cycle. Just as life followed birth and death followed decline, monarchy decayed into ...
Under Discussion:A Failure of Capitalism: The Crisis of ‘08 and the Descent into Depression. Richard A. Posner. Harvard University Press (2009). 346 pages. Richard Posner tells us that capitalism has failed, but his ...
“Conservative Tycoon ... Dies at 95,” said the New York Times headline on New Year’s Eve about the death of Roger Milliken. Clearly, the headline writer did not know the man. For Roger Milliken ...
When three young children were stabbed on the streets of Dublin last November, the authorities very quickly managed to focus the narrative away from the attacker. Horror gave way to condemnation of the reaction to the ...
It’s often been pointed out that there’s a certain frisson, for a certain sort of man, to watching two women duking it out over something or other. Perez Hilton may not be female, technically, but his glory in ...
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the main American media includes many homely, bitter, left-leaning women and numerous bald, left-wing, and equally unattractive men. No wonder, then, that Kamala is the media’s ...
In Britain, they"re getting antsy about Obama's war " the "Af-Pak" [.pdf] war, that is. Without the poodle Tony Blair to cover for us, Britain's ruling Labor Party " decisively smacked down in the recent ...
Americans can sleep easier after months of jitters over the decisive issue in U.S. foreign policy. We"ve all been on edge for weeks, but it's time to take a deep breath and relax; a bright new era has dawned. So when ...
The tale is told by M. F. Barnes, in her 1931 study Renaissance Vistas (and it has often been depicted by great painters, notably Botticelli and Carpaccio), of Saint Augustine, wandering along the seashore. Lost in ...
The new political dividing line in America’s never-ending culture wars will be economic: Bidenomics versus MAGAnomics. Apparently, Bidenomics will make the average American richer, and MAGAnomics will make them ...
The latest Census Bureau data on population changes in America should have been a wake-up call to lawmakers in blue states and cities. The Census data provide even further evidence that "soak the rich" tax policies have ...
An Irishman's home is his coffin. "James Joyce, Ulysses The dead use a graveyard forever. "Nathan Englander, The Ministry of Special Cases Over the last couple of months, corpses have turned up all over the world. ...
Common sense. How can you possibly be against it? Americans of a certain generation used to talk about “Mom and apple pie” as examples of things that you cannot help but love, and it looks like common sense should get ...
“The dog barks, the caravan moves on.” This old Turkish proverb suggests that the events of history keep rolling despite cries of complaint and censure. The hounds may yelp, but they can’t stop the progress of the ...
When the spiritual head of Christendom opposes the war you wish to launch, you take his opposition very seriously. We might not be surprised that a non-Catholic President would feel no compunction in simply disregarding ...
Plus, new songs from Michael Jackson, a "Green Hornet" Mythbusters, and a Parisian ...
Sixty-six years ago this month, the American and Free French forces landed in southern France to liberate this half of the country, link up with General Eisenhower in the north and drive the Germans back to Berlin. After ...
When an Italian finishes making love he looks at the mirror, flexes his muscles and tells himself, Magnifico! When a Frenchman is through, he tells the lady that she may have captured his body but not his soul. When an ...
The word "Italians" conjures up a number of epithets. Take, for example, "Corrupt Bastards." The Italians are mired in corruption. This is either despite or because of the fact that they are Catholics and ...
My old friend Norman Finkelstein has just written a foreword to a new edition of his first-rate book on the Gaza Strip, This Time We Went Too Far, in which he shares his fears of another Israeli war in Lebanon. Norman is ...
Can a different kind of conservative movement be built? Maybe. Pat Buchanan is one leader on the Right who clearly stands for a foreign policy, economics, and cultural vision very unlike those of the movement. That's not to ...
I often wonder as to why people are shocked, shocked—Captain Renault-like—to discover that modern football is a malodorous cesspit teeming with leeches and crooks, or that Tony Blair is a congenital liar not ...
Recently, China overtook Germany as the world’s largest exporter. And just the other day, China was calculated to have overtaken Japan as the second largest economy in the world. China is on a roll, or even on a tear, ...
Another NATO conference, another example of geopolitical futility. At the alliance's recent ministerial meeting, the Europeans rebuffed Washington's push for speedy membership for Georgia and Ukraine. NATO is coming up on ...