Lost Caravan

“The dog barks, the caravan moves on.” This old Turkish proverb suggests that the events of history keep rolling despite cries of complaint and censure. The hounds may yelp, but they can’t stop the progress of the ...

Bring Out Your Dead (to Vote)

An Irishman's home is his coffin. "€”James Joyce, Ulysses The dead use a graveyard forever. "€”Nathan Englander, The Ministry of Special Cases Over the last couple of months, corpses have turned up all over the world. ...


I often wonder as to why people are shocked, shocked—Captain Renault-like—to discover that modern football is a malodorous cesspit teeming with leeches and crooks, or that Tony Blair is a congenital liar not ...

Not Another War on Lebanon

My old friend Norman Finkelstein has just written a foreword to a new edition of his first-rate book on the Gaza Strip, This Time We Went Too Far, in which he shares his fears of another Israeli war in Lebanon. Norman is ...

Bastardi Corrotti!

The word "€œItalians"€ conjures up a number of epithets. Take, for example, "€œCorrupt Bastards."€ The Italians are mired in corruption. This is either despite or because of the fact that they are Catholics and ...

Playing the China Card

Recently, China overtook Germany as the world’s largest exporter. And just the other day, China was calculated to have overtaken Japan as the second largest economy in the world. China is on a roll, or even on a tear, ...

Skiing in Lederhosen

When an Italian finishes making love he looks at the mirror, flexes his muscles and tells himself, Magnifico! When a Frenchman is through, he tells the lady that she may have captured his body but not his soul. When an ...

Blue States Just Can’t Stop Taxing

The latest Census Bureau data on population changes in America should have been a wake-up call to lawmakers in blue states and cities. The Census data provide even further evidence that "soak the rich" tax policies have ...

Incoherent Empire: The Case for Getting Out of NATO

Another NATO conference, another example of geopolitical futility. At the alliance's recent ministerial meeting, the Europeans rebuffed Washington's push for speedy membership for Georgia and Ukraine. NATO is coming up on ...

Confederates and Catholics, Unite!

As Walker Percy, Margaret Mitchell and Flannery O"€™Connor perceived, in the current struggle between the "€œModernity"€ foisted on us by our elites and those who hold to the traditions they brought to this ...

Youth Movement

Can a different kind of conservative movement be built? Maybe. Pat Buchanan is one leader on the Right who clearly stands for a foreign policy, economics, and cultural vision very unlike those of the movement. That's not to ...

Notes on the Vote

It is a truth universally acknowledged that the main American media includes many homely, bitter, left-leaning women and numerous bald, left-wing, and equally unattractive men. No wonder, then, that Kamala is the media’s ...

Bus Stop Blues

Politeness is a virtue. But, as with all virtues, it becomes a vice when carried too far. It is not merely that it can be oleaginous; it can be pusillanimous, the cowardly avoidance of uncomfortable disagreement when such ...

Tom Ford: Too Stylish for Film?

Can a blackboard be beautiful? A liquor store car park? What about a sleeping bag? In Tom Ford’s hands the answer is always, “yes, darling”. When Colin Firth’s single man, Professor George Falconer, ...

Are you a MAKER or a TAKER?

Politicians are often takers. They take our money (and freedom) in the name of achieving goals they rarely achieve. Elon Musk and Sen. Elizabeth Warren may be the best examples of maker and taker. They're the stars of my ...

The Race for New York and Why Andrew Cuomo’s Got Game

The oh-my-god political news story of recent weeks in this neck of the woods was a September 22 poll showing Carl Paladino just six points behind Andrew Cuomo among likely voters in the New York governor’s ...

Are the Tea Parties Radical and Paranoid Enough?

According to Paul Krugman, the some 700 "€œTea Parties"€ that sprung up in all 50 states yesterday weren"€™t really about taxes and government spending. They were instead an opportunity for the disposed yahoodom of ...

Oh! What a Lovely Afghan War

A more useless and unnecessary thing than an expedition into this country could not be imagined… These are words lifted from the diary of Brigadier-General Henry Brooke who, in April 1880, took command of the British ...

Forever War

If we had it to do over, would we send an army into Afghanistan to build a nation? Would we invade Iraq? While these two wars have cost 5,200 dead, a trillion dollars and a divided America facing an endless war, what ...

An Imaginary Edmund Burke

It seems everyone wanted to be on the side of progress in the Seventies, but today everyone's a Burkean.  Gay marriage advocates, Barack Obama supporters, and defenders of the welfare state all identifiy themselves as ...

Phony Originalism

Since the days of Ronald Reagan and Edmund Meese, the Republican Party's position has been that judges should be bound by the people's understanding of a particular constitutional provision at the time they ratified ...

Mind Your Manners and Blame Hollywood

Dear Delphi, I detest my brother-in-law. He is close to 40, unemployed, lazy, and arrogant. I don"€™t know why my sweet little sister married him. Luckily we do not live in the same city, but family holidays are becoming ...

The Old Ball Game

I almost never bother to try to forecast the outcome of an election. After all, we shall all know soon enough. High-tech California, for instance, should be done counting its votes by early December. So, rather than ...

Athens & Jerusalem

Geert Wilders is a Dutch parliamentarian, and leader of the Freedom Party (PVV). He, and sixty percent of the Dutch population, “considers mass immigration to be the worst mistake since the Second World War.” An ...

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