Bankster Holiday

Evidence that the U.S. is a failed state is piling up faster than I can record it. One conclusive hallmark of a failed state is that the crooks are inside the government, using government to protect and advance their ...

Smart Money

How must it feel to pimp for a slovenly whore, doped and ravaged and destroyed by her abductors, who was once the happiest, most innocent, most beautiful girl in town? He is Baselitz, a name tuberose, not only ...

The New New Deal

The "€œnew"€ New Deal recidivism reveals a sclerotic movement stuck in the past. The ubiquitous prefix "€œnew"€ stamped on any old program reflects the movement's horror that its ancient pedigree might be ...

The myths of Simon Blackburn

In the latest issue of the periodical formerly known as The Times Higher Education Supplement (it now calls itself simply “Times Higher Education”), the philosopher Simon Blackburn takes a stab at what he sees ...

Multiplication Tables

No one can accuse Mandolyna Theodoracopulos of not being provocative, and I read her recent post “Jon and Kate Plus Hate” with interest.  I entirely agree with her criticisms of in vitro fertilization, and ...

BBC: The Boring Bastards’ Club

Like the colossal bore it has now become, Britain’s once-great national broadcaster, the BBC, seems to spend most of the time these days reporting endlessly upon nothing but itself. In the past month alone, we have had ...

An American in Zurich

         Zurich has a reputation for being stodgy, but it ain’t so, at least not after hours. On one of my first visits, I met a Dublin girl by the name of Mary O"€™Connell downstairs ...

Works Every Time! (Target Marketing)

News Flash"€”Blacks Like Malt Liquor! Black Entertainment Television (BET) refers to me as "€œa White blogger."€ But they got my name wrong. It goes back to this blog post from July 7, 2009, where I commented on ...

A Kinder, Gentler Totalitarianism

On February 18th 2009, Eric Holder, our first African American Attorney General gave a well-publicized speech in which he called Americans cowards for, among other things, refusing to engage in an open, frank dialogue about ...

O.J. Simpson

The Post-O.J. Verdict Paradise

O.J. Simpson's death last week reminded me of the glorious period in American history when we finally got liberals to stop their infernal race baiting. It came right after O.J. was found not guilty of a double murder he'd ...

Pink Xmas: The “€œWar on Christmas”€ in Europe

Be prepared for a homosexual parody of Christmas when you take a stroll through Amsterdam these days. The Dutch city, the self-declared "€œGay capital of the world,"€ is holding its first "€œPink Christmas ...

Brussels Shows Budapest Who’s Boss

During the 2004–07 waves of expansion, the European Union (EU) welcomed ten countries of the former Soviet bloc along with Cyprus and Malta. “Old Europe” sought to rebuild the post-communist countries using the carrot ...

Out and About

Meee-ooow!—In what has got to be the cattiestiest interview since the Cheshire Cat took on the Cowardly Lion, Gore Vidal displays his utter contempt for the New York Times. In answer to "€œWhy do you think that ...

The End of Great Power Politics

The prophets of international relations are eager to offer us different visions of the future. For some, American decline is destined to give rise to a new era of multipolarity. Others assert we’re already living in a ...

Vengeance is Mine

This might surprise you, but I wasn’t always such a mild, soft-spoken guy. Before my conversion to St. Francis of Assisi’s gospel of peace, you might have called me… contentious. Provoked, I acted rather ...

Soda Tax

Want a soda? You'll pay more for one in Philadelphia, because five years ago, local politicians decided to tax it. They're "protecting" people, they said. The tax would "reduce obesity" and "lower diabetes rates." But ...

Hitchens Unhinged

Writer Christopher Hitchens has hit the jackpot. His new book, God is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, has proved a runaway bestseller. Why, then, is Mr. Hitchens so angry? Eyewitnesses report that Hitchens ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Meaty, Peaty, and Trick-or-Treaty Headlines MOAT-TOWN With the L.A. Dodgers in the World Series—and with ticket prices reaching Taylor Swift concert-level expensive—it’s instructive to recall that ...

PC Gaming: The Quest to Queer Super Mario

Is Super Mario gay? The simple answer is “no,” although that distinctly camp mustache-and-dungarees combo does make him look rather like a lost member of the Village People. Nonetheless, as the megahit new Super Mario ...

600,000 Men Dies for Anchor Babies

This Kushner-less Trump presidency is fantastic! Instead of the president's son-in-law releasing criminals, Rep. Paul Ryan prioritizing tax cuts over the wall, and Kushner pal Gary Cohn preserving Wall Street's tax ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Conning, Donning, and Rosh Hashaning Headlines BURN SLAVEY BURN! It was a Third Reich in the second degree. Embattled N.C. gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson, a self-proclaimed “black Nazi” who ...

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