The Importance of Hatred

With all the deintellectualization, deindustrialization, and dehumanization in the news it's easy to become numb. A looming battle with Syria for no sane reason, surrender of America to invaders without any fight ...

Stacey Dash

The Blacklash Against Stacey Dash

Actress Stacey Dash, star of Clueless, is a black woman from The Bronx who says she voted for Obama in 2008. After she recently Tweeted that she planned to vote for Romney, American blacks and their clueless white enablers ...

Jean Harlow and Marie Dressler

Robot Hookers of the Near Future

Jean Harlow’s final, deliciously pre-Code exchange with matronly Marie Dressler in 1933’s Dinner at Eight endures as one of cinema’s choicest comedy morsels. Harlow’s Kitty, a ditzy platinum blonde ...

Lily Allen

Let Them Eat Rape

We’re perched at a precarious point in history where it seems impossible to become a celebrity anywhere in the West if you don’t make a grand public display of denouncing all things Western. Case in point: British pop ...

The War on Comedy

An Asian dude walks into a bar. "€œPour me a jigger, nigger,"€ he says to the black bartender. "€œCome on, man,"€ the bartender responds, "€œthat's not cool."€ The Asian ain"€™t havin"€™ it. "€œOh, fuck ...

Net Worthlessness

For about three years I have subscribed to two free Internet sites that offer investment advice. In a moment of madness or lack of self-knowledge, I thought I might start to take an interest in my own financial affairs, but ...

August Ames

Get AIDS Or Kill Yourself

At age 23, female porn star August Ames had already appeared in nearly 300 movies, among them such beloved chestnuts as Big Wet Breasts, Don’t Tell Hubby, Baby Got Boobs, Spandex Loads, and Titty Attack 8. Although ...

University of Virginia, Charlottsville

Carved Upon the Landscape

Why the ever-increasing hatred for America’s past? You might think that, on the whole, American history is, relative to world history, fairly impressive and heartening. But it’s precisely American history’s virtues, ...

Africa’s Gay Problem

Last week President Barack Hussein Elijah Muhammad Obama visited his alcoholic deadbeat dad’s homeland of Kenya, where he found it incumbent upon himself to lecture the nation’s president for not being nice ...

Evolution or Equality? (Pick One)

It is impossible to simultaneously understand the theory of evolution and to believe in blank-slate cognitive equality among human groups of different continental origins. Both propositions"€”evolution and ...

Truth or Trope?

Once again, 2019 headlines appear contrived to vindicate my old ideas. For instance, last week’s amusing face-off between freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar, leader of the Congressional hijab caucus, and Speaker of the House ...

The Conservative Media Meltdown

However the Trump War resolves itself, we"€™ve already seen at least one casualty"€”conservative media cohesion. Sides are being drawn, and blood feuds have been declared. As The New York Times recently pointed out, ...

10 Unbelievable Things I Was Taught in College

It used to be a big deal to have a college education. Back in 1960, about 8% of the population had one, and this chosen few deserved their popularity in the job market. The baby boomers decided this was unfair, so when they ...

Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin Sticks His Foot up His Ass Again

The double-edged sword called the Internet spreads and then debunks myths at head-spinning speed. So despite attempts on all sides to erase the evidence, we know with absolute certainty that actor Alec Baldwin experienced ...

Nolan’s Finest Hour

Back in 2014, I ended my Taki's review of Christopher Nolan's ambitious but imperfect Interstellar by suggesting that his blockbuster-every-two-years schedule was too rapid even for a writer-director of Nolan's talents. ...

Sofia Coppola

Remembering Hollywood’s Favorite White Black Man

I hate Hollywood. To me, the entertainment industry ranks right up there with rectal cancer on the list of the worst things in the world. And no, not because the biz is a CIA MKUltra Illuminati front (or however that theory ...

Chicago, Illinois

Obama, Trump, and Daffy Duck

Just as Rodney Dangerfield once went to a fight and a hockey game broke out, the Justice Department, George Soros, and the national media encouraged yet another crime spree in poor Ferguson, Mo., over the weekend on the ...

Elizabeth Holmes

Blood Simple

Once the reelected Obama administration gave the okay for the diversity industry to begin shaking down Silicon Valley like it does everybody else, we began to read over and over that the reason there are few female tech ...

How the Free Speech Movement Stopped Moving

This month marks 50 years since Mario Savio stood atop a police car at UC Berkeley and gave an impassioned speech to throngs of young pampered radicals that launched what is now preserved in amber and lionized as the ...

Turn On, Tune In, and Drop Out

So, I"€™m walking along the East River the other day and I see this twenty-something couple sitting on a bench, reading old-timey books. I was surprised by my own reaction which was, "€œEw."€ Then I realized, people ...

Save the Five!

"€œWhite supremacists have no place in the armed forces,"€ screeched the Huffington Post. "€œForces members who disrupted Indigenous rally face "€˜severe consequences,"€™"€ warned the CBC. "€œPathetic, dumb, ...

HIV positive blood cell

The Power of HIV-Positive Thinking

Irredeemably dissolute actor Charlie Sheen revealed last week that he tested positive for HIV four years ago. The Mirror alleges that since then, Sheen has “slept with more than 700 [people] including call girls, ...

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