The Week That Perished
The Week’s Most Slippery, Zippery, and Yom Kippury Headlines REDUN-DUNCE When it comes to humor, there’s commitment to a bit, and then there’s Tommy Cooper. Cooper was a 6'4" pudgy alcoholic chain-smoking British ...
The Week’s Most Slippery, Zippery, and Yom Kippury Headlines REDUN-DUNCE When it comes to humor, there’s commitment to a bit, and then there’s Tommy Cooper. Cooper was a 6'4" pudgy alcoholic chain-smoking British ...
Get Low, a dramedy starring venerable elders Robert Duvall, Bill Murray, and Cissy Spacek, is promisingly based on a prime slab of Old, Weird Americana: the true 1938 story of an elderly hillbilly (played by Duvall) who ...
Gallivanting around the globe is usually not advisable for political leaders in the midst of sweeping domestic changes, possible bankruptcy and public protests. Unless that is, you are Prime Minister George Papandreou. To ...
When a runaway hot-air balloon reported to be carrying a six-year-old boy made headlines last week, many were surprised to find out it had all been a hoax. Admitted the six-year-old boy on live television, “We did ...
There’s an old story variously ascribed to any number of inscrutable Chinese men: how do you get the cat to bite a hot pepper? Zhou En Lai (or Mao, Chiang Kai Chek, or possibly that bloke who taught Grasshopper on the ...
In response to my recent piece on science and religion, one of the commenters, GM, took me to task: “you may want to consider and ask why atheists seem angry. There’s no indication that you ...
From the Head Start program to the International Baccalaureate, the whole purpose of "education" today is to create new generations of Americans who think that the United Nations should govern the entire planet and ...
I feel funny about the old lady, Miss Liberty, or Miss US of A, whatever you wish to call the United States, once upon a time THE No. 1 in everyone’s books. The country looks ancient and worn, with corruptive wealth ...
A fascinating recent example of what I call cops retreating to the doughnut shop began in July 2023 when the New Jersey State Police largely stopped issuing traffic tickets for six to eight months after being accused once ...
Plus Nadja (read: a vampire movie that’s actually good), the latest Frank Gehry exhibit, Barcelona’s Fiesta de la Merce, and more cultural must-sees this week Boardwalk Empire, premieres September 19 Set in ...
Evidence that the U.S. is a failed state is piling up faster than I can record it. One conclusive hallmark of a failed state is that the crooks are inside the government, using government to protect and advance their ...
The "new" New Deal recidivism reveals a sclerotic movement stuck in the past. The ubiquitous prefix "new" stamped on any old program reflects the movement's horror that its ancient pedigree might be ...
How must it feel to pimp for a slovenly whore, doped and ravaged and destroyed by her abductors, who was once the happiest, most innocent, most beautiful girl in town? He is Baselitz, a name tuberose, not only ...
Like the colossal bore it has now become, Britain’s once-great national broadcaster, the BBC, seems to spend most of the time these days reporting endlessly upon nothing but itself. In the past month alone, we have had ...
In the latest issue of the periodical formerly known as The Times Higher Education Supplement (it now calls itself simply “Times Higher Education”), the philosopher Simon Blackburn takes a stab at what he sees ...
Watching the vice-presidential debate last week, I realized that Gov. Tim Walz has a primitive's understanding of cause-and-effect. It pairs nicely with his primitive's understanding of representative democracy, economics, ...
On February 18th 2009, Eric Holder, our first African American Attorney General gave a well-publicized speech in which he called Americans cowards for, among other things, refusing to engage in an open, frank dialogue about ...
News Flash"Blacks Like Malt Liquor! Black Entertainment Television (BET) refers to me as "a White blogger." But they got my name wrong. It goes back to this blog post from July 7, 2009, where I commented on ...
No one can accuse Mandolyna Theodoracopulos of not being provocative, and I read her recent post “Jon and Kate Plus Hate” with interest. I entirely agree with her criticisms of in vitro fertilization, and ...
Zurich has a reputation for being stodgy, but it ain’t so, at least not after hours. On one of my first visits, I met a Dublin girl by the name of Mary O"Connell downstairs ...
The Week’s Most Clowny, Frowny, and All-the-Leaves-Are-Browny Headlines NEXT-OF-QUINCEAÑERA Dia de los Muertos came early in Oklahoma City last week, as a shoot-out at a Halloween party at a bargain-basement Mexican ...
Be prepared for a homosexual parody of Christmas when you take a stroll through Amsterdam these days. The Dutch city, the self-declared "Gay capital of the world," is holding its first "Pink Christmas ...
This might surprise you, but I wasn’t always such a mild, soft-spoken guy. Before my conversion to St. Francis of Assisi’s gospel of peace, you might have called me… contentious. Provoked, I acted rather ...
Meee-ooow!—In what has got to be the cattiestiest interview since the Cheshire Cat took on the Cowardly Lion, Gore Vidal displays his utter contempt for the New York Times. In answer to "Why do you think that ...