Our Public Schools Are a National Disaster

Perhaps what's most distressing about the latest collapse in high school test scores is that no one seems to be very distressed. You've probably heard the news that ACT scores have fallen for the sixth straight year. Our ...

Is It a Revolution?

The doctor shoved the syringe into the old man's neck.  He collapsed in convulsions before lying still. The Grim Reaper cackled surprisingly loudly in the background, as President Obama (or at least someone with a mask ...

Larry Hogan

MAGA Morons and Larry Hogan

I hope the Larry Hogan fracas isn't a sign of idiocies to come. As you may know, the U.S. Senate is currently divided, effectively, 51 Democrats to 49 Republicans. The GOP is likely to win Sen. Joe Manchin's seat in West ...

It’s a Crime

If anyone should wonder why traditional parties have lost their hold in some European countries, they could do worse than read David Fraser’s short book Britain, Tough on Crime? It does not deal directly with the decline ...

Are We All Liberals Now?

Kevin Gutzman, citing leftist historian Louis Hartz"€™ The Liberal Tradition in America, first informed Takimag readers that liberalism is the only political tradition in the United States, and that this was a "€œgood ...

Biden’s OTHER Immigration Calamity

Recent polling shows President Joe Biden's open-border immigration policy is now ranked as the No. 1 or 2 problem facing America -- in part because of the havoc in our large cities where the millions of migrants are now ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Sciatic, Rheumatic, and Olympiadic Headlines THE LONG HOT SUMMER GAMES In the immortal words of Orson Welles, “Muah-ha-ha the French.” Arrogant when they should be humble (rude to tourists for no ...

Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama

Bibi’s Dilemma—and Barack’s

“Bibi” Netanyahu was disgusted. “My initial reaction is that Iran has gotten a freebie. It has got five weeks to continue enrichment without any limitation.” The Israeli prime minister was ...

The New Wild West Economy

The financial geniuses who caused, yet failed to predict, the world’s financial collapse are not doing much yet to avoid another crash. Given that I didn’t predict it either, I am as qualified as they are to ...

Still Slandering Serbia

The New York Times"€™ firing of Judith Miller, allegedly for bad reporting, served the same purpose as the paper's daily "€œCorrections"€ column: It suggested that everything else in the newspaper of record is pretty ...

Plastic Explosives: A Very Barbie Christmas, Part One

Just in time to ruin another generation of toddlers’ enjoyment of Christmas, the Barbie Liberation Organization are back! But...who the hell are they? By now, you have probably long since forgotten these Grinch-like ...

The Old California

The central insight of conservatism"€”that everything is always getting worse"€”is dramatically illustrated by the little hamlet I recently moved to: Rio Nido, California. Located in the wine country of Sonoma county, ...

Vincent Astor

Astor Words

The August issue of Quest magazine, a New York glossy, featured one Vincent Astor on its cover. Were he still around, Astor would not have been pleased, because the cover story by David Patrick Columbia was not exactly ...

Temple of Poseidon, Sounion, Greece

Black Shirt Banter

I am writing this from the birthplace of (selective) democracy 2,500 years ago, the Athenians having the noose to limit voting rights to intelligent men capable of distinguishing between what is true and what is false. They ...

The Gentile/Jew Death-Tango

Jacque Fresco is a man who requires no introduction. Wait...hold on...I screwed that up. Lemme start again. Jacque Fresco is a man who requires a lengthy fucking introduction. Because nobody knows who he is. And ...

The Dems’ Thanksgiving Story Deserves to Be Known

This Thanksgiving, Democrats can be thankful that they have scores of deluded scribblers making excuses for Kamala Harris' blowout loss to a man they've spent years calling a rapist, a convicted felon and America's Hitler. ...

Tintin’s Flawed Creator

Few cartoon characters have been loved"€”or argued over"€”more than Tintin, the Belgian reporter-cum-detective whose adventures have been translated into over 50 languages and sold over 200 million books. To be precise, ...

The Intifada of Infants

As violent pro-Palestine protests continue to erupt at universities all across America, it is legitimate to ask just how much some of the overgrown infants involved might actually know about the whole conflict itself in the ...

High Spirits

During an unusual stretch in United States history in which many of the candidates for national office, such as Donald Trump, Tim Walz, Joe Biden, Mike Pence, Mitt Romney, and George W. Bush, have been teetotalers, Kamala ...

In Defense of Fergie

It’s a classic, archetypal story: build somebody up, only to tear them down. Sarah, Duchess of York, has embarrassed the royal family yet again, and now the public and press are enjoying open season on the erstwhile ...

Abraham Hamadeh

Trump Not Sending His Best

Picture your ideal Republican candidate. Would they look something like this? 1. An "anchor baby" (technically, "illegal immigrant"); 2. Parents were illegal aliens from Syria, who avoided being deported only because of ...

Betting on the Favorite

Bureaucrats Ban Betting

What will happen in the future? Is there a way to know? There is, maybe. One technique that predicts the future better than any other is prediction markets. "In 2020, bettors correctly predicted Biden's win and called ...

History, the Holocaust, and the Doctrines of the Church

Antifascist news sources from the New York Times to the Süddeutsche Zeitung to the Associated Press have been acting in unison of late decrying the Nazi occupation of the Vatican. From these frantic accounts, it seems ...

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