The “€œGood War”€ That Wasn”€™t

I write these words on September 3, 2009, seventy years to the day since Britain and France declared war on Germany"€”an occasion observed, if not exactly celebrated by the leaders and opinion-makers of the West, as the ...

Is Biden Right? Does the Left Own the Future?

Before he appeared at his first solo news conference of 2022, President Joe Biden knew he had a communications problem he had to deal with. Namely, how to get off the defensive. How to avoid spending his time with the ...

Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix, 1828

The Modern Mephistopheles

Magic, the Devil, and of course our Lord Jesus were big some 400 years ago. The woods were believed to be full of spirits, many of them evil; the churches were packed with the faithful; and the Devil was perceived to be ...

Where Have All the Gas Pumpers Gone?

In a free market, demand is always a function of price: the higher the price, the lower the demand. What may surprise most politicians is that these rules apply equally to both prices and wages. When employers evaluate ...

Bill White: Sociopath

I have long felt at a loss to do justice to how completely the Ron Paul revolution has blunted the force of the far-Left (and far-Right) I once knew. But fate has now intervened. The recent smearbund hysteria against Ron ...

Enrique Roberto

How Many Divisions Does SCOTUS Have?

Inscribed on a frieze adorning the facade of the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse in lower Manhattan is an excerpt of a letter written by George Washington to Attorney General Edmund Randolph dated Sept. 28, ...

Harry Reid’s Illegal Alien Student Bailout

The so-called DREAM Act would create an official path to Democratic voter registration for an estimated two million college-age illegal aliens. Look past the public relations-savvy stories of “undocumented” ...

Ban Ki-moon

Body-Waxing at the United Nations

Remember the old cliché about someone who is perpetually vacillating between a necktie and an open shirt? Or the one about the man who is noticeable for being completely unnoticeable? Step forward Ban Ki-moon, the ...

Covering up American War Crimes, From Baghdad to New York

BBC correspondent John Simpson reported on March 4 that the number of defects in newborn babies in the Iraqi town of Fallujah had risen dramatically since the American assault there at the end of 2004. Some people in the ...

Growing Up In Newfoundland

Quaerite Prime Regnum Dei. When someone asks me where I"€™m from, usually after listening to me speak, then curiously cocking their head in a vain attempt to place my accent, I hesitate. I don"€™t hesitate because ...

The Joy of Smear

For years, neocons and Beltway types have refused even to attack The American Conservative--preferring to pretend that it simply doesn't exist. Now the Washington Monthly is going after TAC and Steve Sailer, accusing them ...

Pantheon, Rome

‘Gladiator II’: A Rightful Heir

Sir Ridley Scott’s 2000 movie Gladiator with Russell Crowe as the hero Maximus has been one of the more unexpectedly culturally influential films of the 21st century. Americans had thought endlessly about Ancient Rome ...

Georgia Peach

Fidel Castro received a warm welcome in Moscow, and finally left alone with Nikita Khrushchev, ripped off his wig, detached his beard, and collapsed, “I can’t do this anymore…” “You must, ...

US Policy: Cheer Ukrainians On — and Keep Us Out!

After Friday's NATO summit refused to establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky said the allies' failure to "close the skies" to Russian military aircraft gives "a green light for further bombing of ...

‘Open Borders’ Biden Is Remaking America

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion." So reads Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution. Historically, that ...

The Desert of the Real

A wealth of ideas rushed through my mind the other day as I was watching the production of Nineteen Eighty Four starring Richard Burton and John Hurt, which was released, by no coincidence, in 1984. Like Orwell's novel, the ...

Democracy in Name Only

The word “democracy” comes from the Greek, but when the system was first used, it was a selective one, with men of means being the only ones eligible to vote. It has come a long way since, with American lefty busybodies ...

How, When, Do We Come Together Again?

When 30 FBI agents showed up at Mar-a-Lago to cart off boxes of documents, it was an authorized, legitimate and justified procedure to retrieve national security secrets being illegally kept there. Or it was an ...

Lady Gaga

The Passing Scene

I don"€™t care that Mel Gibson lost it a little.  He is still one of the best actors in a generation - And I would rather have dinner with him than Sean Penn any day. If they make my next laptop computer any ...

Faith of Our Fathers

Two years ago, Newsweek editor Jon Meacham published American Gospel: God, the Founding Fathers, and the Making of a Nation. There, as in his public appearances and journalism since, Meacham argued that the United States ...

Clarence Dupnik

The Worst Sheriff in America

There are many heroes who showed indomitable courage and grace under fire during this weekend’s horrific Tucson massacre. Blowhard Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik was not one of them. If the White House has any ...

Stormy Daniels

Stormy Daniels: The Rosa Parks of Porn Stars

I notice a tiny, almost infinitesimal, difference in the treatment of women who accuse Republican presidents of sexual misconduct compared to women who accuse Democrats. See if you can spot the difference. Stormy Daniels ...

Neocons on the Danube

A young Romanian friend, who is translating my work into his native language, recently sent me the latest book by Romanian social thinker and University of Maryland professor of government Vladimir Tismaneanu. A thin, ...

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