You think a Mormon Candidate Has Troubles?

John Adams wrote, in a secret note penned at the time of the American founding, that, "Freedom requires Cthulhu Worship, just as Cthulhu Worship requires freedom. Iä! Iä! Cthulhu ftaghn!" And so I say to you, the ...

The Tyranny of the Phillips Curve

Repeat after me, class: Growth does NOT cause inflation. Write it on the blackboard 100 times. For decades, the economics profession has been trying to tell us all just the opposite. They keep shoveling out the dumbest ...

Barack Obama

The Salesman Who Sold Out His Country

On the campaign trail in 2008, Barack Obama was charismatic and sold himself well. Unfortunately, he also sold out his country. In modern political history there has scarcely been a politician who promises so many things, ...

Osama’s Dead—But Are His Ideas?

When President Obama announced that U.S. special forces had helicoptered into Pakistan, broken into a secret compound an hour from the capital and killed Osama bin Laden, celebrations broke out all across America. The man ...

Only Permanent Interests

The military threat of China in the Pacific has created a new alliance that has completely altered relations between old allies and highlights how greatly things have changed in Europe. Fairly recently Australia agreed to ...

The Great ‘Green Energy Transition’ That Wasn’t

One of the textbook marketing flops of all time was the Ford Edsel sedan, which was heralded as the hot new car in the late 1950s. All the automotive experts and Ford executives said it was a can't-miss. Henry Ford (the car ...

Canceling Cancel Culture

"I was not genuine in my own beliefs," says 23-year-old Rikki Schlott in my new video. "I self-censored." Why? What did this college student believe that was so unacceptable that she felt she had to hide it? The fact that ...

Democrats Are Throwing Kids Off the School Bus

Have you heard the outrageous story of what happened recently in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania's capital? Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-Pa.), elected in 2022, had campaigned on school choice for tens of thousands of children, mostly ...

General Augusto Pinochet

Clemency for Tyrants

Vengeance is always shortsighted, and Egypt these days needs spectacles. The New Egypt (which is still being run by the Old Military) detained Hosni Mubarak and his two sons last week. Merely being held and questioned was ...

The Day I Met Ayn

When Ayn Rand appeared at the blue-green podium, peering intently at us through reading glasses that seemed too big for her face, I thought, for a moment, that there must be some mistake. The woman who stood before us was ...

The Pragmatism of Russell Kirk

In so far as it is an ideology, conservatism belongs to the modern age, as well as to Modern Age. But, as Gerald Russello's recent insightful study shows, Russell Kirk's moral imagination is distinctly postmodern. To see ...

Sean Combs

Party Lines

Was it the wrath of grapes, or just another New York Times fake news story? The full-page article was written by two mugs, a man and a woman, who even had the audacity to allow their byline to appear, surely a new low in ...

The Fed Trashes the Dollar

If it is the first responsibility of the Federal Reserve to protect the dollars that Americans earn and save, is it not dereliction of duty for the Fed to pursue a policy to bleed value from those dollars? For that is what ...

Bono, Geldof, and Hibernian Humanity-Huggers

The guests were singing maudlin folksongs trying to drown out the TV's noxious noises. Live Aid had been going on apparently forever and would go on for weary hours more, and even at a whiskey-sodden wedding reception it ...

The Democracy of Dementia: Bye Then, Biden

I have never been able to take the political opinions of movie stars terribly seriously. Whilst still a young English teacher, I once taught a future famous Hollywood actress, whom I shall not embarrass by naming here. ...

The Real American Right: Part I

I had grown up a conservative, weaned on National Review, the "€œfusionism"€ of Frank Meyer, and the bedrock constitutionalism of Barry Goldwater... As far as I was concerned, the libertarian movement was founded at ...

Are We That Civilized?

If outrage, grief, and concern were the civilized world’s reaction to the killing of 1,200 Israelis on October 7, 2023, total indifference by the same types seems to be the response to the death of more than 41,000 ...

The Unconscious of a Libertarian

Under Discussion: The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts, Wayne Allyn Root, Wiley (2009), 400 pages.  When I decided to read Wayne Allyn ...

Margaret Sanger and the Eugenics Meme

Disclaimer: This is the second in a series of pieces critical of certain types of arguments that many pro-life advocates make.  My concern is that they have negative consequences for other issues and the conservative ...

Rupert Murdoch: the “Populist” Plutocrat

Few causes could get the heads of the BBC, Channel 4, the Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Guardian and Mirror to co-sign a letter to the government. What unites these disparate interests are a dislike of Rupert Murdoch and a ...

Paris, France

Downwardly Mobile

Let’s not mince words or use hyperbole. I’ve just attended the best, most glamorous ball since the ’50s, and two weeks later the best party ever, and this from a man who has been partying for more than sixty years. I ...

Stop Scaring Our Kids to Death

As nearly every standardized test is showing, our schools are doing an abysmal job teaching kids how to read or do math. In some cases, kids graduating from high school can barely read their diplomas. But the schools are ...

Jeunet’s Micmacs: Amélie 2.0, Minus Audrey

Micmacs is an extravagantly ambitious blend of Charlie Chaplin's silent City Lights and Modern Times, Jacques Tati's clever but impersonal visual comedies, and Steven Soderbergh's Ocean's 11 caper flicks. It is Jean-Pierre ...

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