Are More Progressives Coming Around on Overregulation?

George McGovern, the Democratic Party's 1972 presidential nominee, was a liberal icon. During many years in political office, including as a U.S. senator from South Dakota, McGovern successfully championed loads of ...

Gun Grabbers, Gun Gropers

My columns are written four days before you read them. I’m not an “on the spot” reporter; I don’t do breaking news. If the Hindenburg were on fire, I wouldn’t be the whiny faggot screaming, “Oh, the humanity!” ...

How Banning Chinese Products Could Backfire for the US

The controversy over proposed state and federal bans of Chinese-produced apps has sparked debate about the wisdom of country-of-origin bans in general. On the surface, banning TikTok and other controversial products coming ...

A Big Mess in Bogotá

As the election for the next mayor of Colombia’s capital approaches, all candidates say they agree that “corruption is the worst evil facing Bogotá.” The squandering of the taxpayers’ money has become the current ...

Sarah Palin

Return of the Anti-Interventionist Right

Late last month, when U.S. air strikes caused civilian casualties in Afghanistan, an angry Hamid Karzai issued an ultimatum. If future U.S. strikes are not restricted, we will take “unilateral action” and ...

Janet the Deporter

Is “Big Sis” one of us? Janet Napolitano, secretary of homeland security—Big Sis to regular readers of the Drudge Report—held a press conference last week that might cause critics to reconsider ...

Human input vs. human inputs

I recently read Global Capitalism: Its Fall and Rise in the Twentieth Century by Jeffry A. Frieden.  As in many books in this genre the first age of globalization which ended in 1914 receives a great deal of ...

What Is America’s Cause in the World?

"Take away this pudding; it has no theme," is a comment attributed to Winston Churchill, when a disappointing dessert was put in front of him. Writers have used Churchill's remark to describe a foreign policy that lacks ...

A Waste of Energy

Electoral politics, particularly in Western Europe, is a toxic amalgam of power-madness, low cunning, and moral grandiosity. Of these, as St. Paul said of charity, moral grandiosity is the greatest: that is to say, not the ...

Wooster Si, Murdoch No!

As we watch Gordon Brown prepare to follow Tony Blair's path into the sands of Levantine catastrophe, I am led to reflect on Blair's lasting legacy for Britain. To be sure, there is much rich material to choose from. ...

Save the Planet, Invest in Fossil Fuels

Earth Day is Saturday! Hooray? "Saving humanity from the climate crisis," says, requires us to "push away from the dirty fossil fuel economy." Sounds logical. "Allowing billions of the world's poor to live a ...

Is Kamala Black?

Probably inadvertently and for all the wrong reasons, Donald Trump made an important point last week when he said of the Democrats' most recent presidential nominee, Kamala Harris: "She was always of Indian heritage, and ...

Louvre Museum, Paris

There’s No Future in Museums of the Past

About twenty years ago I made a visit to my favorite local museum to see what had been made of it following a very substantial renovation. I was hoping to discover some exciting new additions to the old exhibits on display, ...

Copycats of Mediocrity

Plagiarism is the highest form of flattery, and many authors ought to be flattered to be plagiarized, considering what rubbish they write. Such, at any rate, were my first thoughts on reading the allegations of plagiarism ...

Nigel Farage

The Last Honest Man

I feel like Diogenes, the Ancient Greek who walked about sunny Athens with a lamp looking for an honest man. And I have found one in Nigel Farage, certainly the last politician who always tells the truth. What I find truly ...

Blue Stories Matter

For years I worked as police reporter for The Washington Times, spending long hours in squad cars in various cities getting to know cops well. Now I listen to nice white people in the suburbs, and self-assured voices from ...

Surrealist Ball Rothschild

Life of the Party

Numbskull journalist ignoramuses refer to this week’s Met Gala as the party of the year. Sycophantic hacks who can’t tell the difference between a hooker and a nun cannot be expected to know better, so never mind. The ...

Life Beyond the Party

The antiwar, pro-life Right--including Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, and others who've opposed the Iraq War--doesn"€™t fit the narrative that hawks and neocons have built over the past six or seven years. What is that ...

To the Victor

I don’t mean to sound like a sore loser, but while Netanyahu is prancing around the ring with arms raised high à la Rocky, it was an ultimatum from the IDF’s high command that led him to give the go-ahead to kill off ...

David Broder, Obama, and War With Iran

David Broder’s recent observations about our Peace Prize President have created a stir. In his controversial October 31 Washington Post op-ed “How Obama might recover”, Broder postulates that Obama could ...

Everybody’s Racist

Having the moniker “Southern Avenger” is like being named “Malcolm X.” Both have racial connotations and people assume the best or worst depending on their perspective. That advocates of Southern ...

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