Costner & Kutcher to, Like, Fix the Oil Spill

We need to do our part to let BP know there are consequences for causing something like this… The more costly their punishment, the more money they will spend to make sure disasters like this don’t happen again. ...

The Limitations of Statues

New York City has always been considered something of an exception to the rest of the country. But even by that definition a recent decision by the city council to remove a statue of Thomas Jefferson from its meeting ...

Bastille Day is Bunk

The American civil calendar is not alone in being festooned with holidays celebrating political factions and the central state. Most famously, perhaps, the chief French holiday is today, le quatorze juillet: July 14, ...

missing asset:

Dried-Up, Chatted-Out, Dirty, and Hungover

Dear Delphi, I am a 65-year-old man. I just got my 2nd divorce. I was wondering: Do I have any chance of getting another girl on a budget (I spent quite a bit on Wife Number 2)? "€”Playboy on a Budget in L.A. Dear ...

Stan Should Have Seen It Coming

Evans's defense of McCarthy, an ambitious book recently savaged in the reconstructed NR, typifies the kind of exercise that the veterans of the wars of the 1950s are inclined to produce. Such writing is, among other things, ...

Internet Access is Not a “Civil Right”

When bureaucrats talk about increasing our “access” to x, y or z, what they’re really talking about is increasing exponentially their control over our lives. As it is with the government health care ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Hunching, Bunching, and Actor-Punching Headlines GENDERONIMO! American mass shootings have occurred everywhere. Schools, malls, churches, temples (Jew, Sikh, and Buddhist), movie theaters, concerts, ...

Practice Makes Perfect (Or How to Raise a Sports Genius)

In South-Central Los Angeles in 1940, a Mexican immigrant gave her son a 51-cent tennis racket for his 12th birthday. After wandering over to the park and watching how the sport was played, young Pancho Gonzales ventured ...

Remedial Math

It's a good thing President Joe Biden wasn't strapped to a polygraph while giving his State of the Union speech on Thursday, because his results would have come back about as clean as O.J. Simpson's. That was especially ...

Rothbard vs. Raimondo on Race

Justin Raimondo's post about racial differences has generated many responses.  I will let others argue about the science of race and IQ, but I would like to make a comment about Justin’s assertion that: Murray ...

Barack Obama

‘Bibi’ Votes Republican

Not since Nikita Khrushchev berated Dwight Eisenhower over Gary Powers’ U-2 spy flight over Russia only weeks earlier has an American president been subjected to a dressing down like the one Barack Obama received from ...

Kent, U.K.

Hotel Albania

Britain’s worsening immigration crisis is actually two crises for the price of one. The first concerns the U.K. government and optics, a weaselly little word I first heard used by Obama when he was caught by the media ...

The Kids Are… Totally Overrated

The limited-release comedy The Kids Are All Right has driven critics into paroxysms of praise. For instance, the normally low-key A.O. Scott enthused in the New York Times as follows: "€œsuperlative,"€ ...

Our Very Own War Criminals

The United States has no right to use nuclear weapons except in response to a nuclear attack. Nuking a nation that does not possess them, and has not attacked us, is in fact a war crime—the kind of crime for which we ...

Deadpool & Wolverine

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Straining, Paining, and Summer-Waning Headlines WITCHY? POO! Turns out it didn’t take boycotts, DeSantis, or screaming “groomer” on X to finally snap Disney out of “woke.” It just took a ...

Iran, Iran So Far Away

Whenever I discuss the colossal mistake that was (is) the Iraq war and the embarrassing lack of WMDs, some defender of that war always insists that “everyone” thought Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass ...

Idiot Savant

Extract is the third live-action film written and directed by Mike Judge, creator of the hit animated TV series Beavis and Butt-head and King of the Hill (which will broadcast its final episode this coming Sunday after 13 ...

Hitler Was a Vegetarian

Considering my deep and enduring antipathy toward "€œCrunchy Cons,"€ I am more than willing to believe that Whole Foods CEO John Mackey is a menace to society. But there's a right way and a wrong way to demonize ...

War Games

October is the busiest month on the spectator sports calendar, when we finally get to the baseball games that do matter, and most football teams still have hopes that their games will matter. Football knocked off baseball ...

The Elizabethan Legacy

Like most people I did not know the Queen, but I did know her husband inasmuch as I spent an afternoon with Prince Philip at Buckingham Palace almost forty years ago. Being involved in the World Wildlife Fund and related ...

When Parenting Fails

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” So King Solomon told us (Proverbs A great many parents, down through the ages, must have responded to that with ...

Socialism Versus Nature

"Greed of the fossil fuel industry" is "destroying our planet," says Sen. Bernie Sanders. Young people agree. Their solution? Socialism. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says socialism creates "an environment that provides ...

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