Wehrmacht soldiers

The Eternal German Guilt Trip

Political correctness has permeated the historian’s craft to such a degree that honest historians must reinvent the wheel. PC has infected German history in particular. The doctrine of German “collective guilt” is ...

James Hodgkinson

Progressively Sicker

The Resistance has opened fire, and it appears to have very poor aim. Last Wednesday a fat white perpetually disgruntled 66-year-old Midwestern Bernie Bro 99%er fired roughly fifty bullets at around 20 Republican ...

Jason Stockley

Oh, Gawd, Not Another Riot

Well, they’re rioting in Missouri again. Three years after riots rendered Ferguson, MO a permanent ghetto when a fraudulent “Hands up, don’t shoot!” narrative unleashed weeks of burning and looting, this past ...

Peace Through Violence

When a diagnosed schizophrenic who’d been prescribed antipsychotic medicine plowed into a crowd of “peaceful protesters”—who were, in fact, illegally blocking a street—and killed a woman in Charlottesville, VA on ...

Freddy Mercury

Homo Superior

Bohemian Rhapsody is a crowd-pleasing biopic about the life and sadly early death of Queen’s singer Freddie Mercury (1946–1991) that subversively depicts the roots of the AIDS epidemic. Rather than portray Mercury in ...

Not a Fan

One should not speak ill of the dead, of course, especially of the recently dead, but it does not follow that one should speak well of them, or speak of them at all. Personally I was astonished at the amount of coverage ...

A Half Century of Amnesia

Back during the protracted recount following the 2000 Bush-Gore election, I offered a subversive bit of advice in a VDARE article entitled: “GOP Future Depends on Winning Larger Share of the White Vote.” Bush’s ...

Andrew Breitbart: 1969-2012

It's stressful to be hated. It goes against our instincts. We want to be loved. But Andrew Breitbart was ...


Oh, Cool, More Riots!

The peaceful protesters turned violent on Friday night here in the Atlanta area, sacking and burning downtown as well as the cushy-cushy Lenox Mall in the high-priced Buckhead neighborhood, grabbing every last trinket and ...

Enough Dead Cops?

"€œNothing is more indicative of white supremacy than the fact that the phrase "€˜Black Lives Matter"€™ is controversial,"€ opines regular CNN guest Marc Lamont Hill. The obvious response to this is that the group ...

Kori Muhammad

The Wages of Pathological Altruism

Here's what I know about Kori Ali Muhammad: First off, he's black. He can"€™t shut up about it. He's one of those latter-day American blacks who has his head so far up his ass sniffing his blackness, he fails to see all ...

Aborting the Working Class

It would be an ignominious defeat worthy of a Shakespearean tragedy if abortion ends up being the issue that derails Trumpas the Tank Engine. By claiming that there would have to be "€œsome form of punishment"€ levied ...

Immigration and the Deep State

Why did received opinion melt down so spectacularly when Donald Trump allegedly said in private that he wanted more immigrants from places like “Norway and Asia” and fewer from places like Haiti and Africa? Last ...

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah’s Depraved Indifference

Our most effective U.S. presidents—and keep in mind, I’m saying “most effective,” not “best”—possessed, to one degree or another, a certain measure of indifference to human life. Whether you’re preserving ...

Enumerating Jews

Jonathan Weisman, a mid-level New York Times staffer and author of the short but repetitious new book (((Semitism))): Being Jewish in America in the Age of Trump, is not a particularly acute thinker. But his unoriginality ...

The Right’s Jewish Problem

South Park loves taking shots at Hollywood leftists, and never was that done with more skill than in the episode "€œSmug Alert,"€ in which liberal self-satisfaction, personified by George Clooney and his 2006 Oscar ...

The Secret History of the 21st Century

The insightful blogger who goes by the moniker Spotted Toad has created a series of charts explaining the 2016 Electoral College results as a result of average home price in each state. The pattern is much the same as it ...

Ernst Zundel

The (Chosen) People vs. Ernst Zundel

In the forty-year battle between Ernst Zundel and the Jews, I think we can finally declare a winner. Hold on to your hats, folks, because the end result is a real shocker. In Harry Caray voice: "€œJews win! Jews ...

The Trouble With Islam: Inbreeding

In Irshad Manji's book The Trouble With Islam, she blames a random group of desert fanatics for hijacking Muslim culture and taking it from an intellectual religion of peace to a closed-minded religion of war. Her ...

Hey, LG”€”Drop the BT

Hey LG, it's time to drop the BT. It's also time to drop any other letters that are straggling to join that ever-expanding abbreviation. They"€™re holding you down. In recent years, the abbreviation has swollen beyond ...

Lee Circle, New Orleans

The Battle of New Orleans

Last Sunday in New Orleans a group of patriots surrounded Robert E. Lee and beat back the Northerners who were trying to take him down. They weren"€™t just defending a statue. They were defending American history. The ...


Typhoid Bono Testifies

"€œSurely this is the stupidest shit I"€™ve ever said.... "€œIf you can"€™t grab public attention by standing up before the U.S. Senate and saying that Chris Rock, Amy Schumer, and Sacha Baron Cohen should go to ...

President Barack Obama

Shut It Down, Mr. President

Trayvon Martin was an unarmed teenager walking home from a convenience store with Skittles and iced tea, when he was shot to death by a racist, profiling wannabe cop named George Zimmerman. In the Big Media, which has ...

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