It’s Just Not Cricket

A poor little Greek boy writing about cricket etiquette is like Harry and Meghan lecturing on discretion, but never mind. As everyone but Joe Biden knows by now, Jonny Bairstow was given out recently during the second test ...

Wiki Wars

The Internet’s Free Encyclopedia Hates Me. The first thing I noticed about my Wikipedia page, when someone directed my attention to it, was that they got my name wrong, there in the very first line! Not the ...

War, Women, and the Taliban

It's only dire necessity That's taking me to war; And if I were a moneyed man I wouldn"€™t go for sure. -Miguel de Cervantes de Saavedra, The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha (translated by John Rutherford), ...

David Cameron and Boris Johnson

Cammy and Boris Scoff Buns

Once upon a time at a famous school in La-La Land, Cammy Cam and Boris Bunter were sitting under an oak tree plaiting yellow ribbons and scoffing buns. "€œPenny for your thoughts, fatty,"€ said Cam. "€œJolly good ...

Nazis in Moderation

This week’s column will start self-indulgently and then brilliantly segue into something of greater import. Or so I’m telling myself as I down the rum. Last week a Twitter account—I won’t link to it; I’ll never ...

America, the Crab Bucket

No matter how soothing the White House overtures to business leaders sounded this week, an inconvenient fact remains: Washington is gripped by crab-in-the-bucket syndrome. And there’s no cure in sight. Put a single ...

COVID Deception

Remember when Sen. Rand Paul accused Dr. Anthony Fauci of funding China's Wuhan virus lab? Fauci replied, "Sen. Paul, you do not know what you're talking about." The media loved it. Vanity Fair smirked, "Fauci Once Again ...


Why is the World Getting Dumber? Jim Goad’s article of 18th June: ‘Why Is The World Getting Dumber?’, brought to mind an observation made by my tenth-grade biology master. He said that the greatest problem ...

Ignorance, Its Uses and Nurture

Democracy may not be the silliest idea concocted by man, but for anything larger than a small town, it is crackpot. It consists in the idea that a public, on average knowing almost nothing, can choose leaders in popularity ...

Anarchistan in Athens

Flanked by the presidential guards known as the Evzones, one would imagine that the soldier entombed in front of the Greek parliament witnessed the last of violence when he fell fighting in the battlefield. Alas, not so. ...

Five-Pointed Stars, Many Pointed Pinheads

Ah, the most wonderful time of the year! In 2024 Christmas Day coincides with the first day of Hanukkah. And for you far-rightists, you know what that means: Christian children ripping open presents, Jews ripping open ...

Run Ron, Run!

Normally, a septuagenarian obstetrician with a penchant for lengthy disquisitions on monetary policy would not seem a promising presidential candidate. And in 2008, Ron Paul raised millions of dollars and galvanized ...

Benjamin Netanyahu

Vengeance or Genocide?

Okay, sports fans, what was more shocking, the self-described “fat, Jewish, queer lesbian” portraying our Lord Jesus at the repulsive drag-act mockery of the Last Supper at the opening of the Olympics, or the fact that ...

Barack Obama

Obama’s Zimmerman Problem

God save me from my friends; I can take care of my enemies. That thought must be coursing through the mind of President Obama right now as his White House rigs for silent running in the murder trial of George ...

How Privileged Democrats Pay for Their Houses

Like millions of Americans, Delaware Republican Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell has had trouble covering her mortgage and other bills over the years. Her opponents consider this a scandal of disqualifying ...

President Joe Biden

Senilitygate and Mrs. Alito’s Flags

Can you imagine if The New York Times had covered the Biden White House as closely as it covered Justice Samuel Alito's wife's collection of novelty flags? The media's playing Praetorian Guard for one party isn't good for ...

Very Necessary Pat Buchanan

Pat Buchanan and I have some differences"€“some major differences. He is a Catholic; I am a Protestant. He is a conservative; I am a libertarian. He is a protectionist; I am a free-trader. He has disparaged Wal-Mart; I ...

Junk Fees Are Just Bureaucratic Junk Food

Any parent will tell you that forcing children to eat their spinach is no way to win a household popularity contest. Children don't care about the long-term benefits of eating healthy food when the alternative is the ...

Christian Rout in the Culture War

A Democratic Congress, discharged by the voters on Nov. 2, has as one of its last official acts, imposed its San Francisco values on the armed forces of the United States. “Don’t ask, don’t tell” is ...

Houses of Parliament, London

Enough Already

The U.K. has thankfully seen the back of its empire, however the husk of what remains of our state has been hijacked by less overt internationalists. In 2016 the nation called for freedom but has found itself tied by an ...

Homo Americanus

A polyglot Croatian scholar, Tomislav Sunic, provides in his newest book, Homo Americanus: Child of the Postmodern Age, reasons that a good European should distrust the US. These reasons are significantly different from ...

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