An Email from Purgatory
In my ongoing role as National Review's Metaphysical Editor at Large, and despite my sporadic access to email, I shall strive to report from time to time on the doings this side of the Trump of Doom. They are surprisingly ...
In my ongoing role as National Review's Metaphysical Editor at Large, and despite my sporadic access to email, I shall strive to report from time to time on the doings this side of the Trump of Doom. They are surprisingly ...
Plus, a new book about Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor’s torrid love affair, Best Coast’s latest and greatest LP, and non-traditional vacations involving tree hotels and biking along the Nile. Laura ...
As a large and furious demonstration was under way outside and inside the Capitol in Madison last week, Barack Obama invited in a TV camera crew from Milwaukee and proceeded to fan the flames. Dropping the mask of The ...
I’ve had a lot to say over the years about how rightists refuse to act locally, or seem incapable of doing so. With one of the defining aspects of the Trump era being “the God-King will solve all problems at the ...
On Lake Geneva I float, looking at France across the water, where the grass is not greener but the prices are much lower. I don’t know how it works exactly, but I gather it has something to do with floating exchange ...
One of my favorite television programs is “How It’s Made” on the Science Channel. The documentary series shows “how the everyday objects people use become the things they are.” From ketchup and ...
GSTAAD—There are lurid rumors circulating around this alpine village that an international literature symposium has taken place, with some of the richest and more recent arrivals demanding the arch suspect behind the ...
St. Moritz. As they used to say in Flatbush, I shoulda stood in bed. So leaving the pretty village of Gstaad on a sunny Tuesday morning, I set out for St. Moritz to attend the annual general meeting of Pugs Club and ...
Social Security is toast. So is Medicare. Too many of us old people live longer, so there are not enough working people to support us. Soon both Social Security and Medicare will be broke. Our politicians don't have the ...
As I mentioned last week, I took a Substack poll regarding my readers’ preferred topics, and the top vote-getters were “scolding idiot rightists” and “musing about Hollywood.” So how’s about this week we do ...
Platinum—The only metal fit for a king!—Louis XV of France On Monday I returned from Fuengirola in the south of Spain, having spent the weekend discussing diamonds with Gimlet's friend Anthony, scion of an ...
It’s a topsy-turvy world when the deputy editor of the Spectator, a lady, is in Afghanistan, while the high life correspondent of the same magazine cowers in a Belgravia basement wearing full body armor and his ...
After yet another assassination attempt on Donald Trump -- or as The New York Times calls it, "what the FBI is calling an assassination attempt" -- it's time for Trump to hire Blackwater to do his security. (You can choose ...
If there is hope for America -- and I'm doubtful -- it came at 10 a.m. Monday in Eagle Pass, Texas, when Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis unveiled his immigration plan. Much of the document is strikingly similar to Donald Trump's ...
1. I will try to be a more humble -- or even a little bit humble -- and will encourage my fellow Indians to cease producing reams of articles with headlines like these: -- "Indians flying high in Silicon Valley"; -- ...
We won the Cold War two decades ago. Do we yet know why? As T.S. Eliot noted in Gerontion, “History has many cunning passages, contrived corridors…” In 1945, Winston Churchill banned all mention of the ...
When President Joe Biden retired in Rehoboth Beach on Saturday night, he likely did not expect to find a severed horse's head under his bed covers. But there it was, courtesy of The New York Times. "At 79, Biden is ...
This week’s column will start self-indulgently and then brilliantly segue into something of greater import. Or so I’m telling myself as I down the rum. Last week a Twitter account—I won’t link to it; I’ll never ...
“An effete charlatan,” is the way the mother of my children describes the outrageously affected Hamish Bowles, a Vogue person whose pomposity is as fake as his upper-class English accent. The mother of my children, as I ...
So the U.S. is bombing Iran's enemies in one country, while helping to bomb its allies in ...
I wrote here once before about the repartee that keeps the snarks flying between me and my beloved lady Texan. I noted that each of us treasures his own impossible dream. In mine, the Habsburg monarchy is restored in ...
When Peter Brimelow was still at National Review, he wrote a piece entitled "Electing a New People" detailing how mass immigration is a disaster for the GOP. He opened with the line, "Demography is destiny in ...
Recently while talking to a "moderate" conservative and faithful NR reader, I was struck by this person's profoundly negative view of the past, including the recent past. When I mentioned research by Thomas Sowell ...
The media are so desperate for Republicans to nominate Donald Trump that they've turned over 96.7% of their programming to covering him, with brief interruptions for Emmett Till updates. Like dogs playing a game of fetch ...