Who’s Policing Amtrak Joe Biden’s Rail Boondoggles?

At Philadelphia’s 30th Street Station on Tuesday, lifelong government rail promoter Vice President Joe Biden unveiled a $53 billion high-speed train initiative and half-joked: “I’m like the ombudsman for ...

Thank God for Koran Burnings

No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain ...

Long Live Queen Elizabeth

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is visiting us here in Manhattan this week. As I write this, she has just got through delivering an address to the U.N. General Assembly, 16 of whose member nations have her as their head of ...

Abraham Lincoln

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Sheltering, Peltering, and Sweltering Headlines HONEST GAYBE The problem with declaring everyone gay is that eventually you run out of heroes to spotlight because gay stops being special. Ever since ...

Authentic Autism, or Aspirational Asperger’s?

What even is “mental health” these days? Apparently, it is now best defined as a teenage child turning up to school dressed as a giraffe. You may be aware of the lamentable phenomenon of “furries,” those clearly ...

Ex-Politicians Shouldn”€™t Talk

Politicians, especially those who climbed to the top, should disappear when they leave office. Deprived of spokesmen and advisors, they are bound to reveal character flaws they concealed while selling themselves to the ...

E.T. Phone Homo

February was annual Homo History Month here in the U.K. To do his own bit for the camp cause, London Mayor Sadiq Khan kindly reached into local taxpayers’ pockets (never his own) to blow several million pounds on renaming ...

And the Debt Bomb Ticks On

With his approval rating moving up to 50 percent and higher in some polls, the pundits are all agreed. President Obama has turned the corner. He is now the winter-book favorite in 2012. How, two months after his ...

Only a Revolution Will Do

Ron Paul is a potent force because his ideas have deep appeal. We all know, for example, that there is something horribly wrong with the way the federal government spends our money, and that whatever it is that is wrong ...

California Crushes Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania's Peter Brothers Trucking delivers goods all across America. Owner Brian Wanner says Pennsylvania bureaucrats now are driving him out of his home state. "We have no say," complains Wanner in my new video. "We ...

We Need Immigration, Not Trump, At the Debate

Donald Trump, the least self-aware person in the country, at least seems to know that he's a terrible debater. He has the vocabulary of a kindergartener, strings words together in combinations that aren't recognizable as ...

Hamas House of Horrors: Hunting Jewish Vampires

On 20 October, just in time for Halloween, pumpkin-headed Swedish Greentard Greta Thunberg accidentally sparked a vampire hunt. Doing her best to dispel the stereotype of climate activists all being clueless far-left ...

European Union: R.I.P.?

When communism collapsed in Moscow, Prague and Belgrade at the end of the Cold War, ethnic nationalism surged to the surface in all three nations and tore them apart into 24 countries. Economic nationalism is now resurgent ...

Barack Obama

Barack Hussein Hoover?

Is the world headed for a debt crisis to dwarf the one that befell us in 2008, when Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson stood aside and let Lehman Brothers crash? No one knows for certain. As Yogi Berra said, “it’s ...

The Court Historian of The Neoconservatives

Victor Davis Hanson has taken umbrage at Pat Buchanan’s description of him as “the court historian of the neoconservatives,” and even more umbrage at Buchanan’s book.  Unfortunately for Hanson, ...

Beautiful Losers

In the latest issue of Quadrant, Peter Kocan complains about my "€œsourness"€ in depicting the paleoconservative persuasion in my autobiography, Encounters. Peter is shocked that someone who is described as ...

Patmos, Greece

Fire Islands

PATMOS—While green Rhodes and greener Corfu burn away, arid Patmos remains fireproof because rock and soil do not a bonfire make. The Almighty granted some islands plenty of water, and other ones no H2O whatsoever. Most ...

Currency Events

The following sentence ought to be enough to send shivers down anyone’s spine, at least if it accurately reflects a reality: US attorneys plan to extract a multi-billion-dollar payment from crypto exchange Binance in ...

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