Five-Pointed Stars, Many Pointed Pinheads

Ah, the most wonderful time of the year! In 2024 Christmas Day coincides with the first day of Hanukkah. And for you far-rightists, you know what that means: Christian children ripping open presents, Jews ripping open ...

More Entitlement Red Flags as Politicians Tout Inaction

Republicans and Democrats have been tripping over each other to tell voters how committed they are to making zero changes to Social Security and Medicare. Meanwhile, the Social Security and Medicare Trustees just confirmed ...

National Consciousness And Nationalism

I thank Dr. Gottfried for his response, and I appreciate the point that he and several commenters have made.  From the reaction to the last post, I see that I must not have been sufficiently clear about what I ...

Abraham Lincoln

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Sheltering, Peltering, and Sweltering Headlines HONEST GAYBE The problem with declaring everyone gay is that eventually you run out of heroes to spotlight because gay stops being special. Ever since ...

Russia Is Not the Great Rival; China Is

While all facts are true, not all facts are relevant. And what are the relevant facts in this crisis where 100,000 Russian troops are now stationed along the Ukrainian border? Fact one: There is not now and never has been ...


The Magical World of African Journalism Last night I threw the Magic Mouse bones. The long leg bone landed on top of the short arm bone next to three short bones. The skull landed right side up. They all pointed to the ...

Obama Makes an Exception for American Exceptionalism

Obama's State of the Union speech was a smashing rhetorical success, as the New York Post conceded in its editorial the next morning, because it expressed the movement-conservative truth of "€œAmerican ...

Salmonella, Delivered!

You need to start taking semen more seriously. As in, not wanting to ingest it. Unless, of course, that’s your thing. But enough about Nick Fuentes. An unfortunately common type of story in the news these days involves ...

Government in Lieu of Congress

Of all the Congress critters in the Democrat section of the zoo that is the House of Representatives, one of the more execrable is Ted Lieu from Zimbabwe on the Pacific, formerly known as the state of California. He’s ...

Authentic Autism, or Aspirational Asperger’s?

What even is “mental health” these days? Apparently, it is now best defined as a teenage child turning up to school dressed as a giraffe. You may be aware of the lamentable phenomenon of “furries,” those clearly ...

The Free Market: Uncool But Effective

When the Right wants to antagonize the Obamaniancs, they draw a picture of Batman's Joker with the word Socialist below it. This makes the Left particularly incredulous because they don"€™t see that word as a bad thing. ...

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump

The Enemy of My Enemy is RFK

Remember when Anthony "I Am the Science" Fauci showed up for congressional hearings wearing two masks, knowing full well that masks didn't prevent the transmission of COVID? With great leadership like that, for two years, ...

Thank God for Koran Burnings

No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain ...

Who’s Policing Amtrak Joe Biden’s Rail Boondoggles?

At Philadelphia’s 30th Street Station on Tuesday, lifelong government rail promoter Vice President Joe Biden unveiled a $53 billion high-speed train initiative and half-joked: “I’m like the ombudsman for ...

Southern Alps, New Zealand

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Sectioning, Detectioning, and Post-Electioning Headlines ALMOND JOYLESS Kamala Harris should’ve seen the warning signs. When the sequel to the Joaquin Phoenix Joker film bombed, what was that if not ...

Ex-Politicians Shouldn”€™t Talk

Politicians, especially those who climbed to the top, should disappear when they leave office. Deprived of spokesmen and advisors, they are bound to reveal character flaws they concealed while selling themselves to the ...

Ixnay for Hollywood

Reading a male nitwit interviewing an actress in the Bagel Times reminded me of the manner of a slave while addressing his master. The nitwit writes that “whenever my turns of phrase or tossed-off hand gestures caught her ...

Long Live Queen Elizabeth

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is visiting us here in Manhattan this week. As I write this, she has just got through delivering an address to the U.N. General Assembly, 16 of whose member nations have her as their head of ...

E.T. Phone Homo

February was annual Homo History Month here in the U.K. To do his own bit for the camp cause, London Mayor Sadiq Khan kindly reached into local taxpayers’ pockets (never his own) to blow several million pounds on renaming ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Fleeting, Skeeting, and Hades-Heating Headlines IAMS WHAT IAMS It was a week in which Americans obsessed over the question, “Are Haitians eating cats?” There’s reason to be skeptical of the rumors. ...

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