Red Pill Blues
Do I get downhearted? Yes I do. You think it's easy, living on the red pill? In that world-bestriding bestseller We Are Doomed I introduced readers to the theory of Depressive Realism, launched by psychologists Taylor and ...
Do I get downhearted? Yes I do. You think it's easy, living on the red pill? In that world-bestriding bestseller We Are Doomed I introduced readers to the theory of Depressive Realism, launched by psychologists Taylor and ...
No matter what one may think of transvestites trannies transsexuals transgender people, it’s hard to deny that they are tremendous entertainers. Few other allegedly oppressed identity groups can provide such topnotch ...
Nothing exemplifies the madness of our times more than the fervent push since 2013 by therapists, educators, social workers, and journalists to poison, mutilate, and sterilize girls who have self-diagnosed themselves with ...
Frances Fisher and Clint Eastwood lived together from 1990 to 1995. During that time, he cast her in one of his most highly regarded films, Unforgiven, secure in the knowledge that being surrounded by a cast of exceptional ...
Puerto Rico is being allowed to fall apart in order to rig American presidential elections by tipping Florida's electoral votes to the Democrats. The looting of Puerto Rico's institutions by the rich and the poor alike is ...
Although it remains unclear exactly what buggery has to do with ethical reporting, Professional Homosexual Dan Savage was there to unravel the mystery to a group of Seattle teens on April 13 at the National High School ...
“Freedom is the dream you dream while putting thought in chains.” —Leopardi On May 10 The Chronicle Review published an article by Andrew Kay called “Academe’s Extinction Event.” A thoughtful, charming, and ...
The war between the sexes is fought on many fronts, some of them very far away. There’s a report from one of those fronts in the January 2013 issue of The China Journal. The writer is Katherine A. Mason, billed as ...
Among literary critics, a controversy has been raging tepidly over what purpose reviewing might hold in this age of crowdsourcing. Why rely upon one fallible pundit’s thumbs up or thumbs down when you can access the ...
When I was a kid, being a rebel was hard work. You didn"t have the Internet spoon-feeding you the latest trends. You had to dig under rocks to find out what was happening. If you didn"t find a "scene," you ...
Wallowing in their feelings of superiority over the tinfoil-helmet brigade, the enlightened establishment enjoys tittering over right-wing bumpkins who supposedly believe in conspiracy theories. With apologies to Richard ...
In recent weeks, I kept meaning to write up a stylized history of the evolution of political ideology over recent centuries. But my examples"why Andrew Jackson rather than Alexander Hamilton will get booted off the ...
Last week, millions of college acceptances and rejections were sent out to high school seniors. While the 2023 data won’t be available for some time, using 2022 numbers we can now begin to assess the impact of 2020’s ...
It’s been less than a month since actress Frances McDormand used her Oscar acceptance speech to push for the adoption of “inclusion riders” in entertainment-industry contracts, and, true to form, Hollywood has been ...
On July 2, Facebook’s indefatigable legions of Hate Robots censored a post as “hate speech” because it dared to contain a passage from the Declaration of Independence: He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, ...
Liberals such as Barack Obama increasingly rely upon a verbal crutch of asserting that their opponents are on "the wrong side of history." This neo-Marxist hand-waving phrase grew from 524 occurrences in news ...
Every time I think the insanity meter on the political correctness machine has finally gone as far as it can go, the needle plunges deeper into the red. Last year, we assumed it was over when it was reduced to issuing a ...
I suppose everyone has his madeleine moment"that experience, sensory or otherwise, that awakens in him a long train of memories. Actually, the longer one lives the more madeleine moments there are. The other day, for ...
It is always cause for deep personal grieving when I observe a nonsensical term that had long lurked on the fringes of leftist dogma beginning to leak its way into the mainstream vernacular, where it becomes so familiar ...
Now that Colorado has legalized marijuana (though not for 4th graders), drugs are back in the news, and that inevitably brings the discussion to the decriminalization of all drugs. The two bad trips that inevitably come up ...
Last Wednesday night, nine black men and women were shot to death at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC. As the young white male shooter was picking off his victims, he reportedly told them that blacks "had to go" ...
If a person of color feels offended by something a well-meaning white person said and no one knows they’re offended, is it still a hate crime? This is the implicit question posed by the very idea of “racial ...
NEW YORK"I can prove to a mathematical certainty that The New York Times will endorse Donald Trump for president. My forensic investigation started two weeks ago when I wrote a column about media hysteria called ...
Self-love used to be a vice, but nowadays it is the nearest thing to a virtue, as a supposed precondition of our own mental health (whatever that might be). An Irish friend kindly forwarded me an article from The Irish ...