Chynna Phillips

Christmas Snow and Black Dealers

Ah, my annual Christmas column, where I get to write about anything that tickles my fancy. So about the New Avengers “Angels of Death” episode... Okay, okay, sorry. I’ve run that joke into the ground enough for one ...

Message From Ukraine — Nukes Do Deter

When he arrived at Christ the Savior Cathedral to pay his respects to the ultra-nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who had died of COVID-19, Russian President Vladimir Putin carried a clutch of red roses. The man beside him ...

In the Year 2025, Will Hollywood Survive?

The defining entertainment industry story of 2024 was the collapse of Hollywood, the “death of movies,” to quote the L.A. Times. The defining story of 2025 is, to quote the Times again, “Will the work ever come ...

Cirque de la Madeleine, Gorges de l'Ardèche

Saint of What?

Opening my copy of the French newspaper Le Figaro recently, there was a long article titled “With Gustave Thibon in the Ardèche: the Saint and the Peasant.” I was in the Ardèche at the time and therefore decided to ...

The Right’s Weird New Age

With the left depressed in 2025, much of the cultural energy belongs to the right. But where’s it going to go? One increasing possibility appears to be that newly self-confident right-wingers are getting into various ...

Baby Bust: The Demographics of Global Depression

Why is this recession different, and likely much worse, from all the recessions of the past? Imagine a Paleolithic village which has no children. When all the adults grow too old to work, everyone dies. Now imagine a ...

The Tyrant and the Rebels

Once there was a ruler who held his vast land together with an iron fist. For decades the people in one of his disparate regions had pursued peaceful methods to codify their way of life as it fit into the national fabric. ...

Sigmund Freud

Freud the Fraud

This festive break’s big Christmas and New Year U.S. movie release, Freud’s Last Session, stars Anthony Hopkins as Sigmund Freud, telling the story of the “great” psychoanalyst’s meeting with the rather more ...

Let it Leak: Wikileaks and Patriotic Whistle-Blowing

Spare a kind thought for my old friend Michael Morrell's oldest son, Geoff, the Pentagon's Press Secretary. The Defense Department has tasked poor Geoff with providing its public reaction to Julian Assange's Wikileaks ...

How Long Must Okinawans Wait?

Washington officials continue to ignore the residents of Okinawa, a small island south of Japan. A poll from last summer revealed that over 70% of Okinawans want America's Futenma military base relocated off the island ...

Welcome to the Age of Political Capitalism

Welcome to our regime of political capitalism, where merit matters but political connections matter even more. In an unalloyed capitalist system, money flows to those who offer goods and services of value to consumers. In a ...

A Sad New York State of Mind

New York. I missed a very good friend’s sixtieth birthday party in the shires, but thus avoided the disgraceful anti- Pontiff showing off by the cheap publicity seeking and repellent poseurs that signed up to the ...

Houses of Parliament, London

The Fatal Flaw of Western Liberalism

For Britons who—given the chance—would vote to Make Britain Sane Again, the current leadership convulsions within the Tory Party have brought into sharp relief a stark reality: They have gradually been disenfranchised, ...

Silvio Berlusconi

What Is it With You Italians?

Mitt Romney branded Barack Obama's economic policies "€œEuropean"€ in his speech last Tuesday after Rick Santorum's withdrawal from the Republican primaries. As a British citizen living in Italy, it was music to my ...

You Say You Want a Revolution?

John Quincy Adams, whose wise counsel about America going "€œnot abroad in search of monsters to destroy"€ is naturally quoted in Ron Paul's post-campaign manifesto, The Revolution, also provided what may, on some ...

Theodore Kaczynski, 1968.

Super Bomberwoman

When exactly is the Unabomber’s funeral? Nobody knows, because, as The Babylon Bee recently put it, no one dared open any of the postal invitations. The death by apparent suicide of America’s favorite (pre-Islamist ...

Elon Musk

Reap On, Elon

In the 1964 movie Lady in a Cage, Olivia de Havilland stars as a fancy lady with a broken hip who finds herself trapped in her staircase elevator during a power outage. Her cries for help alert the “wrong element”; ...

Drink Your Port While You Can

My memory is good in almost exact proportion to the uselessness of the information I call upon it to memorize. Why this should be, I do not know; perhaps it is an unconscious rejection of utilitarianism as a guiding ...

Rudyard Kipling

Why We Must Teach Toxic Masculinity in Schools

In mid-July, while Donald Trump’s visit was upsetting thousands of easily offended (and, one suspects, eagerly offended) Londoners, a small band of “student activists” were in their canteen at Manchester University, ...

The $200 Million Used Mercedes

The ill-conceived American Cold War policy of accepting any kind of self-expression as art to combat communist restrictions on creativity led to the introduction of the Turner Prize and provided an opportunity for the Mafia ...

Bloody Knows (or Taken Completely Out of Kotex)

Nashville, TN, along with many other urban areas that have suffered for years, even decades, under Democrat-Leftist control, was not immune from the “mostly peaceful” Burning, Looting, and Murdering that took place ...

Ungenuine Articles

One of the funnier aspects of the articles denouncing my recently restored freedom to speak in public, such as The Atlantic’s and now The Guardian’s, is that they can’t think of any good reasons why I should ever have ...

Christian Heresies

Matthew Roberts suggests that there are presently two understandings of Christianity on the real right. One is the view taken by youthful neopagans, critically tracing our democratic egalitarian politics and culture back to ...

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