Let it Leak: Wikileaks and Patriotic Whistle-Blowing

Spare a kind thought for my old friend Michael Morrell's oldest son, Geoff, the Pentagon's Press Secretary. The Defense Department has tasked poor Geoff with providing its public reaction to Julian Assange's Wikileaks ...

Sigmund Freud

Freud the Fraud

This festive break’s big Christmas and New Year U.S. movie release, Freud’s Last Session, stars Anthony Hopkins as Sigmund Freud, telling the story of the “great” psychoanalyst’s meeting with the rather more ...

How Long Must Okinawans Wait?

Washington officials continue to ignore the residents of Okinawa, a small island south of Japan. A poll from last summer revealed that over 70% of Okinawans want America's Futenma military base relocated off the island ...

Silvio Berlusconi

What Is it With You Italians?

Mitt Romney branded Barack Obama's economic policies "€œEuropean"€ in his speech last Tuesday after Rick Santorum's withdrawal from the Republican primaries. As a British citizen living in Italy, it was music to my ...

A Sad New York State of Mind

New York. I missed a very good friend’s sixtieth birthday party in the shires, but thus avoided the disgraceful anti- Pontiff showing off by the cheap publicity seeking and repellent poseurs that signed up to the ...

The $200 Million Used Mercedes

The ill-conceived American Cold War policy of accepting any kind of self-expression as art to combat communist restrictions on creativity led to the introduction of the Turner Prize and provided an opportunity for the Mafia ...

Houses of Parliament, London

The Fatal Flaw of Western Liberalism

For Britons who—given the chance—would vote to Make Britain Sane Again, the current leadership convulsions within the Tory Party have brought into sharp relief a stark reality: They have gradually been disenfranchised, ...

You Say You Want a Revolution?

John Quincy Adams, whose wise counsel about America going "€œnot abroad in search of monsters to destroy"€ is naturally quoted in Ron Paul's post-campaign manifesto, The Revolution, also provided what may, on some ...

Theodore Kaczynski, 1968.

Super Bomberwoman

When exactly is the Unabomber’s funeral? Nobody knows, because, as The Babylon Bee recently put it, no one dared open any of the postal invitations. The death by apparent suicide of America’s favorite (pre-Islamist ...

Rudyard Kipling

Why We Must Teach Toxic Masculinity in Schools

In mid-July, while Donald Trump’s visit was upsetting thousands of easily offended (and, one suspects, eagerly offended) Londoners, a small band of “student activists” were in their canteen at Manchester University, ...

Drink Your Port While You Can

My memory is good in almost exact proportion to the uselessness of the information I call upon it to memorize. Why this should be, I do not know; perhaps it is an unconscious rejection of utilitarianism as a guiding ...

Bloody Knows (or Taken Completely Out of Kotex)

Nashville, TN, along with many other urban areas that have suffered for years, even decades, under Democrat-Leftist control, was not immune from the “mostly peaceful” Burning, Looting, and Murdering that took place ...

California State Capitol

Invisible Monsters, Imaginary Heroes

Did I ever tell you about the time one elderly Nazi took on and beat the entire U.S. government, the neocons, the military-industrial complex, and Israel? It’s a hell of a tale! In 1943, at age 16, German patriot Hans ...

Christian Heresies

Matthew Roberts suggests that there are presently two understandings of Christianity on the real right. One is the view taken by youthful neopagans, critically tracing our democratic egalitarian politics and culture back to ...

The Rothenberg Principle

Remember Charles Rothenberg? Hopefully not, as it’s a most unpleasant memory. In the early 1980s, Rothenberg was locked in a bitter custody dispute with his wife, Marie, over their 6-year-old son David. Charles and ...

Of Novels and Novelty Acts

According to reviewers, Jennifer Egan’s novel A Visit From the Goon Squad is "€œvirtuosic,"€ "€œshape shifting,"€ "€œstartlingly new,"€ and it "€œturns the novel on its head."€ According to me, it ...

Letters of a Screenwriter in Trouble

Dear Gato, This week it's all about INT.  THE DOGHOUSE. Yes, we know it well. And some better than others. I"€™m familiar with the place. And so are"€”let's see"€”Lance Armstrong, O. J. Simpson, Lindsay ...

Is a U.S. Default Inevitable?

As President Bush prepared to invade Iraq in September 2002, the head of his economic policy council, Lawrence Lindsey publicly estimated such a war could cost $100 billion to $200 billion. Lindsey had committed candor, and ...

Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve Board Building

The Fed Has More Than a ‘Credibility’ Problem

I have heard some people say that the Federal Reserve has a credibility problem. The agency missed the biggest inflation spike since the 1980s, was slow to start rolling back pandemic policies and failed to spot the risks ...

Raffaele Bendandi

Rumblings in Europe

Last week the global media was all abuzz with ridicule over those backward Italian peasants"€“to the media, a peasant is anyone possessing less than $1 million Euros. It seems those foolishly superstitious peons were ...

Are the Bells Tolling for Amy, Liz & Joe?

By the end of February, the race for the Democratic nomination may have come down to a choice of one of three white men. Two are well into their 70s, and either would be the oldest president ever inaugurated. The third is ...

Playing With Fire on Russia’s Borders

Belarusian autocrat Alexander Lukashenko has cleared out the encampment at his border crossing into Poland, where thousands of Middle Eastern migrants had been living in squalor. Last week, that border crossing was the ...

John O'Hara

Men of Letters

I’m back scribbling about writing again because penmanship is like cocaine—once you start it’s difficult to stop. Disaffection is my customary response to contemporary writers and literature—long-winded me-me-me ...

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