Adolf Hitler

Fatigue Heil

You think I enjoy talking about Hitler? Like, I have some bizarre fetish for the guy? Believe me, it annoys me as much as it does you. I’m fatigued by it. But, for better or worse (spoiler: worse), we’re neck-deep in ...

Money For Nothing

People who want to find out what Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke has in mind for the economy need to read some history. Bernanke declares himself a "€œGreat Depression buff,"€ and as a professor at ...

HRH Princess Elizabeth in the Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1945

She Gave Her Best

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary of the House of Windsor was never supposed to have been Queen of Great Britain. Her uncle David, who had taken the name Edward for his reign, was very popular and would, no doubt and in due course, ...

Israel’s Great Loyalty Oath Crusade

Captain Black from Catch-22 is back, but this time he's Israel's Foreign Affairs Minister. Although Avigdor Lieberman only rose to the rank of corporal in the Israeli Defense Forces, he can stand in for Captain Black any ...

When the Kapok Tree Blooms

The Reverend Al Sharpton is off on a trip to Blighty to address the Oxford Union and members of parliament. I guess Barney the purple dinosaur wasn't ...

The Death of Spectator Sports

What's the long-term future of spectator sports? With the conclusion of the Winter Olympics, some new trends have come into focus. The Olympics, for instance, have established a niche as the Exception to the Rules of ...

Ron DeSantis

President DeSantis?

Recently, Gov. Ron DeSantis sat down with me for a one-hour interview. I started by praising him for keeping Florida largely open during Covid. "I just had to make the decision as a leader," says DeSantis. "Are you gonna ...

Murdoch the Media Monopolist

Evidence is mounting that Rupert Murdoch's British media empire conspired illegally with private investigators to tap telephones and hack into computers. A recent murder trial disclosed that Murdoch's editors paid $150,000 ...

The Need to Secede

In a recent column for the Charleston City Paper, I explained how my moniker, the "€œSouthern Avenger,"€ came from my advocating for states"€™ rights and even secession in my early 20s, a brand of politics I still ...

Barack Obama

The Long Retreat of Liberalism

Though President Obama has run rings about the Republican Party in the debt-ceiling debate, that party can yet emerge victorious, if it will stick to its guns. Clearly, the Republican strategy was not thought through, when ...

Barack Obama on Martha's Vineyard

The View From Martha’s Vineyard

As he and his daughters bicycle around the summer playground of the Northeastern elite, Martha’s Vineyard, President Obama is steadily bleeding away both the support of the nation and that of his most loyal ...

Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley: Throw Out the Baby — Keep the Bathwater!

You'd think the one thing Republicans would have learned from the 2016 Trump campaign is that voters wanted something completely different from what the GOP had been offering. For decades, Republicans had run on tax cuts, ...

The Relativist Roots of Libertarianism

Conservatism is sometimes criticized as unprincipled, relativistic, or contradictory.  This criticism stems from the very nature of conservatism; it is a philosophy rooted primarily in attitudes about change, so its ...

A Matter of Course

The Masters tournament on the second weekend of April is the Rite of Spring for golfers in northern America. In places like Chicago, grass is finally turning green after the bleak winter, but the weather is usually still ...

Lorne Michaels

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Bitter, Glitter, and Eid al-Fitr Headlines WE INTERRUPT YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAMADAN... Canadians are like sloths. It’s hard to hate sloths. They’re cute, funny, and no threat to man. Also, ...

John Nettles

Midsomer Murders’ Afro-Saxon Activist Invaders

The English are in love with murder. From The Woman in White and The Hound of the Baskervilles to Lord Peter Wimsey and Hercule Poirot, the mid-market English have long reveled in tales that are simultaneously sanguinary ...

Hyper Inflation

If you needed incontrovertible proof that homegrown retardation is far more pressing a problem than homegrown terrorism in modern-day America"€”six-year-old Falcon Heene's flight of fancy provided it. The contagion that ...

From Bad to Verse

Are all modern-day popular poems really secretly written by Oprah Winfrey? It may well be so. Amanda Gorman, the unbearable young black American “poet” catapulted to undeserved stardom after she performed her shitty ...

The Price of Bravery, Part II: Dinner With a Cop

Fast-thinking cops may have saved thousands of lives last weekend, so what better time to discuss the possibility they may be overpaid than now? Okay, maybe it's the worst time possible. The Strokes pulled "€œNYC Cops ...

The Good Guys Can’t Win

Speaking with a friend who is Jewish—arguing, rather—I reminded him that protesting against the death of innocents is hardly anti-Semitic. He agreed. And yet the death of 37,000 Palestinian noncombatants that have ...

Celebrity Child-Support Sweepstakes

Over the past few days the Greatest Show on Earth has rolled into town. This carnival is complete with its very own troop of freaks, and its ringmaster is cad-about-town Charlie Sheen. Lest one be too hard on young Mr. ...

Baseball: LA’s Thin Blue Line

March 28 saw a springtime ritual that rivals or even surpasses Easter in many Americans"€™ hearts: The baseball season opened. Despite the many differences"€”real and imaginary"€”between LA and the rest of the ...

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