Is a Left-Right Antiwar Coalition Possible?

In The American Conservative's September issue, spirited libertarian journalist and editor Justin Raimondo offers his opinions about how Obama lost the left. Raimondo says much of Obama's support among ...

Prince Charles Saves Chelsea Barracks

Something happened to British architects after the Second World War. Rugged Howard Roarke-like geniuses and obscure mediocrities alike shared an aesthetic that, for some reason, no one outside the profession understood. ...

di Amin Dada Oumee caricature 1977

Black Market Traders

Half a century ago, in 1972, mad black African cannibal dictator Idi Amin Dada (or “Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas,” as he preferred) suddenly decided to expel all Asian Indians and ...

Vladimir Putin

Another Stupid War

The good old USA may have some terrible handicaps like its left-wing female media types (those hatchet-faced, man-hating, Nazi-like maniacs give me the creeps), but with the Atlantic on one side and the Pacific on the ...

King Charles III

The Royal Koran-Nation

In a meeting with various faith leaders (or self-appointed faith leaders, in some possible cases) in September, King Charles III reassured those gathered that he had recently acquired a self-created “additional duty” to ...

Anthony Weiner

Why Weiner’s Going Under the Bus

Is there any redeeming social value to the tawdry tale of Anthony Weiner? Only this: The nationwide revulsion at the conduct of the congressman has compelled the leadership and members of the House Democratic caucus to ...

National Divorce? More Like Reality Divorce

My regular readers know that sometimes I’ll take a roundabout route to get to my point. Dave’s Regular Readers: “Sometimes? You pull that shit every week.” Sorry, imaginary regular readers. You want me to be ...

An Impermanent Paradise Called California (Part Two)

The California that gave us the film industry was far from a blank slate. In addition to the land barons, Midwesterners, and gurus whom I mentioned last time, there had also been an influx of creative types. After Mark ...

Dredging Up the Past

With the current administrators of the Department of Justice promising to beef up its focus on "€œcivil rights"€ complaints, thereby spotlighting pending cases tied to racial grievances, and the call for the return of ...

Scholars Rank Biggest Spending Presidents as the Greatest

Before President Joe Biden entered the White House, he consulted with several prominent historians about how to be a great commander in chief. Their answer: Grow government. Spend, spend, spend. Don't worry about blowing up ...

Chinese Imperialism and Its Discontents

Beijing has a Uighur problem. The current constitution of the People’s Republic of China, adopted in December 1982, tells us that: “The People’s Republic of China is a unitary multi-national ...

America Should Follow Switzerland on Immigration

OK. Let’s start the new year with a politically incorrect column by telling it like it is, for a change. During the last week of November, in Portland Oregon, the F.B.I. arrested a Somali born U.S. resident as he was ...

America: Hate It or Leave It

A wise old t-shirt once said, "€œIf you don"€™t like this country, you should probably leave at some point."€ Another, even wiser piece of clothing then added, "€œWhen injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes ...

Laughter in the Dark

With the nation broke, Congress snoozing, and the president dithering, what we need is a laugh. Here are two offerings of different kinds of humor. My own taste"€”English Lad Crude & Silly"€”inclines me more toward ...

Obama Blows up the Bridge

“Rather than building bridges, he’s poisoning wells,” said Rep. Paul Ryan, after listening to Barack Obama’s scathing attack on his deficit reduction plan as a shredding of America’s social ...

Taki’s List

Poetry is in trouble. It is garbage being written by modernists—stuff that doesn’t rhyme and makes no sense but is considered art. Let’s stick to the past. Dante, the all time numero uno, Homer, Pushkin, Keats, Byron, ...

Snuffed Like a Candle in the Wind

Like a candle in the wind/ Never knowing where to run to/ When the raid came in.... Tra-la-la! So let us join together and sing out loud, for the somewhat perforated body of a sonofabitch has been eased into the deep. ...

Which Cruise to Choose?

Summer is the time for cruising. Once upon a time cruising the Med was fun, especially around the French Riviera. Now the sea is full of garbage, the ports packed with horror mega-yachts owned by horrid Arabs and Eastern ...

Queen Elizabeth II

Loyal to the Royals

You would have to possess a heart of granite not to have been moved or delighted by the royal nuptials in London. Great Britain may be an island now largely populated by the fat and the feckless, but we still manage to put ...

Far From the Sea of Tranquility

July 16, 2009 marks the fortieth anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11, which led four days later to perhaps the signature American accomplishment of the twentieth century, the landing at the Sea of Tranquility by Neil ...

Tower Bridge, London

The Figures Don’t Lie

On the Fourth of July last week I celebrated the world’s most exclusive club, Pugs, with my fellow members at a London venue. I had crossed over the Atlantic the day before and missed the fireworks that commemorate the ...

Augusto Pinochet

Moochers and Looters

There's a socialist wave in Latin America. Mexico, Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil recently elected leftists. These politicians at least distance themselves from thugs like Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro, but all propose ...

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