Calochortus Catalinae

In Grudging Praise of White Racists

Whenever I invite guests to my house for high tea, the first thing they notice is my stunningly vibrant flower garden. Indeed, fellow gardening enthusiasts are surprised to view such healthy specimens of calochortus ...

Crime Roaring Twenties

Why do blacks get hassled by the police so much? The Occam’s Razor explanation is the one you are never supposed to mention in public: because on average African-Americans commit so disproportionately many crimes, ...

Moscow Kremlin

Putin 1 – International Vampires 0

The accusation that Putin has a connection to Trump, so widely repeated now by the corporate media and the Democrats with whom they coordinate, is nothing new. It also came up in the primaries. Republican political ...

Apathy Toward Tyranny

Conspiracy theories used to involve a handful of loonies obsessing over isolated alleged events. Today, what used to be seen as freak occurrences are now an endless barrage of really serious events that only a handful of ...

Biting the Hand That Holds Out the Olive Branch

I’ve noticed a trend: The more that white people apologize, the more they get mocked. The more they concede, the more that is demanded of them. The more frequently they make gestures of goodwill, the more they get ...

When Do Brownies Become Brownshirts?

There's a fun new group for socially aware prepubescent girls of color in Oakland called the Radical Brownies. This fledgling organization is not affiliated with the Girl Scouts of America and was formed in December by a ...

New York

Is Putin One of Us?

Is Vladimir Putin a paleoconservative? In the culture war for mankind’s future, is he one of us? While such a question may be blasphemous in Western circles, consider the content of the Russian president’s ...

The Rise of the Factual Feminist

On Wednesday, Republicans seized control of the Senate. What's more important, women regained control of reality. It's been a rough few decades for feminism. They began by freeing women from the shackles of domestic ...

The Fiddler by Marc Chagall

Curb Your Self-Awareness

Seinfeld co-creator Larry David did something during his Saturday Night Live monologue this weekend that is almost unknown in 21st-century America: He engaged in Jewish self-criticism in front of gentiles: A lot of sexual ...

The Unicultural Edge

A formerly secret 2013 Pentagon report, The Strategic Consequences of Chinese Racism: A Strategic Asymmetry for the United States, argues “China is a racist superpower.” It makes for eye-opening reading on how both the ...

31 Flavors of Fascism

I"€™ve been called a fascist roughly six million times, and though I feel it's an inaccurate description of my beliefs and temperament, I can see how people might get that impression. Following WWII, the term ...

Seeing the World Through Third World Eyes

Last night wasn"€™t particularly eventful. We went out to dinner with some guys from work to celebrate Christmas break. The restaurant wasn"€™t very fancy and we spent a normal amount of money. Then I put on my Third ...

The Cost of Prejudice

We"€™re down to Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Hillary, or Bernie, and in the midst of all the panic, you can"€™t help but think, "€œDoes it really matter?"€ What percentage will your annual tax rate go up? Bernie could take ...

Occam’s Butter Knife

MIT's Daron Acemoglu is a rock star among economists, one of the ten most cited in his profession. This is largely because of the paper the Istanbul-born Armenian cowrote in 2001: The Colonial Origins of Comparative ...

Making Sense of Obama: The Muslimist

Who is the real Barack Obama? It's an odd question to ask about an incumbent president less than a week before he's up for reelection. It's an especially strange inquiry to make of a president as self-obsessed and ...

US-Mexico border fence in Brownsville, TX

Give Me Your Keys, Then We Can Talk About Open Borders

When was the last time you heard an open-borders globalist referred to as “right-wing”? I’m drawing blanks, too. The transnational corporate and media elites who seek to smash borders and force 7.4 ...

The Trillion-Dollar Question

Back in March, I asked in my Taki’s Magazine column “Diversity Versus Debate”: Does the increasing campus hysteria and antirationality portend bad news for Silicon Valley? If students increasingly grow up in a culture ...

Fat, Broke and Single?

Like the French language, the liberal brain works in reverse. Where we say "€œthe red book,"€ the French say "€œle livre rouge."€ They start with a blank book and work backwards to fill it in with rouge. Liberals ...

Jake Gardner

Innocent Until Proven Trump Supporter

During a BLM "peaceful protest" in Omaha, Nebraska, on May 30 (over George Floyd's dying of a heart attack while in police custody in Minneapolis), James Scurlock was peacefully protesting by breaking into an architecture ...

Anniversary of a Defenestration

This coming weekend marks the six-month anniversary of my fifteen minutes of worldwide fame. To mark the occasion, I shall give over this week’s and next week’s columns to some random ruminations on the event, ...

‘Avatar’s Unsightly Valley

I can vividly recall driving along the coast of Baja California in late 1996 a few days after being diagnosed with cancer, feeling sorry for myself about my impending death. Suddenly, I came around a bend and there was the ...

Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s Malice in Blunderland

If you want to understand Hillary Clinton's campaign for president, a good place to start is the current libel trial against Rolling Stone for publishing Sabrina Rubin Erdely's ridiculous hate hoax article, "€œA Rape on ...

Seven Hours in Coach

I note with interest that January 1, 2014 marks the centenary of scheduled commercial passenger airplane flights. I note with further interest, although the interest now has some dark tones, that my own experience as a ...

More From the Housewives, Please

"€œComing up next we have retired Air Force lieutenant general Tom McInerney, financial analyst Ross Gerber, and a housewife from Nebraska named Pam."€ Why don"€™t we ever see that on the news? I"€™m serious. ...

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