No Justice, No Piece of the Pie
Protesters from the it’s-so-fun-to-wreak-havoc-together outfit “No Justice, No BART” disrupted BART trains’ operation in several San Francisco stations the other day, to the chagrin of the day’s commuters. Or at ...
Protesters from the it’s-so-fun-to-wreak-havoc-together outfit “No Justice, No BART” disrupted BART trains’ operation in several San Francisco stations the other day, to the chagrin of the day’s commuters. Or at ...
Today I received a most kind, unsolicited offer on the internet to “amplify my potential” with, or by, ChatGPT. At my age, however, I think it’s a little late in the day to “amplify my potential”: I have reached, ...
A big issue that has emerged in the final days of the midterm election campaigns is the lockdowns of our schools and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The public saw with the abysmal test scores of our children the ...
“The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.” So said ...
Recently, a Belgian politician did something unusual for a modern politician: He acted almost honorably. He was the Minister of Justice when two Swedish football supporters were shot dead in Brussels by a Tunisian ...
There is nothing a strong government likes more than a weak people; and therefore, whether consciously or not, everything is done to render the people ever feebler. Not physically, of course, we are raising up giants of a ...
The fascinating news that the ageing William F. Buckley, beset by bladder problems, developed the habit of opening the door of his moving limousine and urinating into passing traffic"revealed by his son, Christopher ...
Dear Delphi, I cheat on my wife almost every time I go on a business trip. I feel badly, but I can"t seem to stop. I think I should tell her. What do you think? "Cheataholic in Chatham Dear Cheataholic in ...
Terrific investigative reporter Sam Quinones, author of the 2015 book, Dreamland: The True Tale of America's Opiate Epidemic, is about to release a new book, The Least of Us: True Tales of America and Hope in the Time of ...
During last year’s Republican National Convention, South Carolina GOP leaders were regularly calling in to WTMA talk radio in Charleston to provide event coverage. On the day they were supposed to talk to me, I was ...
Slavery: The Inconvenient Truth Highest complements to Mr. Wessels on his courageous and thought-provoking essay published April 3rd. I would enjoy reading a more in-depth exposition of African tribal warfare in the slavery ...
The Week’s Most Scion, Zion, and In-Like-a-Lion Headlines KURDS AND WHY Mohammed El-Kurd bills himself as “the first-ever Palestine correspondent for The Nation.” Though technically, that’s not true. There’ve ...
GSTAAD—This is my last week in the Alps and I’m trying to get it all in, skiing, cross-country, kickboxing, even some nature walking along a stream. (I did my last downhill run with Geoffrey Moore, one that ended in a ...
That puts "racist" up there with "and" and ...
My fellow Americans, who are “your people”? I ask because U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who is black, used the phrase “my people” in congressional testimony this week. It was an unmistakably ...
GOD’S VIEWS ON PREGNANCY Dear Delphi, My husband and I have been married since we were 25 and I have been trying to get pregnant for the past five years. I want to try in-vitro fertilization, but he says it is not God’s ...
Back in the good old days when the Brits ruled the roost in the American colonies, the sneaky Brits used a system of their own to lord it over those who looked like them, spoke like them, and worshipped the same God as ...
So action finally replaced inertia, the White House's dithering gave way to resolve, and the warplanes and cruise missiles are flying over Libya just in time. It has all provided a useful reminder of how dangerous the world ...
For at least the last 20 years, politicians in Washington, at the behest of green energy groups, have spent some $100 billion of taxpayer money to fight climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. How is that going ...
Dear Delphi, I am the other woman. I have been seeing this older married man for about three months. I really like him and he says he really likes me, but he never talks about his wife. I think their relationship is doomed ...
I considered writing about presidential politics, but the way things are going lately, by the time you read this on Wednesday, we may well be on to a whole new storyline I can’t anticipate. So, I’m going to go off ...
Last month, Tony Blair's half-sister-in-law Lauren Booth announced that she had converted to Islam following "a holy experience" in Iran. It was the latest attention-seeking stunt from an attention-seeking clan ...
It was a memorable event but not in the way intended. There stood the Prince of Wales, looking like he’d much rather be in Kent or Devonshire or Cornwall—anywhere but there. The military band played nicely but the honor ...
SOUTHAMPTON, L.I.—They’ve honed the skill of attracting attention by building some of the largest and ugliest houses this side of the Russian-owned Riviera ones, yet the luminous little village still retains signs of a ...