Frances Bean Cobain

Freeloaders and Bloodsuckers

Hollywood has a rule: If it's true, it's strange. Kurt Cobain's widow Courtney Love recently voiced parental concern for her hapless spawn Frances Bean via Twitter. Rumors had been circulating that former Nirvana drummer ...

Los Angeles, California

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Bah, Blah, and Erin-Go-Bragh Headlines AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE TEACHER AWAY (HOPEFULLY) The Long Beach (California) Unified School District has paid $900,000 to a group called “Californians for ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Vile, Worthwhile, and Bissextile Headlines MARCUS STARVEY According to The New York Times, there’s a growing movement of American blacks relocating to Africa. The black participants are calling it ...

January Jones

Bombs, Blockbusters, Babies, and Break-ins

This week brings a steamin’ hot plate of scandal, scandal, scandal"€”flour bombs, plastic babies, break-ins, drunk driving, Ecstasy, and placenta-eating. Be sure to save some room for dessert! The box-office ...

Government’s Dirty Secret

Classified documents are found in Donald Trump's home! Democrats were outraged! Trump is guilty of "mishandling of some of our nation's most sensitive secrets" creating "a national security crisis!" said MSNBC's Chris ...


The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Embering, Dismembering, and December-to-Remembering Headlines BLACK MAGICAL KINGDOM For the first time since 2014, not a single Disney film this year has earned a billion dollars. Following last week’s ...

Puritans or Habsburgs

Among its idiosyncrasies, the neocon imperial idea, which according to Gamble is especially tempting for Protestant Americans, assumes the inherent depravity of the Habsburg Empire, a regime that that paradigmatic neocon ...

Learning to Hate Our Two-Party Democracy

This morning (on September 15) while dressing, I was watching The Today SHow and noticed three figures being interviewed, all of whom were supposedly "€œYoung Conservatives."€  The three looked as if they were on ...

Vanity Through the Years

Skin, according to the song, is what keeps the insides in. It does far more than that, of course, and for many of us it is the most important organ of the body, if our willingness to spend money on it is the criterion by ...

The Fur Flies in West Hollywood

September 21, 2011 marked the eruption of open gaiety in the American Armed Forces. It will also stand as the day that the highly queer city of West Hollywood, CA, banned the sale of wool and fur within the enchanted bounds ...

Covid’s Original Sins

At the request of those who think the Covid origin lab leak theory is “settled,” here’s the response you asked for. All studies/articles mentioned are linked. If this topic matters to you, read the links, don’t ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Teeming, Scheming, and I-Have-a-Dreaming Headlines A SCOOBY JEW MYSTERY! Today’s episode: The Case of the Haunted Brownstone. Crown Heights, Brooklyn: For weeks, people living in the area were hearing ...

Will War Derail Trump’s Reelection?

"It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future," Yogi Berra reminded us. But on "The McLaughlin Group," the TV talk show on which this writer has appeared for four decades, predictions are as mandated as was ...

Lees-Milne: Homosexualist

Reading good books is like making love. Reading bad ones is like masturbating. I’ve just read three good ones, one of which got on my nerves because it was about a homosexualist, as opposed to a homosexual. Which in fact ...

Carnegie Steel

Vulture Capitalism or Populist Demagoguery?

“They’re vultures that are sitting out there on the tree limb, waiting for a company to get sick, and then they swoop in ... eat the carcass ... and ... leave the skeleton.” So Rick Perry colorfully ...

Markets Fail When Humans Are Unregulated

Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan answered that he had placed his trust in a flawed theory when he was called before Congress to explain why he, Goldman Sachs Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and Deputy Treasury ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Veering, Peering, and Leap-Yearing Headlines SOMEWHERE OVER THE BRAIN-SLOW It was the greatest unsolved mystery of our time. D.B. Cooper? The Black Dahlia? The Zodiac killer? Dudley Moore’s movie ...

Vasectomies, Man-Boobs, and Much Much More…

Dear Delphi, I want my husband to get a vasectomy. I don"€™t want to die before him and have him remarry some young hussy and have more children. I think this is more than reasonable, but he balks at the idea. What can I ...

Adoration of the Magi, Rubens, 1634

Believe It or Not

My, my, how the years pass by. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve written a Christmas piece for Takimag, but the years have passed in an eye blink. Recently I asked myself, why do bad things happen to good people? (Well, ...

Space: The Final Market

If all goes as planned, May 19 will see the SpaceX ship blast off to resupply the International Space Station, marking NASA's official opening of space to private enterprise. In SpaceX's wake, several private corporations ...

The Play’s the Thing

NEW YORK—The concept of creativity and invention can be a doubled-edged sword: It can be fresh, uplifting, and original, like the Off Broadway play directed by Michael Mailer I’ve just seen, or it can be a phony rip-off ...

Biden Bets the Farm — to ‘Change the World’

Joe Biden may not be a radical socialist, but he is doing the best imitation of one this writer has lately seen. After enacting a COVID-19 relief package of $1.9 trillion in March without a single Republican vote in ...

Rich in Kitsch

Hell, wrote Jean-Paul Sartre, is other people; in which case purgatory must be other people’s taste. Every time I feel my misanthropy flagging, I go down to the local bric-a-brac warehouse, grandly called an antiques ...

Deconstructing Folk Metaphysics

I’m in trouble with some creationist readers for having used the phrase “folk metaphysics” once too often over at National Review Online. What do I mean by it, they demand to know. Is it just another way ...

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