Spike Lee

The Self-Righteous Hive Mind

Haidt, Jonathan. The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion. Pantheon, 2012. The Derbyshire Affair, America's latest Two Minutes Hate over race, provides a fresh example with which to assess ...

President Barack Obama

The Real White House

Washington, D.C., May 15th, 2014: "€œWhat the HELL is going on?"€ roars POTUS as he storms into the Oval Office, holding a bourbon from his interrupted dinner. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and two intelligence ...

Hank Williams

Quarterly Potpourri

Oops, I did it again. I’m so out of touch with the zeitgeist, I’m always honestly surprised when something I write stirs people up. “You’ve done it again!” chortled Alan Colmes after ...

Hate Speech Derby: Mohammed vs. Auschwitz

In June 1949, LIFE magazine ran a piece about the forced confession of Nazi propagandist Hans Fritzsche at the hands of Soviet interrogators. Written by anti-Nazi author Konrad Heiden, "€œWhy They Confess"€ compared ...

Crazy Little Thing Called Hate

Eighteen states have no “hate crimes” legislation. (In diversity parlance, these states are “Hate Crimes Non-Inclusive.”) Another two dodge the bullet by allowing mere data collection. This leaves ...

Every Ape for Himself

The usual complaint of critics about sequels is that they are intellectually unchallenging. Yet sequels have become more cognitively demanding as screenwriters have come to assume that moviegoers will first brush up on the ...

George Washington

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Dissipated, Obliterated, and Eviscerated Headlines GEORGE WASHINGTON MURAL TRAUMATIZES STUDENTS Nonwhite children at George Washington High School in San Francisco were horrified to encounter a 1936 ...

#Rapefest 2K15

Fox News has been broadcasting a series of Florida vacation shockers under the title, "€œSpring Break Exposed."€ They"€™re showing twenty-somethings partying in bikinis and smoking joints while yelling, "€œFuck my ...

Warren Beatty and Fay Dunaway

Fifty Years of “€˜Bonnie and Clyde”€™

I haven"€™t cared about the Oscars since 1992's Silence of the Lambs sweep. Like, I presume, 99 percent of Takimag readers, I won"€™t be tuning in on Feb. 26, when one of the broadcast's "€œhighlights,"€ we"€™re ...

Anders Behring Breivik

Oh, What a Lovely Race War!

I don’t revisit my old work. I’ve been writing this weekly column for four and a half years now, and I never reread old pieces. Because for me—and I’m sure I’m not alone among opinion journalists in this ...

Rosamund Pike

Gone Girl: The Last Villainess?

The denunciations of the hit mystery movie Gone Girl by feminists for daring to feature (spoiler alert) a scheming villainess rather than a brutish villain exemplifies the growing chasm in outlook between creative artists ...

The Tragedy of Doctor Who

The new Doctor Who is a woman. "€œAll the cool humans are thrilled,"€ cooed Mashable; "€œPissboys Are Melting Down,"€ added Dorkly (when did nerds start talking like bitter drag queens?). The Telegraph was ...

No Biggie, Just the End of Civilisation

Whatever you had planned to do for the rest of the day, please drop it and read this right now: Heather Mac Donald's new book, When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and ...

Holocaust Memorial, Berlin

Fear of a Gray Planet

Seminal historian Professor Raul Hilberg chose a Maya Angelou PBS tai chi summit about rape and evil to make a shocking claim about Hitler. Do you know how giddy I was to write that? I was giddy because I know I"€™m the ...


“Extensive Data Shows Punishing Reach of Racism for Black Boys,” blared the headline in Monday’s New York Times, announcing the latest massive study from Stanford economist Raj Chetty. The Times tweeted: Black men ...

Micah Xavier Johnson

The Suspect Said He Wanted to Kill White People

America’s modern race-obsessed progressive media exhibits symptoms of brainwashing that are so severe, they make North Korea look positively libertarian. To hear them tell it, last Wednesday evening a black man in ...

Well, That Went Great

Fucking idiots. Oh, did I violate the unwritten rule that crass language is most effectively employed as punctuation for effect rather than, say, an opening statement? If so, my apologies. Now back to the ...

Racism to the Rescue!

As a teen in the early 1980s, no issue was more important to my friends than the “imminent” threat of nuclear war. “Reagan’s gonna blow up the world! The Soviets just want peace. If we don’t ban the bomb, World ...

Winston Churchill

Give it up, Psmithe

Economic historian Gregory Clark, a Glaswegian now at UC Davis, has been extending a main channel of British science into the 21st Century. His new book, The Son Also Rises: Surnames and the History of Social Mobility is ...

The Optimistic Column

I recently did a duplex book review for a respectable conservative quarterly (relevant issue not yet in print). The two books I reviewed, this one and this one, were of the boosterist type, the boosteree in both cases ...

Let the Bastards Be Scared

In the early 1970s, Paramount decided to make a feature film based on the Star Trek TV series. An early story idea was presented by the legendarily irascible writer Harlan Ellison. Like all sci-fi, Ellison's concept was ...

Ann Coulter

The Language Police Are Retarded

After the last presidential debate, many conservatives were disappointed in Romney. Bill O"€™Reilly had said this was Mitt's chance to put the final nail in Obama's coffin but that he blew it by letting Barack walk all ...

Helsinki Cathedral and monument to Alexander II, Finland

PISA, Piece by Piece

With the release of new PISA test scores for 65 countries’ 15-year-olds this week, it’s worth taking a look at TIME reporter Amanda Ripley’s latest book The Smartest Kids in the World: And How They Got ...

The Falling Sun

There is a very disturbing trend going on in Japan that nobody is talking about. Every day, thousands of poor, uneducated white Americans are sneaking into the country from South Korea and the East China Sea. They"€™re ...

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