Is Bolton Steering Trump into War with Iran?

"Stop the ENDLESS WARS!" implored President Donald Trump in a Sunday night tweet. Well, if he is serious, Trump had best keep an eye on his national security adviser, for a U.S. war on Iran would be a dream come true for ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Torrential, Deferential, and Presidential Headlines NUTS TO YOU A guy walks into a doctor’s office. Though normal from all outward appearances, when the man speaks, out comes the most appalling ...

Proud Boys, Virginia 2020

Hate Watchdogs Need Glasses

Too bad the Jewish students being harassed on campuses don't have the Proud Boys around to protect them. They can thank the Anti-Defamation League's Jonathan Greenblatt for making that impossible. Greenblatt could see ...

Hugo Chávez

Chávez: Still Riding the Pink Tide

During Benedict XVI's recent trip to Cuba, the brothers Castro tumbled out to meet the pontiff. But there was another noted visitor to Cuba at the same time"€”one there for cancer treatment who may or may not have met ...

New York City

Bye-Bye, Bagel

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a man in possession of a property in the Swiss Alps is in no need of a house in New York City. With apologies to old Jane, I am seriously contemplating giving up living in the Big ...

Immolate to the Party

Last week, murdered college student Laken Riley trended on Twitter, with conservatives pointing out, correctly, that Biden hadn’t said a word about the young life that was violently taken by one of his beloved ...

Can a Geriatric Germany Save Europe?

As Greece lurches on the precipice of default on its sovereign debt, a default that could bring down banks across Europe and precipitate a global financial panic, a consensus is building that there is but one way ...


A Vast Mass of Gas

My sometime college classmate and debate judge, Al, has just published a very long rant in Rolling Stone. Though I know little of that scene–it’s been years since I last dined with Jagger—I see Al has something ...

Was Jesus a Pennsylvania Dutch Neocon?

During the last five years I"€™ve written provocative fortnightly columns for the Lancaster newspapers, and I periodically receive letters from an outraged older woman (or so my wife has guessed from her handwriting and ...

Not Counting Crackers

In July 1939 George Orwell published a review of Clarence Streit’s book Union Now, which proposed that the fifteen big, modernized, democratic nations—the U.S.A., France, Britain, etc—unite under a federal ...

Digging Up My Roots With a Cyber-Shovel

In The Odyssey, Theoclymenus asks of Telemachus, "€œAmong men, who are you? Tell me also of your city and parents."€ Old-fashioned folks who haven’t been poisoned by the current age will ask similar questions. ...

Javier Milei

A Libertarian President!

Argentina actually elected a libertarian president. Javier Milei campaigned with a chainsaw, promising to cut the size of government. Argentina's leftists had so clogged the country's economic arteries with regulations ...


Lyle, Lyle, Crock of Guile

“Amaani Lyle” sounds like a shady dude who lurks in the darkest corners of Times Square selling cheap knockoff suits. “Psst...hey, mister, you wanna designer suit for only $30? Check out my man Lyle! He got so many ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Quirkiest, Jerkiest, and Leftover-Turkiest Headlines GOING COLD TURKEY Another Thanksgiving come and gone. And, as every year, a cavalcade of op-eds about how the holiday is “genocidal.” Although, when ...

Is Afghanistan a Failed Mission?

As in Vietnam from 1965 to 1973, the year our prisoners of war came home, America did not lose a major battle in Afghanistan. Yet we did not win the war. South Vietnam was lost. And contrary to the message awaiting ...

The Old Right and the Antichrist

The great American journalist H.L. Mencken made of his whole career a kind of one-man "€œrevolt against the masses"€ kamikaze mission. In the Menckenian imagination, the "€œsuperior man"€ (a category of person in ...

What’s in Store

Is it a sign of advancing age that the world seems to grow more absurd by the day, or does the world really grow more absurd by the day? If the latter, it means that there is an objective measure of absurdity, which I ...

Bunky Mortimer’s London Season Diary

We WASPS have a long tradition with the London "€œSeason."€ The Chelsea Flower Show, Royal Ascot, Wimbledon, Henley, Glorious Goodwood in mid-summer, it's very old hat to us. It began during Victorian times, when rich ...

Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin

Disunited Russia

As predicted, United Russia lost ground in Sunday’s Duma elections. In fact, they did worse than expected, and observers inside and outside the country say they would have done even worse if the election had been run ...

Syed Saleem Shahzad

Another Dead Journalist

The first email came on May 31 from London’s Pluto Press, saying that one of their authors was missing and believed to be imprisoned. The author was forty-year-old journalist Syed Saleem Shahzad, whose reporting on ...

Art Basel Miami 2011

Hanging by a Thread

In Miami Beach on Monday morning, the convention center was strewn with cardboard, Scotch Tape, Styrofoam peanuts, and other packing litter. The hotel bars were littered with hung-over Europeans loitering over their Scotch ...

How Trump Will Lose the Debate

Donald Trump's recent proposal to give a green card to every immigrant who gets a degree from any college reminded me of his performance at the 2020 debates with Joe Biden. Here's the 15-second version: "You did a crime ...

Mr. Obama, Tear Down This Empire

Twenty-two years ago, June 12, 1987, President Ronald Reagan made a speech in front of the Brandenburg Gate at the Berlin Wall in which he implored Mikhail Gorbachev to "€œtear down this wall."€ Within a year, the wall ...

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