Karl Rove’s False Conservatism

Blood was spilled three weeks ago when Christine O"€™Donnell beat centrist Republican Mike Castle in Delaware's GOP primary. Long suspicious of the Tea Party challenge to Republican regulars, former Bush advisor and ...

Out, Damned Symonds!

Like Macbeth in Dunsinane, British prime minister Boris Johnson is creating his enemies by ending their careers. Actually, the two share much in common, both having changed their names to gain popular acceptance. Mac Bethad ...

Musings from Gstaad

Gstaad. I went to a wonderful party, three days of a non-stop feast, although not at the Palace, the mere hoi polloi were excluded, in theory at least. There wasn’t a sign of Kate or a Mick, they must have forgotten the ...

Cristiano Ronaldo

Like Water for Coca-Cola

Sometimes a tiny episode or gesture reveals a lot about the world in which we live. Such an episode was the press conference given recently by the famous Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, in which he removed the ...

A Medal for My Mettle

FRANKFURT—The worst part is the weigh-in: Hundreds of heavily muscled, cauliflower-eared, tattooed, menacing-looking sweaty men from Mongolia, Korea, Japan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Greece, ...

A Conspiracy of Counterfeiters

“Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the Capitalist System was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important ...

Oh, the Indignity!

One of the things that I notice walking through the streets of England—but not only in England—is the almost complete lack of self-respect of the population. Self-esteem, of course, is another matter entirely: Most ...

Blind Luck?

There is a little Italian restaurant that we usually go to soon after our arrival in Paris, an unpretentious place where the pasta is good. It has a friendly atmosphere, and by now we are frequent enough customers to be ...

When the Towers Fell

September 11 happened as soon as I"€™d gotten to my first regiment. It was just after lunch and our full bellies were satisfied as they worked away on fish and chips, pudding and tea. The Army fed you well when at camp; ...

The Pandemic Made Me Do It!

With the mind-boggling rise in violent crime since the Democrats turned all policing policies over to BLM, the media have become obsessed with convincing us that it's all the fault of the pandemic. (At least they're not ...

The Ballet of Death

The bullfight is the ballet of death. It has been immortalized in verse, paint, and film, elegized sometimes to great effect and sometimes to great lament. I have witnessed the event firsthand more than once. Though ...

The Galactic Daiquiri

(The article in its original Spanish immediately follows.) Meteorites are sugar bombs. An investigation by an international team led by Yoshihiro Furukawa, from Tohoku University, shows that inside they contain a series of ...

Hang the Cyber-Pirates

The other night at the Hotel George V, the American Library in Paris held a fundraising dinner of the city’s American grandees. Dotted among the plutocrats were various publishers, journalists, and writers such as Lily ...

Ability: The Key to Social Mobility

The British government is planning to nationalize social mobility as part of something involving "€œfairness"€ and government programs. This is sinister because "€œsocial mobility,"€ or "€œgetting on in the ...

Can America Fight Two Cold Wars at Once?

Kim Jong Un, angered by the newest U.S. sanctions, is warning that North Korea's commitment to denuclearization could be imperiled and we could be headed for "exchanges of fire." Iran, warns Secretary of State Mike ...

The Most Important Television Show You”€™d Never Watch

I was trying to watch with my wife the DVD of He's Just Not That Into You, which is to romantic comedies what Watchmen is to superhero flicks: a confusing bundle of plotlines about the upscale romantic entanglements of what ...

Eric Joyce MP

Eric Joyce’s Hands-On Politics 

On Tuesday February 22nd, police were called to the Strangers"€™ Bar in the House of Commons to remove a man who had allegedly gone berserk, assaulting several others and breaking a door. The alleged assailant was ...

Is a Nuclear Deal With Iran Possible?

In diplomacy, always leave your adversary an honorable avenue of retreat. Fifty years ago this October, to resolve a Cuban missile crisis that had brought us to the brink of nuclear war, JFK did that. He conveyed to ...

Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand

Please Don’t Carry On, Cleo

Netflix’s new pseudo-documentary Queen Cleopatra has now finally been released, having drummed up loads of free publicity via the simple expedient of misleadingly casting a black actress in the role of Cleo herself, ...

Francis Scott Key Bridge

Like a Bridge Over Maxine Waters

I don’t think I could have chosen a better or more appropriate metaphor for the abject disastrous state that this nation finds itself mired in than what happened this past Tuesday morning in Baltimore. And the cherry on ...


Enumerating Jews Mr. Sailer quips that “great-grandpa wasn’t trying to join a WASP golf club, he was instead blackballed by a German Jewish golf club.” Or not. My German Jewish great-great-grandfather fought for ...

Babes in Pornland

What do washed-up celebrity bimbos Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan have in common? Both got their show-biz breaks in the Disney empire, Britney as a pre-teen member of the New Mousketeers and Lindsay in wholesome family ...

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