Open Season on Whites

NEW YORK—It’s open season against whites over here. Couple of weeks ago, an 18-year-old Rutgers University freshman jumped off the George Washington Bridge after his roommate, also 18, and a female student accomplice ...

Court Jester

Now that the weakest Wimbledon since 1973—the year of the boycott—is over, a few thoughts about Pam Shriver’s recent revelations that her coach Don Candy, deceased, was also her lover. Candy was 50 at the time, while ...

Faded Prestige

The worst enemy of the West is itself, and the same goes for our democracy. We are so arrogantly certain of our survival and superiority, we in the Western democracies, that we never give a moment’s thought to how we ...

The Two-Party Pleasure Ship

In the December issue of The American Conservative, Gary L. Gregg defends the Electoral College as an integral part of the “Founders’ design.” Gregg goes after the proponents of the National Popular Vote plan, a group ...

Ashley Judd

Portrait of the Week

HOME The City of New York agreed to pay Occupy Wall Street $365K for stomping all over its book tent when the NYPD raided Zuccotti Park in November 2011. ... Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell asked the FBI to ...

White Like Us

For a webzine attempting to carve out an "€œAlternative Right,"€ and one dedicated to a fearless assault on PC in all its varieties, the topics of "€œrace"€ and "€œwhite identity"€ are bound to come ...

Zac Goldsmith

Go, Goldsmith

I once tried to bribe Zac Goldsmith with a 50-pound note, but he didn’t bite, even back then. He was around 15 years old, and the reason for the hush money was purely self-preservation. He was already good-looking and I ...

Wag the Turban

Our Peace Prize president lobbed some harsh words toward Iran in his long-winded pep rally last Tuesday night: Ending the Iraq war has allowed us to strike decisive blows against our enemies.  From Pakistan to Yemen, ...

Patricia Arquette

Victimhood Tournament

The Republic still stands, in spite of the best efforts of our politicians, and wealthy Hollywood airheads can still strike poses as champions of the ...

The Breakers, Palm Beach

The Grand Hotel Preservation Society

It seems all of the changes taking place these days are for the worse. I am hardly a Miss Havisham to say it would be better that some things"€”especially good hotels"€”remain unchanged. The Breakers at Palm Beach is ...

127 Hours of Hollywood Hokum

The exuberant 127 Hours, Director Danny Boyle's first movie since winning the Best Picture Oscar for Slumdog Millionaire, is surprisingly comparable to The Social Network. While 127 Hours is shorter, slighter, and more ...

Yes-Men and Strongmen

The only good news after the massacres in Ukraine is that so many ugly behemoth superyachts have been seized and will not be polluting the seas this summer. There is no more horrible sight than an oligarch’s superyacht on ...

The Neocons and Charles Maurras

Is there a useful comparison to be drawn between Maurras, a monarchist and religious skeptic who enlisted French Catholicism for political purposes, and the Straussian boosters of American global democracy? Are the ...

Paradise in Patmos

GREECE—Two hundred years ago last March, the Greeks rose up against the hated Turks, who had occupied most of the mainland for 400 years, and with the help of Britain, France, and Russia drove the infidels back where they ...

Out, Damned Symonds!

Like Macbeth in Dunsinane, British prime minister Boris Johnson is creating his enemies by ending their careers. Actually, the two share much in common, both having changed their names to gain popular acceptance. Mac Bethad ...

Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction

Clitoris Lost, Wedding Canceled, Beans Spilled

Dear Delphi, I am 35 and have been dating my boyfriend for roughly six years. No, he has still not proposed, but that is not the immediate problem. The problem is that his ex-girlfriend will not leave him alone. She calls ...

Karl Rove’s False Conservatism

Blood was spilled three weeks ago when Christine O"€™Donnell beat centrist Republican Mike Castle in Delaware's GOP primary. Long suspicious of the Tea Party challenge to Republican regulars, former Bush advisor and ...

Pope Benedict XVI

The Pope Goes Global

On Monday the Vatican released a document with the unwieldy title “Towards Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of a Global Public Authority.” Although The Bible counsels true ...

Cristiano Ronaldo

Like Water for Coca-Cola

Sometimes a tiny episode or gesture reveals a lot about the world in which we live. Such an episode was the press conference given recently by the famous Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, in which he removed the ...

Barack Obama

Hate Speech Makes a Comeback

Well, it sure didn’t take long for the Tucson Truce to collapse. After Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot on Jan. 8 by a berserker who killed six others, including a federal judge and a 9-year-old girl, and wounded 13, ...

Generation Snowflake

Israel seems pretty well able to defend itself; and her enemies don't seem very ...

The Real Nation of Islam: Great Britain

I remember during an earlier periodic outbreak of violence in Gaza being accosted by a man of distinctly Mohammedan tint outside a local supermarket and being asked if I knew that some of the profits from their products ...

Ghosts of the Truman Doctrine

In the last few days I"€™ve run across two authoritative statements by neocon journalists which provide a new American "€œFreedom Doctrine for Arab democracy."€ One statement is by Pod the Younger in the New York ...

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