Dear Editor, Re: Reich’s Laboratory, by Steve Sailer I’m grateful Mr. Sailer has given us this subject to discuss, although he sometimes takes us from the main theme. His introduction of the book and work of David ...
Dear Editor, Re: Reich’s Laboratory, by Steve Sailer I’m grateful Mr. Sailer has given us this subject to discuss, although he sometimes takes us from the main theme. His introduction of the book and work of David ...
“She” strangles a cat, then dissects it and shreds what is left. “She” then hits a man with a bottle, strangles him, and finally drowns him. “She” calls herself Scarlet Blake, and the British papers and media ...
In his 40 years as a libertarian gadfly, Walter Block is still best known for his 1977 book Defending the Undefendable, in which he defends pimps, drug dealers, blackmailers, corrupt cops, and loan sharks as economic ...
Everyone is a spy now. The state has always spied on its citizens, but the lens is turning the other way. For that, we are indebted to Julian Assange, Wikileaks, and the sources passing along military and diplomatic ...
GSTAAD—Speaking in the House of Commons in 1940, Leo Amery rebuked Neville Chamberlain and his colleagues with the Oliver Cromwell quote, “In the name of God, go.” This was after the fall of France with England on the ...
A recent Quinnipiac University poll shows Herman Cain solidly in the lead in the race for the Republican nomination. His surge in the polls has lasted for well over a month and shows few signs of abating, although it ...
The Beast's arrival in Europe brought comparisons to the Hindus" Juggernaut, the giant sacred conveyance that carried the idol of Jagannath, transcendental cause of the Avatars. Mandeville wrote in his Travels about how ...
Are men to blame for the economic crash? That's become a popular theme in the press. For example, the BBC's business editor Robert Peston recently stated in "Why men are to blame for the crunch:" "I routinely ...
The Week’s Most Dollying, Volleying, and Boughs-of-Hollying Headlines ART-IS-ANAL CHRISTMAS Sometimes conservatives come across like flat-earthers, in that they fail to see the curve. Last week’s outrage-du-jour ...
There is an Austrian legend that deals with a man who, according to his daily custom, goes to the Neugröschl restaurant in Vienna and has a goulash lunch. As soon as he returns home he goes to bed twice with his wife and ...
Today the American media, politicians of all stripes, and public educators will invariably fall into rapturous tones describing the black leader whose birthday is then being celebrated, namely, Martin Luther King ...
So closes another Olympiad as the aroma of success, failure, and whining hangs heavy in the air. These were the most "Racist!" games of all. The most celebrated example of "Racism!" was the Greek jumper who ...
HOME Two bombs exploded at the Boston Marathon. A female restaurant manager, a Chinese graduate student, and an 8-year-old boy were killed, and nearly 200 others were injured. Federal agents pieced together that a black bag ...
In 1859, Abraham Lincoln related the tale of an Eastern monarch who charged his wise men with discovering words that would everywhere and always be true. The wise men went away and returned to present the monarch with this ...
In the most violent episode so far in the vastly publicized campus protests against Israel’s war on Gaza, at the end of April a goon squad of nationalist whites attacked the encampment of diverse UCLA students, while ...
Big business is sending a missive and urgently hoping that Americans respond. Addressed to Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Tea Partiers, Occupiers, and any other political recipient imaginable, the message is simple: ...
The universal panning of President Biden's decision to finally leave Afghanistan is the mirror image of the one time the media loved Trump. Remember that joyous occasion? It was when he bombed Syria two months after taking ...
"I've known Xi Jinping for a long time. ... He doesn't have a democratic -- with a small 'd' -- bone in his body," said Joe Biden in his first press conference as president, and then he ambled on: "He's one of the guys, ...
While the Western media is filled with news of the European Union’s woes, they are strangely silent about another EU—the Eurasian Union, which bridges Eastern Europe and the formidable Central Asian and Asian tiger ...
As President Joe Biden's poll numbers sank this fall, and the presidentially ambitious in his party began to stir, the White House put out the word. Forget all that 2020 campaign chatter about Biden being a "transitional ...
"What do we want?" Um.... "When do we want it?" Er.... Well, knock me down with a fire extinguisher (preferably dropped from a serious height). British students are out on the streets protesting loudly ...
Two large-scale rallies held the past few months in Washington, D.C., present an interesting contrast. Glenn Beck, an entertainer who poses as a political pundit, held a rally to "Restore Honor" in late August. Jon ...
Dear Gato, Bocas del Toro couldn"t be more different than Puerto Viejo. In Bocas, the "Venice of Panama," the only way to get around is by dugout canoe, paddled by genial 15-year-olds smoking weed and ...
The day John Kennedy was killed, few thought it was anything other than exactly what it seemed to be. Most believed that the crime was committed by the party named as the perpetrator. A weapon was used that, although having ...